The Manly Shaving Thread

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Looking for a Safety razor set, mainly due to me looking at the disposables and seeing how much they cost :O!

My Dad has always put me off using them, but after reading they're no more safer than any disposable (unless I'm wrong?).

Where is the best place to get a set, Blades, brush, cream, Razor holder etc.
Look what came today guys ( the razor was £44.99 and the rest was thrown in free, enough blades to last me about 6 months maybe more)

Looking for a Safety razor set, mainly due to me looking at the disposables and seeing how much they cost :O!

My Dad has always put me off using them, but after reading they're no more safer than any disposable (unless I'm wrong?).

Where is the best place to get a set, Blades, brush, cream, Razor holder etc.

buy cheap buy twice, get a merkur razor and some good cream and blades, i can give you some links if you tell me your budget.
Looking for a Safety razor set, mainly due to me looking at the disposables and seeing how much they cost :O!

My Dad has always put me off using them, but after reading they're no more safer than any disposable (unless I'm wrong?).

Where is the best place to get a set, Blades, brush, cream, Razor holder etc.

I'd say a DE is less safer than a disposable. If you don't treat the sharpest blade you use in life with respect then you deserve to get hurt :)

Im sure every single person who uses a DE has had nicks from shaving. They are nothing though. Cuts are rare, personally I have never had one but then I don't rush as I know rushing means costly mistakes.
buy cheap buy twice, get a merkur razor and some good cream and blades, i can give you some links if you tell me your budget.

I would go for around £40 give or take, to include the essentials. I've found a few sets but they seem to be sold out.

unless that's not enough, in which case I can wait until next month's paycheck.

I'd say a DE is less safer than a disposable. If you don't treat the sharpest blade you use in life with respect then you deserve to get hurt :)

Im sure every single person who uses a DE has had nicks from shaving. They are nothing though. Cuts are rare, personally I have never had one but then I don't rush as I know rushing means costly mistakes.

Main reason is It's costing too much money for disposables, I do tend to rush with disposables, but that's because I've gotten used to them.
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Ive succumbed, ordered a Merkur 38c Barberpole with 10 feathers as the free gift from Shaving Shack, I still love the Muhle R89 but the handle isn't long enough to be comfortable (will be my travel razor) and didn't want to pay for the Muhle R89 Grande already having one.

I hope the 100 Gillette 7 O'clocks I have will still be good with my new Merkur, shame Muhle don't just sell the longer handle but at least I get to try another DE head
Any suggestions? or do I need to save a bit.

Merkur 34C seems to be around £30, so with some blades I should be a good to go (I assume I can continue using foam shaving cream)

Here's what I've found

Merkur 34C Heavy Duty Classic

Mitchell's Wool Fat Shaving Soap and Ceramic Bowl (120g)

Free Pack of 10 Double edged blades

The Bluebeards Revenge "Doubloon" Bristle Shaving Brush

For around £44 with 10% off and 8% Cashback, or can I get better deals?
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  • You can pick up a EJ DE89 for £18 which is what I did but I prefer the 34C. It's not as pretty as the DE89 but I just prefer it. Certainly though its a razor used and recommended by many. If your on a budget might be the one for you.
  • ToBS Sandalwood or Proraso shaving cream. ToBS is much thicker and protective but the Proraso is more forgiving when your learning and soothes your face. I prefer ToBS but love the tingly feel from Proraso.
  • Razor blade sample pack - always important, no blade is the same
  • A cheap badger brush
You can use your old foam up for now and buy the rest of the stuff later. Its a learning curve at the start though so using the foam might possibly make you think a blade is crap when its not. I ran though various blades and as I gained experience went back to blades I disliked to make sure I still wasn't happy with them.

Might be worth putting some money aside and get the lot in one sitting. Using the combo of the above will make the whole experiencing therapeutic and change the way your shave forever. I hated shaving, now for some odd reason I love it.

I've seen people buy a cheap Boots plastic DE shaving and have horrible experiences. That's enough to put them off DE shaving ever again. As someone else said "buy cheap, pay twice". It's commonly knowledge investment at the start is high but long term its much cheaper than cartridge razors. I bought 100 Feather blades for £20. They should last me about 2 years.
  • You can pick up a EJ DE89 for £18 which is what I did but I prefer the 34C. It's not as pretty as the DE89 but I just prefer it. Certainly though its a razor used and recommended by many. If your on a budget might be the one for you.
  • ToBS Sandalwood or Proraso shaving cream. ToBS is much thicker and protective but the Proraso is more forgiving when your learning and soothes your face. I prefer ToBS but love the tingly feel from Proraso.
  • Razor blade sample pack - always important, no blade is the same
  • A cheap badger brush
You can use your old foam up for now and buy the rest of the stuff later. Its a learning curve at the start though so using the foam might possibly make you think a blade is crap when its not. I ran though various blades and as I gained experience went back to blades I disliked to make sure I still wasn't happy with them.

Might be worth putting some money aside and get the lot in one sitting. Using the combo of the above will make the whole experiencing therapeutic and change the way your shave forever. I hated shaving, now for some odd reason I love it.

I've seen people buy a cheap Boots plastic DE shaving and have horrible experiences. That's enough to put them off DE shaving ever again. As someone else said "buy cheap, pay twice". It's commonly knowledge investment at the start is high but long term its much cheaper than cartridge razors. I bought 100 Feather blades for £20. They should last me about 2 years.

This is what I've so far seen, any substitutions?

I can get 18% off as well with voucher/Cashback. Good deal?

- Deleted the cream and added Proraso
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As said, if your budget is really tight, go for the Edwin Jager instead. Buy a blade selection pack too so you can test different blades out.
As said, if your budget is really tight, go for the Edwin Jager instead. Buy a blade selection pack too so you can test different blades out.

I went for the Merkur as It's something I'll be hopefully using for years, and as I don't really want to buy a second one, I thought I may as well get the better one.

I got some Astra's and Gillette's free with it, if I don't like these then I'll just switch.

Thanks for the advice.
When you can, purchase a variety pack of blades. People have varying results due to such varied skin types. You might find the Astras or Gillettes are just fine however, in which case, enjoy DE shaving.
I need to try some new ones now, too. I'm getting a nice easy shave from these Derbys, but it's not as close as the Merkur blades achieved.
MWF soap is not something I'd recommend to someone just starting out with wet shaving. It's not the easiest thing to get a good lather from, you are much better off starting with a cream and if you go for Proraso, get it in a tube, not a tub. The tub is soap (albeit a very soft soap), not cream.
ive asked a few times but what are peoples views on sensitive skin and a good shave?

Ive tried the derbys and feathers and some others but not gillette 7 o clocks or the astras?

Im still on the look out for the ultimate shave
I have used feathers, derbys and gillette 7 o clock.

I liked the feathers a lot, but still have a fair number of gillette to go through before I change blades again.

Trust me your address and I'll send you a pack of the 7 o-clock in the post (I think there is 5 blades in a back, possibly 10.)
Well, not heard from Mr Neep for two weeks now, no reply to emails or returned calls, so again looks like that ones a no go. Very disappointed as I thought I'd finally been able to sort something out last time I spoke to him :(
7 O'Clocks and Astra's are two of my favourites. Feathers though are the top of my chart.

I thought I had sensitive skin as before every time I shaved my neck it would end in a bad rash. Now though I know its down to technique. I use ToBS usually but I used the Ultra-Sensitive Proraso today. Forgotten how nice that stuff is. Recommended if you find you get irritation. Decent to sooth your first shaves where you learning and razor burn is going to happen.
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