The Manly Shaving Thread

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MWF soap is not something I'd recommend to someone just starting out with wet shaving. It's not the easiest thing to get a good lather from, you are much better off starting with a cream and if you go for Proraso, get it in a tube, not a tub. The tub is soap (albeit a very soft soap), not cream.

I've found it by far the best lather yet, including from creams.
OK, I have now run out of Gillette Fusion blades and I can't be asked with the cost getting any more of them. i fancy giving DE shaving a proper go.

I will probably get a Merkur 34C as it seems quite popluar. I will also get a variety of blades to try out, see what is best for me. I'm not sure what type of cream/soap to get though, and i will need to get a brush. Is a Badger brush generally considered the best way to go?

I generally don't shave too often as get a nice rash on my neck, and my skin is a bit sensitive in that area, so with that in mind what cream.soap do people recomend. Also, would it be best to get some pre and post shave oil/balm/cream.

What would people recomend that I get to start of with.

There's hundreds of recommendations. Merkur 34C is very good. Remember when using sites such as shaving-shack, etc. to spend a few seconds to search for a discount code (most sites have 10% off).

Yes Badger Brush is what you need as well - again if you scroll back a page or so you can see recommendations - blades I particularly like are Gillette 7 O'clocks and Feathers. I'd definitely recommend some after-shave balm (I currently use Nivea). Cream wise Taylors of Old Bond Street is quite nice as is Proraso but the Proraso is harder to lather (well takes longer) where as ToOBS is a lot quicker.

Not tried anything pre-shave wise so can't really comment.

My god just used the cheap and nasty bic's for the first time in years took about four razors to remove 3-4mm stubble and i'm left with some nasty stinging cuts around the chin(the mrs got them cheap for me to try),back to the Gillette's
Also like the feathers but they're so expensive compared to others which isn't justifiable to me.
I missed this before until someone else quoted it.

If you buy in 100s, they work out at 20p each. If you get four shaves/blade then that's a mere 5p/shave. Astras are about £7.50 per hundred so 7.5p each or 1.8p/shave. Does a saving of 3.2p/shave really make so much difference to you when you factor in the cost of everything else? The blade is the cheapest part of the equipment and arguably the most important component so don't worry about a few pence and just buy what works the best for you.
Well i have been meaning to order a DE for months to try and combat my ingrown hairs so last night while browsing i thought 'what the hell', for some reason after watching a few videos i came away with a parker satin stainless shavette, 10 feather blades a bore/badger brush and some taylor of old bond street sandlewood shaving cream :eek:

I'm slightly excited and a little bit scared all at the same time :(:p

came across these on the bay the other day and thought id try them.Ive never heard of them i dont know if there well known or what?

I had one of the best shaves ive ever had with them!

didnt even use my taylors of bond street lather............just used some kind of shaves menthol oil that i use for prep some times ..............i thought id give it a go just as it was and it was lubbly
May just be the most foolish thing I've done but we will see :D

Good luck! :D

Oh, Turkish brushes (Shaving factory/Jaguar/Best shave) are brilliant! The knots easily match the Semogue owners club or premium/pro Omega boar range, only the handles are cheap. :)
They blow UK boars and cheap badgers out the water.
Have been looking at videos on technique to prep my self a little and came across this.

I felt a little sick watching it, god let me be safer than this :eek:
I've found Personna medical prep blades to be as sharp as feathers but cheaper. I haven't experienced any rust issues with them either. You can pick them up from

Thanks to feek for originally mentioning them.

I've read good things about them I may give them a try once I've depleted the current supply of blades I have.

I missed this before until someone else quoted it.

If you buy in 100s, they work out at 20p each. If you get four shaves/blade then that's a mere 5p/shave. Astras are about £7.50 per hundred so 7.5p each or 1.8p/shave. Does a saving of 3.2p/shave really make so much difference to you when you factor in the cost of everything else? The blade is the cheapest part of the equipment and arguably the most important component so don't worry about a few pence and just buy what works the best for you.

That's quite true, it's all about getting the best results. I've just about finished a couple of blades from each brand in the selection pack I bought. I think soon I'll buy a 100 pack of either Feathers, Gillette Yellow or Gillette Silver Blue's. I get great results from all three of these blades.
Any recommended shavette brands/models?

Have been shaving with a DE for about a year and have built some interest in using a shavette, maybe followed by a pukka straight razor.
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