The Manly Shaving Thread

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I generally wet shave with a Mach 3 and Gillette Gel rather than foam, but forgot to pack it all with me when I travelled to the US earlier in the year. So I bought a Schlick shaver, similar to a Wilkinson Sword, with 5 blades, super lube strip.blah blah blah...

I had a fair few days growth when I first used it, as I suffer a bit from shaver burn with the Mach 3's, and I wanted a nice clean shave. But, good lord it ripped my face apart! I used both King of Shaves Alpha Gel and then Noxzema medicated foam due to the burns and cuts from the 5 blades. I only did a total of about 4 shaves before going back to my Mach 3, but the damage was done.

After reading this I've bought some kit to try and reduce the razor burn and bumps to get my skin back to some form of normality and a Merkur starter Kit to get away from the multi blade face slicers I've been using.

In the mean time I'm planning not to shave for a few days, until I get the new razor, and I'm taking serious time washing, exfoliating (only twice weekly) and moisturising my face to try and get rid of the bumps and burn. Wish me luck....
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not tried feathers ?

I shave from my neck up to my chin and from my fore head down to my chin direction on my face

ah sorry about that i mean feather blades, lot of people seem to like them, or the israli/astras mentioned by vent.

best bet is to look around for the packs that have 5 of each blade, that should give you chance to get used to them and see which you find easier/better.

have you tried shaving in the same direction, ie from chin to neck, up to fore head, rather than neck up to chin then forehead down to chin ?

also, if you haven't already google "whiteheads on neck after shaving" few entries up so might be able to help.
So after seeing this thread when it was first started I've fancied trying out a straight razor.

So last week I bought a cheap straight razor that takes DE blades, I didnt want to get any thing expensive incase I didnt get on with it. Last night I had my first shave.
I was expecting to rip my face apart! but I only got a couple of tiny nicks, I've had worse from my mac3!
The shave was fairly clean, not as close as I was hoping but I put this down to poor technique.

Any way I quite enjoyed the experiance and am thinking of getting the Dovo of Solingen Shavette
To better my technique befor going onto a proper cut throat.

My main question is, can any one reccomend a good shaving soap to use with a straight razor. I have quite soft sensitive skin so something which helps along those line would be good.

and any other good retailers other than shaveshack?

So after seeing this thread when it was first started I've fancied trying out a straight razor.

So last week I bought a cheap straight razor that takes DE blades, I didnt want to get any thing expensive incase I didnt get on with it. Last night I had my first shave.
I was expecting to rip my face apart! but I only got a couple of tiny nicks, I've had worse from my mac3!
The shave was fairly clean, not as close as I was hoping but I put this down to poor technique.

Any way I quite enjoyed the experiance and am thinking of getting the Dovo of Solingen Shavette
To better my technique befor going onto a proper cut throat.

My main question is, can any one reccomend a good shaving soap to use with a straight razor. I have quite soft sensitive skin so something which helps along those line would be good.

and any other good retailers other than shaveshack?


I first started using boots brand shaving soap. Recently I switched to Mitchells Wool Fat and the difference is incredible. With Feather blades in my Merkur Slant its a great shave.




That was on the 5th grade though, normally I use it on the 4th.

Best thing you can get for just £25.
I first started using boots brand shaving soap. Recently I switched to Mitchells Wool Fat and the difference is incredible. With Feather blades in my Merkur Slant its a great shave

Thanks for the recommendation, the soap gets good reviews so i'll give it a try, along with some feather blades.
ah sorry about that i mean feather blades, lot of people seem to like them, or the israli/astras mentioned by vent.

best bet is to look around for the packs that have 5 of each blade, that should give you chance to get used to them and see which you find easier/better.

have you tried shaving in the same direction, ie from chin to neck, up to fore head, rather than neck up to chin then forehead down to chin ?

also, if you haven't already google "whiteheads on neck after shaving" few entries up so might be able to help.

I find the feathers a little rougher than other blades, liked the astras though.
Just had my first shave with the above kit, I used the Merkur blade that came with the handle, and I'm very happy with the purchase!

The amount of tug that I used to get from the Gillette Fusion was horrible but with this Merkur it just glides through the hair with no tugging or pulling at all. Made it a really enjoyable shave.

Another thing I enjoyed was the pre shave routine, feels much more satisfying working in the shaving soap with a brush than just spraying it from a can and lathering it round your face.
I use a Remington beard trimmer on the lowest setting which is about 3/4mm I think. Been on a couple of dates with with a girl recently and she's complaining that my beard/stubble itches when we kiss.

Do you think I should trim it down for her or tell her to deal with it?
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