The Manly Shaving Thread

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On the Feather blades are £3.50 for 10 blades, that seems like a fantastic price considering a lot of people on here say how close and great the shaving is but how long would a single blade last?

If you look on Ebay you can buy in bulk and they come down even more. I wouldn't recommend feathers until you've DE shaved for a month or two however as you will probably still have some bad habits to iron out. Feathers are pretty unforgiving! If you must go straight to feathers, NO PRESSURE!, short strokes and prepare your face properly.

I started with Derbys as they seemed to be the go to beginner blades but by all means go for a sample pack. We all have different faces after all.
the Feather blades are £3.50 for 10 blades

10 is a decent number to get as they last long enough chance to give you an idea of if you like them.

bear in mind if it's your first try with DE shaving to revisit the first set of blades you tried once you've used a few other different ones, as shaving technique should have improved so you can double check how good the blade is for you.
I normally only get about 3-4 shaves from a DE blade, but they are about 10 times cheaper than mach or fusion or w/e they are called now per blade. Part of the reason they don't last so long for me is I don't need to be clean shaven so sometimes go a few days without a shave. Longer stubble I think takes more out of the blade, no real backup for that bar it seems like it to me.
I use hair conditioner, slap it on, leave 20 or so seconds and away you go, a lot cheaper than the gels and creams, just clean the head after every stroke, works for me, then a good moisturise
I'm pretty happy with my system now. 90% of the time I use my Merkur/Feather Blades/Prosaso Soap - amazing shave! However, I always have my old Gillette Pro-Glide/Foam on standby if I'm running late - can zoom it all over my face without a care (or lumps of flesh flying everywhere :p ) and the results are good enough for an emergency fast shave.
my rash is back!!! thought the aloe vera had helped...

had a shave on saturday and straight after i had a few red spots then by sunday morning i had a few white heads with hair trapped under neath and some other just red looking marks....

im still using the wilkonson shave cream and brush i got from tescos.....would this be worth changing...

i have a nice hot shower while massaging the neck etc with some hair conditioner.......Then apply cream shave....rinse......clean face with witch hazel and leave to dry./....

Any ideas again?
I desperately need to get a 'proper' razor, my pro-glide is ridiculous money for blades and it's not all the bloody good anyway lol

Only issue is, I have a pretty complicated shaving pattern (I style my facial furniture lol) so I was wondering how well these Merkurs cope with intricate shaving? Am I likely to chop my chin off? lol
my rash is back!!! thought the aloe vera had helped...

anything changed in your pre shave/shave/posts shave ?

could try changing the cream/brush, just remember to do one thing at a time, and to try it for a couple of weeks to see what affect it has.
Ordered on Friday night (as a starter kit):
Taylor of Old Bond St lavender soap (in bowl)
Black badger Ivory brush
Merkur 38C HD Barber pole (Chrome)
Derby Extra x 10

Also added a pack of Feathers as they sound like the business.

Ordered from the Traditional Shaving Company & used the voucher code (bandb) for the 10% discount.

Looking forward to a better shave!
See 2 posts above for kit used:

Had my debut Merkur shave last night. WOW just wow. For those sitting on the fence - do it! You will not regret it. Totally different experiece to using a Mach3 et al.

With a good few days growth the Merkur slid through effortlessly. I adadpted ok & didn't have any cuts which I'm pleased about.

Very, VERY enjoyable shave.
I tried a Pro-Glide Fusion this week....utter crap compared to my 34c Merkur as it just didn't seem to remove the stubble fully since it grew back a lot faster and the blade's prices are so stupid it's unbelievable that people actually pay that.(i only tried the blades as i got them very cheap)

By the way some sites have sold packs of 100 derby extra blades for £9 which is crazy.:p
Does anyone here use an electric shaver? how close to the skin do they get? Due to my razor burn I get that causes bumps (which get irritated and bigger every shave) I might have to give up my merkur razor for an electric one if they don't cut as close to the skin (I would assume that due to the guards on electric razors the blade shouldn't come in contact with any razor bumps). Such as a shame too as the process of using a double edged razor, the brush, the prorasso cream etc... makes it an enjoyable shave compared to how I used to do it, however shaving dailing like this just doesn't seem to get along with me.
Tried a Feather blade for the first time last week. Amazing; really close shave. Last night I went for a second use and my god it was brutal. Probably the harshest shave i've ever had. Felt more like is was pulling than shaving. Had to go for an emergency blade change mid shave.

Anyone else get this, or did I just have a bad blade?
Tried a Feather blade for the first time last week. Amazing; really close shave. Last night I went for a second use and my god it was brutal. Probably the harshest shave i've ever had. Felt more like is was pulling than shaving. Had to go for an emergency blade change mid shave.

Anyone else get this, or did I just have a bad blade?

I did exactly the same on my 2nd feather shave, I think as I took my 1st shave nice and easy and then became a little complacent. They really will tear you a new one if you don't respect the feathers. If its pulling however I'd think you didn't prepare your face as well. Feathers are good for at least 4 shaves usually.
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Yeah, that tugging feeling is usually because you didn't prep well enough. I always shave after I shower so my bristles are nice and soft - otherwise even a Feather blade feels like hell. There's plenty of tips on prep if you Google it.
How often does everyone change their shaving blades? I use fusion blades (yes I know I should buy Merkur or whatever) and I find that after 3 or 4 shaves it becomes incredibly irratating to shave, my face flares up and it stings for hours so I have to use a fresh one. I would have thought at £2.50 a pop you'd get more out of the blades or is it just a problem I have?

I used to get this with Fusion blades, after 3/4 goes they'd tug like mad and I'd have to replace the blade. Very expensive! I'm now using Mach3's which have a similar lifetime but are half the price so...
need some more tips for use with my merkur 34c.

Ive run out of blades now and want some recommendations please for some one who has very sensitive skin no matter what the preparation is.

Have tried some derbys and some other ones i got free with the razor......

Always wash my face in shower first for ages nice and hot then use a hot flannel soaked round my chin and neck.Then lather up for at least 5 minutes.

But i always get a rash under my chin thats very bad and then maybe 1 or two days after get some white heads mainly on my neck.

Then afterwards rinse with cold water then douse face with witch hazel then later on aloe vera.

So recomendations on blades and maybe some thing else im missing in my methodology?
Have tried some derbys and some other ones i got free with the razor......

So recomendations on blades and maybe some thing else im missing in my methodology?

have you tried feathers ?

which direction do you shave in, and do you have more than 1 run over per shave ?
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