The Manly Shaving Thread

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Now that's a good point. Much of the irritation, redness and bleeding comes from the skin not being used to the pretty aggressive act of yanking the hairs out the 'wrong' way. If your skin is used to it and there are no issues then absolutely stick with it and ignore people like me who suggest not going against the grain ;)

Which cream/soap do you currently use The Halk? I might have some suggestions for your treat.
At the moment I'm using the one I bought with the set - the Truefitt and Hill West Indian Lime one. I love the smell of limes and it smells terrific.

I don't know I'd describe it as yanking the hairs out, when I shave I try to angle the blade so that it doesn't pull on the hairs - I must have extra-manly super-strength hairs that resist being dragged about. That's the only explanation. Yep. Anyway, it works and I don't get a face like an angry bag of marbles.
Oh and for those of you suffering from ingrown hairs.

Whenever I used to shave against the grain I would always get loads of ingrown hairs but after using this I have absolutely zero. Brilliant stuff.

This is just aspirin with alcohol and water pretty much. You could make it much cheaper if you like. To be fair it likely lasts ages and the home made one might not be as nice if you ain't used to formulating. It should work great.
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As far as shaving I just read about it and have tried a lot of things. I came across salicylic acid toners when treating my acne. They all cost a lot of money for very cheap things, so I started working out how to make it via a lot of googling and talking to others doing it. I know that toner has aspirin rather than salicylic acid because I used to think they were the same thing until someone kindly pointed out that aspirin is salicylic acid treated with caustic soda (I think memory is bad on this)

My professional background is in computing, not related at all. I just have an interest in how things work and what goes into products. Most of my shaving knowledge comes from badger and blade.
Just had my safety razor arrive this morning.
I washed my face with hot water then added some hair conditioner. I let it settle for 5 minutes or so then washed it off and applied my cream with the brush.
I went slow with single strokes and the results speak for themselves.
I only nicked myself once and that was on my chin where before with the Gillette mac 7 elite pro vibrator **** I would cut myself all over so I went onto using my electric which would make me come out in a rash all over my neck.
This is the smoothest shave I have ever had with a blade and my skin feels fantastic.
Anyone who hasnt got one of these Manker razors should rush out and buy one you wont regret it
My £40 kit arrived this morning but I went out on the **** last night and crashed at mates house so picking it up on Monday, cannot wait!
I just dont get the advice about always shaving WITH the grain.

If I do this...nothing happens. Nothing.

Only when I go against do I get a nice smooth shave. So what Im I doing wrong? :(
The typical advice is to make multiple passes in various directions, usually with the grain then across/against then the other way. The general idea is that your reducing the stubble with each pass rather than butchering your way through it in 1 go.
The typical advice is to make multiple passes in various directions, usually with the grain then across/against then the other way. The general idea is that your reducing the stubble with each pass rather than butchering your way through it in 1 go.

Ohh ok I get ya...will try this out tomorrow :D
Well after having my Taylor of Old Bond St Shaving Cream taken by customs at Birmingham Airport, too big so my mistake, I had a new one arrive with some new Blue Beards Revenge to do some more side by side testing. Also got a new brush a Kent BK4 Silver Tip Badger Shaving Brush and also some Proraso Shave Cut Healing Gel.

Getting into this, proper shave that kills the modern blades.
Guys what is the proper name of these 'Featherlight' razors? I want to buy some but when I type 'Featherlight' into Google I get Durex condoms come up lol.
I gave in and ordered feather blades. I used an Astra blade and found it was sharp as before but it was a bit rough. I've used another Gilette blade and it seems to be very smooth but not sharp enough.

So I've got 50 feather blades coming, some Edwin Jagger pre-shave cream, another razor stand and a brush stand (fed up with the other falling over).

I used who seem to be the cheapest for what I was buying, and cheaper than the other internet retailers that pay a bit more to appear higher in search links etc.

I also wanted a bowl to make lather in, I didn't like the idea of paying £20-30 for a ceramic bowl, or £10-20 for a stainless steel one.

So I've ordered this and I'm feeling all smug and clever about it.
I use Feather blades in my Merkur Progress.
They are very very sharp when new but dont seem to last as well as say Astras or Derbys (when they were good)
I gave in and ordered feather blades. I used an Astra blade and found it was sharp as before but it was a bit rough. I've used another Gilette blade and it seems to be very smooth but not sharp enough.

So I've got 50 feather blades coming, some Edwin Jagger pre-shave cream, another razor stand and a brush stand (fed up with the other falling over).

I used who seem to be the cheapest for what I was buying, and cheaper than the other internet retailers that pay a bit more to appear higher in search links etc.

I also wanted a bowl to make lather in, I didn't like the idea of paying £20-30 for a ceramic bowl, or £10-20 for a stainless steel one.

So I've ordered this and I'm feeling all smug and clever about it.

Sounds good :) I use a mug from our cupboard. Let us know how you find the Feathers and some advice : take it easy the first time you use them particularly if you don't have a razor that allows you to tune the sharpness of the blade.

e : ^ Astras and Derbys stay consistently blunt whereas the Feathers start off very bright but do fade more quickly. If you're buying them in the volumes you should be then it makes little difference to cost. I change mine after every third shave, using two blades per week.
Yep, 40p a week for blades isn't much. I've also bought a couple of Alum blocks off eBay.

Well over a ton spent so far - however I'm enjoying it. I don't think I'll have anything to spend though, apart from cream whenever that runs out, for 6 months when these blades come.

I've held off buying a nice set of sandalwood or lime smelly stuff, and I think I'll continue to hold off until I use up all the lime cream that I started with. Ideally when my diet ends I'll go shopping for cologne, aftershave, and cream all with the same scent.

I've also been watching videos on YouTube about shaving, and I'm not that impressed in all honesty, I seem to have a technique that works well for me, when I tried their techniques half my neck came up in red lumps, and I got a couple of nicks - that may have been the wonky Astra blade though.

I don't know that the Astra blades could be said to be blunt, not in comparison to the other blades that came with the sample pack anyway. They just seem jaggy - as do the lord and shark ones. The gilette and wilkinson sword ones are blunt. The derby are ok too. It's a very difficult thing to judge though, I might be imagining it.

It'd be interesting if someone put the blades under a microscope to see what the cutting edge was like - how sharp and how even... assuming that a microscope could show that.
Just had my 1st shave with the Edwin Shagger (:p).

I think I need to learn how to shave coming from a Mach3 for such a long time. The shave was fine but it doesn't feel as close even with a new Derby blade as it does with a new cartridge in a Mach3. I think it's because I can't feel the blade as well on my face if that makes sense and it feels a bit uneven in some areas though I did only 1 pass, anyone got any tips? Feel like a right woman now lol.

Also, are these good value? 30 blades mixed set, I know people here rave about the Feathers but i've never heard of 'Israeli' razors before.
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