However I still can't get my neck area baby smooth - not unless I go in again and again. I've not shaved for a couple of days in an attempt to find out more about that area.
Well. That worked. Shaved just there as I came out of the bath and my neck is nicely done, without being irritated - and that's the third shave using the feather blade and it's still nice and sharp.
I got some Edwin Jagger pre-shave cream, which I'm not very impressed with. It wasn't especially cheap, it comes in a small jar and you need to use a good amount of it to get anything done. However I put it on straight out of the bath tonight and lathered up perhaps 3 or 4 minutes later. Previously when I've used it I've left it on for a bit longer and done other things before lathering up... It's got a nice menthol sensation to it, but I think it's perhaps uneconomical to use daily.
Here. Perhaps if it came in a great big tub rather than a small 100ml. I think I may keep it for use when I want a really good shave. I can't see it lasting more than 25 shaves or so, which makes it by a long way the most expensive part of a shave. When it runs out I'll be buying a different product.
i ordered some TOBS Jermyn St. soap today.
I went back to the TOBS Sandalwood soap i got in my starter kit last night and found bowl lathering, i could get a lather as good as face lathering with jermyn st. cream.
The soap will last me much longer though.
I'm unsure with cream. I've only ever used the one I bought with the starter set (which I'm still using) which is the Truefitt and Hill West Indian Limes. It smells nice and the smell doesn't linger. It isn't seem to be lasting especially long and I wonder if a soap would be a better idea. I've seen other creams on websites and they look much less solid than the cream I'm using. It seems to have the consistency of stick deoderant, while the other creams have something more towards mayonnaise.
Next purchase is going to be Sandalwood and I'll need to see if I can work out what's best out of the various different ones.
To be clear though... you were lathering using cream on your face, and you're finding you can get the same with a bowl and soap... what about a bowl and cream, or are you getting a lather you feel is as good as you can go?
Tonight was the first night I used the stainless steel bowl. I feel I got a better lather and I was more able to tell it needed more water than using the mug. £2.45 well spent. I heartily recommend people look for puppy water bowls rather than £20 shaving bowls!
Edit :
Here's one for £1.12 including delivery.