**The Mental Health Thread**

Merry Christening everyone hope you have as nice a time as possible and manage to make time for yourself if needed…..
And the same to you bud. :)
Day started well with me dropping my shaver and killing it. I guess I'll be scouring the sales later for a replacement. Still I quiet enjoyed a wet-shave for a change, something I don't do as often as I used to.
Enjoy the day where you can.
The new cpap mask is a much better fit but sadly so no help. Exhausted beyond belief and no amount of sleep helps.

Completely blew up at my parents today when they apparently pushed the wrong button only for me to instantly apologise and break down in front of them.

Utterly broken and I still don't know what is wrong.
Chin up mate, HLCCL crew reprazent :cool:

Take care!
Hope those of us who aren't keen on Christmas (for whatever reason) are doing OK.

I think this is my lowest Christmas yet.
Just sat with TV on no one really talking, I'm thinking of all the jobs I could be getting done at home over next few days and just relaxing rather than driving round visiting 4 sets of people.
Dreading next 6 days.

150 miles of driving done. 500 to go
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@Psymonkee @mid_gen You guys are old HLCCL!? I recognise the names from the old board, but I didn't associate you guys as actually members.

Some of my best gaming memories from that community. I was [ITV]Dougle/[KIA2]HiTMaN

Dilbert was running the board before it went offline I think?
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Haven't posted in here for some time but I'm feeling particularly crap right now.

As well as coping with my anxiety and depression and unemployment. I've gone and fallen in love with a girl and she doesn't feel the same, she just the next in a long line of heartbreak :(.

I had planned for next year to be a lot better but I think it was all in my imagination because I wanted her to share it with me.

I just needed to get that out, not sure what to do, to be honest. I've also slipped into hurting myself as a way to stop myself thinking like I do but it's not helping is it.

Sorry, to bring it up.
Haven't posted in here for some time but I'm feeling particularly crap right now.

As well as coping with my anxiety and depression and unemployment. I've gone and fallen in love with a girl and she doesn't feel the same, she just the next in a long line of heartbreak :(.

I had planned for next year to be a lot better but I think it was all in my imagination because I wanted her to share it with me.

I just needed to get that out, not sure what to do, to be honest. I've also slipped into hurting myself as a way to stop myself thinking like I do but it's not helping is it.

Sorry, to bring it up.
Get some help bud
Haven't posted in here for some time but I'm feeling particularly crap right now.
Hang in there mate - plenty of us in the same boat at the minute

I had planned for next year to be a lot better
It still can be

I just needed to get that out, not sure what to do, to be honest. I've also slipped into hurting myself as a way to stop myself thinking like I do but it's not helping is it.
It's easy for me to say that hurting yourself isn't the answer, but try and distract yourself - even if it's just a case of reading through this thread from the start and digging out the good advice that others have provided over the years

Sorry, to bring it up.
Absolutely no need to apologise.

Get some help bud
Absolutely second that - give someone a call if you need a chat:
My upping of Mirtazapine did not go to well after 2 doses of 7.5mg up from 3.75mg I started having bad intrusive thoughts and felt horrid it also gave me really bad restless leg. It did make me sleep but due to the restless leg it was not great. Luckily dropping back down to 3.75mg the restless leg is better and I seem to be sleeping ok ish But still keep having the horrid intrusive thoughts. The only downside which is pretty big is I think I’m going through a withdrawal or something as I feel awful really rough lots of racing thoughts and body aches and pains, gut cramps and bloating. Weird this happened after just 2 raised doses but nothing is impossible I suppose.

Will call the Doc tomorrow and see if they can see me and find out what’s going on and where they think I should go next.

It’s bloody horrid going through this and tbh I really wish I just stayed on the Escitalopram and never stopped. But hindsight and all that I suppose.

Sorry for the rant and really hope everyone is doing as good as can be….
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Hang in there mate - plenty of us in the same boat at the minute

It still can be

It's easy for me to say that hurting yourself isn't the answer, but try and distract yourself - even if it's just a case of reading through this thread from the start and digging out the good advice that others have provided over the years

Absolutely no need to apologise.

Absolutely second that - give someone a call if you need a chat:

Thank you, I think just have wrote it down has helped. I still feel rubbish but I know it's not everything, like it felt a few days ago.

I have a job interview tomorrow and I know if I can get that it will be the start to the next year I need.

I'll look into those links, although I'm not good at physically talking about things.

Thanks everyone and for those who reached out by DM, I appreciate it.
Back to massively struggling again. Suspect possible chronic fatigue syndrome but waiting to talk to a gp about it.

Massive lows, occasional good days. Bad days feature brain fog, cognitive impairment - can't find words/do basic additon for example. No energy for socialising or concentrating on interests such as games/D&D.

Not a good 'discovery' if I'm suspecting the right symptoms :(
Was on Sertraline 50mg around August 2018 - upped to 100mg around Jan/Feb 2019, then back to 50mg about December 2019 as I wasn't sure it was worth 100mg vs 50mg - I was on the 50mg up until late October this year, then came off it (gently) now I feel I want to try something different, as I am not 100% sure sertraline did a huge amount for me, but then you don't know until you stop... I have apparently been a lot more angry / irritable since stopping and some days you wake up unable to 'feel motivated / and feel blank' which is wrong I know and it can't be pleasant for people around me. Sertraline didn't really give any side effects of note, although when stopping/tapering down I had nasty cold symptoms which could have been a coincidence but I remember when going from 100mg back to 50mg similar thing happened.

The reason for going on it in the first place, was to try to help with OCD (not rituals, more germaphobia) and anger (not over the top violent anger, just snappiness/highly strung all the time).

The germaphobic side has definitely improved a LOT.

I have booked a chat with doctor next week, was going to try moving to escitalopram low-dose (or citalopram) I have read on both, of course we are all not doctors and shouldn't be 'prescribing' ourselves, but I do wonder if sometimes some people just need to remain on a low-dose indefinitely just to stay balanced.

Social wise I am never really up for doing much, albeit when there am fine, but have maintained gym-going, as that helps so much.

I guess ultimately I felt Sertraline didn't 'do much' when I guess deep down it actually did.
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I am sort of in the same boat. My GP seems totally useless as I’m telling him what medication to use! He started me off on 50mg sertraline which I didn’t think was doing anything after one month so I told him to up it to 100mg. I still don’t really feel any different so I told him to up it again to 150mg which I just started today. My CBT starts in 10 days which hopefully will help a bit more than these tablets!
I have always found CBT really good. Just talking to someone that understands is massively helpful. The problem I have found is the wait times in my area are pretty long and I think it would be far more beneficial early on.

I had an ECG at the docs today tbh I thought that was hospital stuff but apparently not. My Heart is doing its thing ok which is reassuring to know. Also had a blood test to test my thyroid thingy see if that’s ok.

He suggested going back on the Escitalopram as my Anxiety seems to be the problem although I have scared myself silly reading about Kindling and withdrawal etc the joys of Health Anxiety……lol..
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