**The Mental Health Thread**

13 Jun 2013
2 grand ?? Ouch! No thanks
It might be worth having a look into Right To Choose (RTC) https://adhduk.co.uk/right-to-choose/

^ This site is going on about it with regards to adhd but also mentions autism, other websites may concentrate on the autism side.
RTC is basically you downloading and filling in a form and with it going to your GP to request they refer you to a private clinic for <insert mental condition here> and the NHS pays for it. It's not as quick as paying for yourself going privately but might be quicker than joining an NHS waiting list. Wait times depends on the private clinic you select.
20 Oct 2002
Oxfordshire / Bucks
It might be worth having a look into Right To Choose (RTC) https://adhduk.co.uk/right-to-choose/

^ This site is going on about it with regards to adhd but also mentions autism, other websites may concentrate on the autism side.
RTC is basically you downloading and filling in a form and with it going to your GP to request they refer you to a private clinic for <insert mental condition here> and the NHS pays for it. It's not as quick as paying for yourself going privately but might be quicker than joining an NHS waiting list. Wait times depends on the private clinic you select.

thanks, yeah seems to be all ADHD

googleing led me to this one (which is also on the link you posted)

there's a printable question to hand to the GP, but again it seems to be ADHD
23 Apr 2014
thanks, yeah seems to be all ADHD

googleing led me to this one (which is also on the link you posted)

there's a printable question to hand to the GP, but again it seems to be ADHD

8 Sep 2006
On Ocuk
I was diagnosed with Autism/OCD/PTSD in early 2000 via a register practitioner after GP. Although I'm not sure how to get the ball rolling to see if I have this rapid Bipolar which the psychotherapist seems to think I have. Family thinks I have it too :(
11 Sep 2007
from the internet
On the venlafaxine again after a few years. In that couple of weeks where it's more "side effect" than anything. Of course I had to start a med where one of the side effects is sweating more at the beginning of a heat wave. It's September! :(
13 May 2010
The waiting lists are horrific for just about everything at the moment. The System has been run so far into the ground that recovery is going to take years if not decades if it ever recovers at all…

With mental health it’s proven that quick intervention with Pyschological and CBT based treatments can prevent or limit the use of medication but the wait lists are so long that most end up on medication regardless. The whole system is beyond broken…

Went to gp recently with pretty severe anxiety, first time I've sought help for it. Was offered medication there and then because of how long I'd have to wait for any other support. System seems non existent to be honest
24 Dec 2004
Went to gp recently with pretty severe anxiety, first time I've sought help for it. Was offered medication there and then because of how long I'd have to wait for any other support. System seems non existent to be honest

It is crap it’s worth doing a self referral and at least getting on the waiting list.


Charity’s like mind are worth contacting too. They can sometimes offer help faster than the NHS.

13 Aug 2004
I have been having CBT through the NHS recently and whilst there was a wait I have found it to be worth it as the therapist has been fantastic.

[edit] To go into a bit more depth, I originally had group CBT a couple of years ago which I felt did very little. It was about breathing techniques, which may work for other people but unfortunately not for me. This therapist focuses more on reframing, reflecting and that sort of thing and it's extremely useful. I doubt I would be making the progress that I have without them.
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20 May 2007

Since the 1980s, it’s been increasingly popular to see mental illness as a “chemical imbalance” of the brain, one that should be treated with medication or psychotherapy. But what if our distress is a perfectly normal response to a society that’s lost its way? What if unfettered capitalism is making us sick?

I think he is 100% correct. Our societal and economic system is killing us.

They are just treating the symptoms, not the cause.
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20 Apr 2012
Just had my ADHD clinical assessment today and I was actually diagnosed with both kinds - I really didn't think I had the hyperactive tendancies but the practitioner seemed to think they were just masked by more productive outlets (playing lots of sport etc.) instead of being the naughty kid in school bouncing off walls.

It was from reading others experience in this forum that led me to seek a diagnosis - I had no idea it could be diagnosed in adults (I'm 31) and just assumed the ADHD kid was just the naughty kid, which I definitely was not! Upon discovering the main traits in adults they pretty much described me word for word!

I ended up going GP>GP referral>wait list for 10 months>then completed right to choose>then my assessment today 13 months from my initial GP appointment. So in my case I think completing the right to choose really sped up the process, for anyone else looking into it.

I'll now start the titration process with medication a bit nervous/anxious to see what it will be like! Hoping it will calm my racing brain a bit, it would be nice to have a thought and stick with it for a little bit before jumping onto the next one!
24 Dec 2004
Horrid day for me today anxiety has cranked up as well as intrusive thoughts and just general feeling horrid. First time I have felt like this for a while almost feels like I have gone back to the beginning. Really hoping this does not last and is a blip but wow it’s a hard hit for sure.

Hope everyone else is managing as best they can.
29 Jul 2011
Near Northants / MK
Horrid day for me today anxiety has cranked up as well as intrusive thoughts and just general feeling horrid. First time I have felt like this for a while almost feels like I have gone back to the beginning. Really hoping this does not last and is a blip but wow it’s a hard hit for sure.

Hope everyone else is managing as best they can.
It’s totally usual to have a blip, you can get through this. You haven’t gone backwards at all, this is just a bit of a test and you’ll pick yourself up in time.

I still feel like I’ve got a fat man on my chest and my sleep is awful, but that’s work stress and family stress, therapist is doing a great job and I feel like I’m making progress but I’m getting there. Just want to starting considering the removal of sertraline after Christmas.
29 Jul 2010

Since the 1980s, it’s been increasingly popular to see mental illness as a “chemical imbalance” of the brain, one that should be treated with medication or psychotherapy. But what if our distress is a perfectly normal response to a society that’s lost its way? What if unfettered capitalism is making us sick?

I think he is 100% correct. Our societal and economic system is killing us.

They are just treating the symptoms, not the cause.

If you've not read it, this is a good book https://www.amazon.co.uk/Lost-Connections-Uncovering-Depression-Unexpected-ebook/dp/B075RTJV67
24 Dec 2004
It’s totally usual to have a blip, you can get through this. You haven’t gone backwards at all, this is just a bit of a test and you’ll pick yourself up in time.

I still feel like I’ve got a fat man on my chest and my sleep is awful, but that’s work stress and family stress, therapist is doing a great job and I feel like I’m making progress but I’m getting there. Just want to starting considering the removal of sertraline after Christmas.

Thanks this is a big blip not felt this way in a long time. It definitely hits harder when you have been managing ok for a while. It’s definitely the randomness of this illness that’s the hardest it is like your brain is testing you at times.

Sorry you’re having a bad time it’s great your therapist is helping though.
10 Jan 2009
As somebody who has been living with anxiety for a long time I thought I'll share my experience.
Got diagnosed with chronic anxiety 16 years ago. Funnily enough it was at around same time I stopped self medicating with cannabis.After going through CBT it was concluded that it all dates back to me having lived through civil war and experience like that can come back to haunt you at any point of life.

My anxiety main effect was having feeling of vertigo. I was not able to walk or even sit on the chair without having feeling that I was gonna fall over and fall through the floor. I know people experience different effects of anxiety. It effected my life really hard, I wasn't able to go to work, go out in public places, I hated simple things such as lining up in ques in shops......my anxiety would kick in and I would end up having panic attack.

After having CBT I felt a little better, my anxiety was still there but I understood it more and where it comes from. I was also put on Citalopram 20mg which I'm still on 16 years later. I tried going off it few times but every time I had a relapse which was awful experience.
Now to the positives, as I got older I've learned to live with my anxiety and understand it which has helped me to control it. As my therapist said, most people will have it for most of their lives but they learn to live with it. Last year I was able to apply for a new job and had a successful interview. Just thinking about going through job interview at peak of my anxiety would have given me a panic attack.

Now days I live normal life, yes I'm still on medication but it's a small price to pay to be able to do every day things that people take for granted. I actually don't remember last time I had anxiety attack which is amazing. I still do have bumps in the road but that's just normal life stress that everyone goes though.

I just thought I would share my experience for those that are at beginning of their mental health problems, there is hope if you ask for help. Also it's important to be open about it and let people know what you are going through. My old work was amazing about it and most importantly my wife has been by my side through the whole journey.

I would like to try and go off my meds one day, I wish cannabis was legal here in UK and I could try some THC drops that are known to work in some cases. Hopefully one day in the future something like that will be available.
29 Jul 2011
Near Northants / MK
Thanks this is a big blip not felt this way in a long time. It definitely hits harder when you have been managing ok for a while. It’s definitely the randomness of this illness that’s the hardest it is like your brain is testing you at times.

Sorry you’re having a bad time it’s great your therapist is helping though.
Has anything changed? Are you able to work out the trigger? Just make sure you get your routine sorted, eat and drink well and take time for you. It’s likely your bodies way of saying I need a break right now
24 Dec 2004
Has anything changed? Are you able to work out the trigger? Just make sure you get your routine sorted, eat and drink well and take time for you. It’s likely your bodies way of saying I need a break right now

I had a bit of back pain and wife has been unwell. Could well be triggers tbh it’s hard to tell. Will do thanks trying to not predict how things are going to be and rather see how things are. Biggest issue for me is Anxiety from the Expected Anxiety if that makes sense.
29 Jul 2011
Near Northants / MK
I had a bit of back pain and wife has been unwell. Could well be triggers tbh it’s hard to tell. Will do thanks trying to not predict how things are going to be and rather see how things are. Biggest issue for me is Anxiety from the Expected Anxiety if that makes sense.
It makes total sense and I think that’s the most common thing, we get anxious from the thought of being anxious and you get yourself stuck in a cycle. Just remember that worrying won’t change the outcome, you’ll get there. Hope you both feel better soon.
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