**The Mental Health Thread**

Not doing well myself. Home/day to day life has been tough and no sign of it being easier so the post holiday blues are stronger this time.
Worse, it's coming up to winter. Think it's going to be tough, probably toughest over ever had in terms of duration. Certainly can't fix the main issue causing it. I suppose there are some smaller issues I can work on but motivation is hard.

Probably need to see someone professionally for the first time in a decade

I'd go so far to say nothing is "good" in day to day life, and it's making it really hard to have any drive for anything
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Probably need to see someone professionally for the first time in a decade

Would talking help?

Not saying it's the answer for everyone but https://andysmanclub.co.uk/find-your-nearest-group/ is an option (and a couple of newbies who came this week specifically said they had been told to come by their GP etc, due to not necessarily being able to get "official" help quickly)
Would talking help?

Not saying it's the answer for everyone but https://andysmanclub.co.uk/find-your-nearest-group/ is an option (and a couple of newbies who came this week specifically said they had been told to come by their GP etc, due to not necessarily being able to get "official" help quickly)
Thanks. Will have a look.

Basically I can't remove or escape the situation that's tipping me over into that negative head space. But I've always struggled with this. But usually there's been a solution. Or the issue is short term and just wait it out. This time, there isn't that luxury.

Its also potentially got a long time course to run. So it's not like I can wait it out.

Not really sure what to do.

I feel I need a solution. My usual solution would be to fix the problem. But in this case, not viable.

Tad concerned of the path im on if it can't be at least in some way corrected.
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Not doing well myself. Home/day to day life has been tough and no sign of it being easier so the post holiday blues are stronger this time.
Worse, it's coming up to winter. Think it's going to be tough, probably toughest over ever had in terms of duration. Certainly can't fix the main issue causing it. I suppose there are some smaller issues I can work on but motivation is hard.

Probably need to see someone professionally for the first time in a decade

I'd go so far to say nothing is "good" in day to day life, and it's making it really hard to have any drive for anything

It sounds like your situation is something quite similar to something I've been through myself mate.

Finally built up the courage to just open up to my girlfriend and tell her things I had never told anybody. After a few deep conversations, she urged me to speak to somebody professionally. I never did but i found some comfort in just talking to her abitmore and living a bit more openly with her.

If you were a bit hesitant to talk to someone professionally. Is there anyone in your life right now that you think could be someone to someone to talk to like this? someone that you can essentially trust and share with?
It sounds like your situation is something quite similar to something I've been through myself mate.

Finally built up the courage to just open up to my girlfriend and tell her things I had never told anybody. After a few deep conversations, she urged me to speak to somebody professionally. I never did but i found some comfort in just talking to her abitmore and living a bit more openly with her.

If you were a bit hesitant to talk to someone professionally. Is there anyone in your life right now that you think could be someone to someone to talk to like this? someone that you can essentially trust and share with?

Yeah I've talked about stuff. Not professionally. But it's in the works.
The thing that's triggered it is basically due to me but being able to handle stuff which happens in life. And was something that really helped my mental health now causing the opposite.

I dunno if sharing/talking well help as its quite clear what it is. It would take me processing it differently to revise it something. Meh :/
Not doing well myself. Home/day to day life has been tough and no sign of it being easier so the post holiday blues are stronger this time.
Worse, it's coming up to winter. Think it's going to be tough, probably toughest over ever had in terms of duration. Certainly can't fix the main issue causing it. I suppose there are some smaller issues I can work on but motivation is hard.

Probably need to see someone professionally for the first time in a decade

I'd go so far to say nothing is "good" in day to day life, and it's making it really hard to have any drive for anything

Life beyond your early twenties just isn't good generally, unless you are rich.

It's just an endless non-stop stream of stress, worry, work and frustration, for the most part.
Life beyond your early twenties just isn't good generally, unless you are rich.

It's just an endless non-stop stream of stress, worry, work and frustration, for the most part.

Yeah despite trying to cut out stresses and responsibilities
(modest mortgage, no kids, few commitments, fairly cheap core lifestyle) theres always some **** that gets thrown at you.
I've said a few times this year "can't I just have a year where nothing goes majorly wrong".
Last 2 years have been the worst in my life and separate distinct incidents causing it.

Best year in ages for me was the covid years. Seems totally upside down.

All the time you're getting older and obviously that just gets worse and worse. Not looking forward to when health takes away my mental health saving hobbies! (that's probably my biggest long term fear)
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Life beyond your early twenties just isn't good generally, unless you are rich.

It's just an endless non-stop stream of stress, worry, work and frustration, for the most part.

Maybe for you, but I don't think people on this particular thread need to hear such a defeatist attitude, to be honest.

Plenty of rich people who are completely miserable and plenty of people who aren't rich who live great lives.

Having money behind you helps, but it's certainly not the be-all and end-all when it comes to living a good life.
Yeah despite trying to cut out stresses and responsibilities
(modest mortgage, no kids, few commitments, fairly cheap core lifestyle) theres always some **** that gets thrown at you.
I've said a few times this year "can't I just have a year where nothing goes majorly wrong".
Last 2 years have been the worst in my life and separate distinct incidents causing it.

Best year in ages for me was the covid years. Seems totally upside down.

All the time you're getting older and obviously that just gets worse and worse. Not looking forward to when health takes away my mental health saving hobbies! (that's probably my biggest long term fear)

I feel exactly the same. There doesn't seem to be anyway to avoid the endless problems and **** that gets flung your way, and I know people will just say "well that's life" etc, but my response is "well then life is pretty ****!"

I just...don't have a good time.
I agree it isn't 100% going to guarantee prolonged happiness, but it would 100% make things far easier, and far less of a tedious slog.
I feel exactly the same. There doesn't seem to be anyway to avoid the endless problems and **** that gets flung your way, and I know people will just say "well that's life" etc, but my response is "well then life is pretty ****!"

I just...don't have a good time.

I think you'd be surprised how many of your problems would remain even if you won a few million tomorrow, once the initial buzz had worn off.

It's all well and good to think that I could just shut myself off from society for the most part and live in my own little bubble, consuming pretty much as much as I want without a care in the world and answering to no one, but I wouldn't call that a good life either.

Big money can also often exacerbate problems that haven't been dealt with. So yes, while it may make some aspects of life easier to deal with, it's certainly not a prerequisite for a good life after your 20s.

It's better to focus on the things you can change to make life a little easier than to dwell on the fact that if you're not rich, it's automatically over.
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Not doing so good the last few days. Dad got admitted to hospital with infection and heart issues and I'm really struggling to keep it together. He's been in and out of hospital a fair bit but this somehow feels different and I can't put my finger on why :(

Needless to say I don't feel like doing much/socialising while I sit around worrying.
Not doing so good the last few days. Dad got admitted to hospital with infection and heart issues and I'm really struggling to keep it together. He's been in and out of hospital a fair bit but this somehow feels different and I can't put my finger on why :(

Needless to say I don't feel like doing much/socialising while I sit around worrying.
I'm sorry to hear that. Is there anyone close to you who might be able to help with support or just provide an ear to listen with?
Mine has fallen down the ******* recently (for the first time in about 20 years. Missed a couple of weekends of work. Been prescribed antidepressants.
Hopefully the antidepressants will help. Which one are you on?
Mirtazapine. They make me really drowsy.
I had this, to the point I was borderline useless after taking them. I found 2 things helped - slightly increased dosage (apparently the drowsiness is a paradoxical effect meaning goes away if you take more). But what seemed to really make the difference was making sure I took it with an entire glass of water.

I still took it after dinner and once my chores were done in case I just zonked out on the sofa though.
I had this, to the point I was borderline useless after taking them. I found 2 things helped - slightly increased dosage (apparently the drowsiness is a paradoxical effect meaning goes away if you take more). But what seemed to really make the difference was making sure I took it with an entire glass of water.

I still took it after dinner and once my chores were done in case I just zonked out on the sofa though.
I'm taking them around 8pm, so by the time they've kicked in I'm in bed.

I took the first one around 4, and jesus I was literally useless till about 9.
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