**The Mental Health Thread**

Made it through the week.

Still don't feel like much has changed but a few tiny steps have been made.

If the start of the week was 1/10, then maybe I'm at a 3/10 (with normal around a 7/10)

Not too sure what next week will bring as have a week away booked but obviously don't feel to great about it given everything that has happened.
Can't get money back so will just try and make the best of it - change of scenery at least.

Progress is progress :)
Enjoy your week away, anywhere nice?
Progress is progress :)
Enjoy your week away, anywhere nice?
5 days in Scarborough.

Staying at Cayton bay, so at least 1 day on the beach probably, then another day into the town centre and might do an escape room, and planning on some walking up to the castle etc
Does anyone, who is already taking regular medication, have something they can take during flare ups for want of a better term? Something i'm currently exploring but reluctant to add more meds into the mix.
Does anyone, who is already taking regular medication, have something they can take during flare ups for want of a better term? Something i'm currently exploring but reluctant to add more meds into the mix.

I don't believe there's anything like that medication wise, but your best bet is to talk with your GP
I don't believe there's anything like that medication wise, but your best bet is to talk with your GP

It was him that suggested it, He described it as being "there's a few medications i could give you where you could carry it with you and take one if you're having a particularly bad day" but that we'd talk more this week. Just wondered if anyone had experience with something like that. I'll update when i've had the second discussion.
Beta blockers? (Propranolol in particular I'm aware of)

From my (non professional) knowledge they can be prescribed for that reason and seemed a bit too good to be true according to one person I know taking them .
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I had propranolol prescribed when I had some panic attacks (seemingly caused by another medication/serotonin syndrome?) and it definitely helped at times. Not had to use it in a long time though.

Definitely talk through your options with your GP and go from there.
How was the holiday?

It was good thanks - did us all a world of good. Couple of afternoons on the beach, walk through the forest on the yorkshire moors, did the escape room, as well as some nice food and drink and evenings watching some live entertainment.
Was sad and quite emotional to come home tbh.

Back at work today and doing ok so far.

Planning on attending my local Andysmanclub meet this evening as well, as found out about it before I went on holiday - both to a) find others to talk to, and b) give me somewhere to go when I am having a "bad" week. Not sure what to expect but figured it can't hurt
I always thought that was a "men in sheds" type thing, how's the format?
A bit like you imagine AA to be, sat in a circle and go around answering questions like "how was your week?" "What was positive this week?" To a couple of random ones like "what olympic sport would you take part in?"

Obviously depending on what people share, others can chip in with their experiences.

Was good just to talk and listen to a variety of people from different backgrounds and different problems.

Nothing too serious, just a few blokes drinking tea or coffee, eating biscuits and chatting.
Well my mental health has taken a kicking today with the recent back and forth between me and my GP (post) has developed further after I fired back with more grievances. Got a reply today via email basically saying '**** you, you're fat' and washing their hands of me.

A large chunk of my symptoms have been ignored, brushed over or just conviniently forgotten while the hyperfocus on BMI.

Needless to say that's left me in the pits of despair and ready to throw hands.
I'm about to start low dose Sertraline (50MG, used to have 100 or 200 I think). This is mainly for anxiety, but if it helps my mood then that is good. I had to have an appointment with my ADHD people (went private), because my GP needed their input. There is a low chance of Serotonin Syndrome but I am not worried about that.
I am hoping it will lower my HR because the ADHD meds raise it a fair bit, if this doesn't work then I might ask if I can have Propanaol again. Though I will probably have to pay £150 for a 15m appointment with the ADHD people again to run that by them because of course I forgot to mention it during the review.
I feel so bad for people who cannot afford that luxury and have to wait god knows how long. My GP wouldn't do anything until I had my review with them (tbf meant to be every 6 -12 months and I had gone over a year). Like, if I couldn't afford it what would happen, tough ****?
Interestingly, my ADHD meds really lift my mood, it also causes physical anxiety symptoms (elevated HR, slightly shakey, sweaty) but I am not feeling it mentally if that makes sense.
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My Anxiety has been pretty horrific the last few weeks. I have started Pregabalin and did what you shouldn’t and looked online about it. Now my Anxiety is having a field day with all I read even though my Wife has been on it high dose for years without issue.

Struggling to cope with all the intrusive thoughts and everything at the moment just feel crappy most of the time.

Hope everyone else is doing better than myself at present. I hate the thought of others going through this crap…..
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