**The Mental Health Thread**

Just engaged in one of those talking therapy online webinars. I made the effort to post here, deal with a GP's bait and switch attitude, apply and do the phone interview, attend this event, and i'm just irritated by it. It's why i've always gone for the head in sand approach, the help just feels all so scripted and generic.

I really do empathise with those struggling, i wish i had the answers.
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Sometimes when you know what is going to be said it really doesn't help, regardless of how correct it is or how genuinely the person wants to help. Just another fun part of it all!
Well my mental health has taken a kicking today with the recent back and forth between me and my GP (post) has developed further after I fired back with more grievances. Got a reply today via email basically saying '**** you, you're fat' and washing their hands of me.

A large chunk of my symptoms have been ignored, brushed over or just conviniently forgotten while the hyperfocus on BMI.

Needless to say that's left me in the pits of despair and ready to throw hands.
Did they offer anything to help support you with the weight loss if they're saying that's what you need to focus on?

In my discharge letter they gave me a link to my local wellbeing site that "offers a Weight Off service as well as other weight management service"

Thinking back to my follow up call I wish I'd fought back for them to keep me on and give me counselling for the other issues rather than letting her kind of dictate what I needed to focus on first. Especially as some of the other things going on will ultimately be having an affect on the "main" issue as well :/

I just feel at a loss most days on what to do and how to get motivated
Did they offer anything to help support you with the weight loss if they're saying that's what you need to focus on?
They offered but I declined it. I know how to take care of that - the issue is competely destroyed energy levels that mean I struggle with consistency with regard to diet. Roughly once a fortnight I feel completely normal and I'm capable of doing all my daily tasks + going to the gym and working on projects. The rest of the time I'm reduced to being awake ~10 hours a day which is interspersed with naps and I'm unable to function.

On the bad days cooking/preparing food is right out, my interest in food is non existent and I can do little more than listen/watch youtube and even that's physically/mentally draining unfortunately :(

Alas, I'll keep plugging away and doing what I can whilst the GP just dismisses my claims about my own body :(
Unfortunately this is the NHS Mental Health system at the moment they are massively useless at dealing with anything other than the most simple anxiety problems or the worst where you have attempted to end it or have a definite plan. Anything in-between and they are unable to help or have little generally unsuitable help.
MY GP record on the NHS app has notes saying "always has self harming suicidal thoughts/plans with autism, but says he would never do this"

makes me wonder if it just puts me on an mi6 watchlist. as I've never been offered any help with it at all.
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Hi all. Does anyone use a SAD light? If so, are there any suggestions on a cordless rechargeable one?

I definitely get a mood drop in autumn and I'm going to try and combat it this year with one of these lights.
Hi all. Does anyone use a SAD light? If so, are there any suggestions on a cordless rechargeable one?

I definitely get a mood drop in autumn and I'm going to try and combat it this year with one of these lights.

Not specifically sad lights, but I recall getting some LED light bulbs that let me choose the colour temperature and that helps.
So it seems that after many months of struggling with depression, anxiety and guilt over my breakup and pending divorce I am still not doing great. Now however the feelings are so different I scare myself.

I have put behind me the guilt I felt over failing. I clearly know it wasn’t my fault and that the ex is fully to blame for not communicating, lying and basically running away from issues. She is a terrible person who is chasing experiences and travel. She wants to find herself and live her best life. Those are the words she used. Modern feminist awfulness stacked on by her obsession with social media and her younger colleagues/friends who have encouraged her to do whatever makes her happy. No regard for impact on others or her actual life. She now finds herself broke, struggling to make ends meet despite being well paid and generally screwing up life. I worry for if she will be able to keep my kids under a roof and fed at times.

The problem I find myself in is how I just have blind anger and rage at what she has done to my family. I feel an incessant need to tell her how horrible she is. How selfish. How pathetic and how I am clearly better off without her. It’s a need to have a final word. But I don’t want to at the same time. It won’t achieve anything. I know I should cut her off.

What I want is to never hear from, speak to or see her ever again. What she has become repulses me. This new her is the antithesis of everything I believe in as a parent, partner and human being. I struggle with knowing our kids are stuck in the middle.

My counsellor tells me anger is normal. It’s part of the grief but it is all consuming. It brings on uncontrollable anxiety when I think of any situation that may lead to contact. My CBT techniques aren’t helping. I genuinely felt like I was having a heart attack earlier. Chest pains, clammy skin and sick to my stomach over a situation that may not occur.

I hate what she has done to me. I hate what she has done to my kids. I want this divorce complete. I want her out of my life and I honestly wish I had never met her.

Another day and another turn on the cycle of mental health problems caused by a selfish woman who had no regard for anyone else. I relish the day she realises what she threw away and when she knows she won’t get what she wants. I vindictively really want her to come crawling back so I can kick her to the curb like she did to me.
MY GP record on the NHS app has notes saying "always has self harming suicidal thoughts/plans with autism, but says he would never do this"

makes me wonder if it just puts me on an mi6 watchlist. as I've never been offered any help with it at all.
I think (and could be wrong) that if you are certain you would not actually go through with self-harm/suicide, they aren't interested as you don't need to be on the 'important' list.
I've been asked a few times, when mentioning depression, and the second I say I've thought about suicide but not in a 'serious' way, they switch off.

Like many 'problems', the NHS is only capable of dealing with 'critical' patients now, and so anything else is pushed onto the back-burner. I can sort of understand it, as you clearly want to help the people that need it more... but of course, it means that the lingering problems, the slow decline of mental health, and everything else just keeps getting worse in the background and making the problem bigger. It's like not worrying about that 1kg gain in weight per month... except in a few years you're suddenly morbidly obese.

I've all but given up on the NHS being able to help for anything not 'critical'. Each time I've mentioned depression, they've given me a photocopy leaflet of a charity, or sent some links to online pages, but left me to my own devices. Sure, I'm likely not going to kill myself, but it's not helping and things don't get better. They have tried to help with my long-covid-esque symptoms, but like others it's mostly become "You're overweight - deal with that", which again I understand as it's the easy path, and they have charts and processes to follow that, and it can make many things more prevalent... but again doesn't help me.

I've been triaged and waiting for an Autism assessment for almost 3 years, and don't expect that any time soon - to be honest, I doubt they can do much for me anyway, as I'm mid 50's now and if I've gotten this far through life, I doubt they have some 'miracle' to help me live a happier life, but it's more just for closure.

I've all but 'given up' on most things, and all that keeps me functioning is my daughter, who has unfortunately inherited the neurodiversity but of course won't be diagnosed by the school or doctors because she's a girl and they need a lot of specific evidence to demonstrate... and high-functioning people don't provide that.

I have a much better life than many people (on paper) and I feel grateful for that. It doesn't solve my problems, but ... I guess it makes me realise things could be worse. I'll 'carry on' whilst I can, like most people I presume...

I don't worry about dying any more. I think that's an upside. I do worry about my family and how they'll cope, but you know that feeling when you realise they'll cope 'just fine' after a couple of weeks ? Yup.

Oh yeah... and I was made redundant again. Strangely, that removed most stress I have (short of finding something else), but it gives yet another perspective on life, that it's all for ... nothing. Work, to pay, until you die.

What's the point, right ? Yeah, I know that's depression talking. That's just how it is. Is self-awareness better, or worse, overall ? Is not-knowing and struggling better than knowing and still struggling ?

Thanks all for this thread...
Currently finding it difficult to be present. It's hard to describe but it feels like I'm looking through someone else's eyes or my vision is blurred but not really blurred. Strange feeling. Anyone else had this?

Yeah had it a fair bit it’s depersonalization it’s very common with Anxiety. Have you tried any grounding exercises they can help.
So it seems that after many months of struggling with depression, anxiety and guilt over my breakup and pending divorce I am still not doing great. Now however the feelings are so different I scare myself.

I have put behind me the guilt I felt over failing. I clearly know it wasn’t my fault and that the ex is fully to blame for not communicating, lying and basically running away from issues. She is a terrible person who is chasing experiences and travel. She wants to find herself and live her best life. Those are the words she used. Modern feminist awfulness stacked on by her obsession with social media and her younger colleagues/friends who have encouraged her to do whatever makes her happy. No regard for impact on others or her actual life. She now finds herself broke, struggling to make ends meet despite being well paid and generally screwing up life. I worry for if she will be able to keep my kids under a roof and fed at times.

The problem I find myself in is how I just have blind anger and rage at what she has done to my family. I feel an incessant need to tell her how horrible she is. How selfish. How pathetic and how I am clearly better off without her. It’s a need to have a final word. But I don’t want to at the same time. It won’t achieve anything. I know I should cut her off.

What I want is to never hear from, speak to or see her ever again. What she has become repulses me. This new her is the antithesis of everything I believe in as a parent, partner and human being. I struggle with knowing our kids are stuck in the middle.

My counsellor tells me anger is normal. It’s part of the grief but it is all consuming. It brings on uncontrollable anxiety when I think of any situation that may lead to contact. My CBT techniques aren’t helping. I genuinely felt like I was having a heart attack earlier. Chest pains, clammy skin and sick to my stomach over a situation that may not occur.

I hate what she has done to me. I hate what she has done to my kids. I want this divorce complete. I want her out of my life and I honestly wish I had never met her.

Another day and another turn on the cycle of mental health problems caused by a selfish woman who had no regard for anyone else. I relish the day she realises what she threw away and when she knows she won’t get what she wants. I vindictively really want her to come crawling back so I can kick her to the curb like she did to me.

I can’t add much other than having gone through a pretty rough separation and divorce a few years back it does get better. Try and focus on your future and try and let go of what she has done. It’s really hard but it will get better in time.
Yeah had it a fair bit it’s depersonalization it’s very common with Anxiety. Have you tried any grounding exercises they can help.
Thanks for replying. Not thought about that. Will do a little research on them

It's a horrible feeling I've had it on and off for years but it's worse than ever atm
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After a couple of good weeks, tonight has turned into another row and I'm back feeling like I'm at square one again :(

Have carried on with Andy's Man Club and that's been a positive on Monday nights but just feeling so alone tonight and it's a long time until next Monday :(
2 steps forward 1 step back? That's... good!

I can fill this post with generic motivational quotes but this one seems key, sounds like you made a decision to do something and it's working but you've stumbled.

Again I can't pretend to know what you have going on but I do see my son who has his own issues missing the bigger picture, some days are bad, progress is slow but it's heading the right way.

Could you be open to thinking like that?
Just had 5 good days and now suddenly back to low energy/crashing and feeling like a massive failure again. No further progress with the doctors either and thus no idea what's wrong with me.

But hey 4.20am that's funny right?
Silver lining obviously: D

Not that it's going to fix anything but I assume you've tried the genuinely potentially useful supplements like vit D/B6 & 12/zincs etc? Some people swear by them and it's cheap to try even if it does nothing.
Yep supplements galore for me with no obvious sign of it helping.

Still beating myself up after messing up jump starting my car yesterday too - a shut the engine off, windows down. Due to something weird with the key it wouldn't restart :(
2 steps forward 1 step back? That's... good!
Yep feels a bit like that

sounds like you made a decision to do something and it's working
Yep I'm happy I made the leap to actually do *something* - that's probably the hardest thing. AMC seems to work for me, gives me an outlet to share, but also to listen to other peoples issues and maybe by helping them I also help myself.

"New" issue from the last couple of days, is that I apparently can't have a really good day that I enjoyed (did a supercar driving experience on Friday with the Kids and it was awesome), but because it was so good, spent the weekend feeling terrible coming down from the high :(
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