Hey all I thought now's my time to post in this thread with a recent experience I've had regarding my mental health and my therapist/coach. I will briefly tell you that I suffer from multiple issues regarding mental health (that have been diagnosed through means of doctors) and I have already tried the route of medication and it worked briefly but the pills start to lose the effect they're supposed to have after a while in taking them. Basically my therapist was supposed to refer me to some sort of course to help get me back into work since I'm unemployed and claiming general universal credit but as of the recent few days of the start of 2019 I found out he never actually put any referral in when I pleaded him to do so and said I really need it. It was a course that was supposed to assist me with finding work experience and possible work trials, etc. however I had to manually take to Google to find a contact number to chase it up myself. Also I've found out he hasn't jotted down any notes on my medical records and he's basically left me picking up the pieces and I have to tell my job centre advisor the situation today and it's pushing my anxiety and depression levels sky high because of the amount of crap I've already had to deal with.