I wrote a long post in response to #45 https://forums.overclockers.co.uk/posts/31225530/ mostly relating to an ex who suffered mental health problems. Decided to delete it as it probably wouldn't be too much help for the thread title. Besides, most of what I have to say has already been said on here in the past.
Basically if you're ill, or think you are, go get help, but you have to want it and don't expect a 'cure' overnight, but a long road to successful management.
If you're thinking of getting involved with a potential partner who has a serious mental health problem... just don't. It will be better for you and them. For so many reasons you have very little idea of what you're getting yourself in to. Move along. Kind of harsh but that's my view. ymmv
It is harsh, but I can sorta agree. But does that mean those with mental illness conditions are not allowed to try and find someone to share their life with? Sadly for me, the combination of us both, meant it was never going to work, and her issues were fair greater then I could deal with, not to mention her pathological lying. I think it was the lies that made it even harder. As she really did believe a lot of what she told me.
Anyhow, there are many with varying degrees of suffering that have really understanding and very supportive partners and for those in this thread that have such a thing - this is how lucky you really are and should but sadly it not seen use that to try and become stronger. Its hard, its really hard. I know all too well.