If anyone reading this thread hasn't posted here and is struggling with anything please speak to someone, post in here, talk a friend, anyone, don't bottle things up.
Don't be like me. Don't pretend you are OK, it is exhausting, it is OK to say you are not OK.
So me, over many years I've put all these thoughts and emotions I had into little boxes and then put them away in a cupboard in my head where I decided they were processed and complete, that was my way of dealing with things.
This may sound utterly ridiculous but if it wasn't for the recent McDonalds advert I would have carried on like this for years.
I saw that ad in a room full of people and it took everything I had not to cry in front of them, that sad little boy was me. It triggered all my thoughts, all those feelings and emotions that I had boxed away over very many years, I was that sad little boy desperately trying to let the happy little boy out.
So over the past few weeks since seeing that advert, I have run out of boxes and cupboard space, my head was full, constantly moving these boxes in and out, opening them, closing them, all these feelings that I have buried away have come flooding back.
I have always been incredibly calculating in how I deal with people when there was any risk of an emotion creeping in, I would manipulate people so they never got into that space I was deeply uncomfortable with. I have been so bad at times I would engineer arguments with friends and family rather than ever have to go near having to discuss how I feel, but I am also a walking contradiction, I would do anything I could at times to avoid confrontation.
I would always go out of my way to help people if they needed anything, putting a light-up, cutting the grass, running errands exactly the sort of things you do as a friend but I could also be incredibly vindictive to those very same people, proper nasty, I would snap at people, I was outright rude to them at times, I knew I was doing it but I would carry it on and even though this thing in my head said stop, I couldn't stop.
I had become incredibly angry inside, the tiniest things would frustrate me beyond belief.
As for work, I could sit there and spend hours doing something and then just delete it because I decided it wasn't good enough, I was stupid, rinse and repeat.
Yesterday I sat at home, at my desk, I just started just sob uncontrollably. I sat there and knew I had to do something but me being me, calculated that my something was to phone the Samaritans because I could mark it off as done and move on. I did call them but then just started to cry again as soon as I had put the phone down.
So after a long time calculating what I would do next I decided I would phone the doctor, while I was on the phone, I did the calculating thing again, if I'm on hold for more than 1 minute I will end the call, 1 minute went by and I decided I would the call it if I was on hold for a minute more, thankfully the receptionist answered. I was transferred to the doctor and it all just poured out, within an hour they arranged for me to speak to a counsellor and I spent all afternoon yesterday just pouring it all out, nothing I said was new to me, there was no revelation but I decided if I don't do it now I never will. I'm exhausted now but feel a huge sense of relief that I have taken steps to deal with the things I have buried away.