* The Metal Thread *

Apologies, joining this thread late.

Do we have any Dream Theater/Flying Colors/Adrenaline Mob/Liquid Tension Experiment/Other Portnoy band fans in here?

Only discovered the sort of 'prog rock' genre a couple years ago and I love it -- especially Portnoy's drumming!
I got Karnivool's new album, Asymmetry through the post the other day, absolutely fantastic album. I'm not sure I like it as much as Sound Awake, but its certainly a goody!

Apologies, joining this thread late.

Do we have any Dream Theater/Flying Colors/Adrenaline Mob/Liquid Tension Experiment/Other Portnoy band fans in here?

Only discovered the sort of 'prog rock' genre a couple years ago and I love it -- especially Portnoy's drumming!

Been a DT fan since i heard them on John Peels radio show of all places many moons ago. Have you tried Devin Townsend Project? the man is epic :)
Whoa mate steady on, no need to be so defensive is there? it wasn't an attack on you... just that song you posted has to be one of the cheesiest things I've listened to recently.
Enjoying the new Devildriver album, more consistent than some of there others and tracks like ruthless are great.
Gorguts has a new album out .... shame I missed them last year at Camden Underworld as it was the same night as Refused which I already had tickets to :(

I recently got the new Asking Alexandria album after watching some videos on youtube and am surprised by it, really loving it :D


I also got the new five finger death punch album today and altho it sounds ok, some of the lyrics are pretty bad :(

new track from Fleshgod's new album. Anyone who liked Dimmu in their PEM era and then thought they went downhill after should definitely check them out.
Never heard of that band before :eek:
Really like the sound, going to look at getting the album :D used to listen to Dimmu a few years ago.
Think this track sounds wicked - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oZiA2TrWtpo
Has anyone got the new Avenged Sevenfold's album? I'm sure many on here will like along with their Dads! It sounds very oldie, I absolutely love it. Very Iron Maiden and Guns n Roses feel to some songs.
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