* The Metal Thread *

Who else is excited for the new Opeth? Been listening to Cusp of Eternity and I honestly think its as good as anything they've done. Seems like it might be a cut above Heritage.
Who else is excited for the new Opeth? Been listening to Cusp of Eternity and I honestly think its as good as anything they've done. Seems like it might be a cut above Heritage.

I'm not that excited. Couldn't get into Heritage. Along with Steve Wilson they seem to have taken a direction too far into classic prog that I don't understand nor care too much for. If they did something along the lines of the clean passages in Ghost Reveries, or Damnation, or the song Benighted off Still Life, I'd love it, but this kind of textural mish-mash of dreariness I can't quite get my head into. I'm sure it's good, just a bit initially disappointing of a direction for me.
Ah right figures. The new Opeth is leaked, does any new music not get leaked?

Yup this has a seventies prog theme running all the way through, Robosapien you wouldn't like it.
Ah right figures. The new Opeth is leaked, does any new music not get leaked?

Yup this has a seventies prog theme running all the way through, Robosapien you wouldn't like it.

Never say never. Your reverse psychology worked, I've put it on, and I'm loving Eternal Rains Will Come, it's excellent. I think I do like 70's prog when I can get into the vibe, maybe it was just Heritage I didn't like, albeit excellent playing of course.

Edit: Yup this is awesome. I was DEAD wrong. I enjoy the clean, folksy guitar parts the most, and the vocal harmonies are great. Potential candidate for my new favourite album. Those death growls? Never liked them anyway.
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Just about to start on this one:

I remember getting my mum to pick up their first album for me (I was into bands like system of a down at the time). Mainly because of a song called Split which I liked when I heard on Scuzz (sky channel) I think.

I got into better music after that but didn't buy any of their following albums.
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