On topic of Iron Maiden,
I purchased their new album through iTunes the other night. I've listened to it twice all the way through now, and I'm still trying to decide what I think of it. I think this will be the same as when A Matter Of Life And Death came out - it will take me a while to get used to it / like it. I agree as well - I do feel disappointed with the opening track, though I do like the first 3 minutes a lot. Yeah it is weird in a way but I like it, the rest of the 4 minutes of the song I just cannot get into at all.
El Dorado is a really good track, I near enough got into it straight away when the single first came out a few weeks back but after listening the whole album, I feel that this song is very different towards the others on the album. It's too hard to explain but it's like El Dorado in a way was supposed to be from the Brave New World album. Mother of Mercy - reminds me a lot of the song The Fugitive from the Fear Of The Dark album and I like it a lot (though there are only a few tracks off that album that I do like). Coming Home is a really good track too, very catchy chorus & lyrics. The Alchemist... just a big NO for me, definately a filler track. Isle Of Avalon, really catchy guitars but I feel I still need to understand this song more. Starblind, absolutely love the intro & the choros, overall another good song. The Talisman, another song I can't seem to get into at all - definately a "dreamy" one as el_dazza has already mentioned. The Man Who Would Be King, another great intro to a song but it seems to drag out a bit. Now, this is definately one of the best songs on the album - When The Wild Wind Blows, reminds me a lot of the song Alexander The Great (also coincidentally, is the ending track on the album). The song has a really catchy riff and rythem, there isn't a part of this song that I don't like yet.
One obvious thing I have noticed with the album is that the synth's have been used a lot again, which I like - takes me back to the "Experimental Era" (Somewhere In Time & Seventh Son) which are one of my favourite albums. By far my favourite Maiden years are 1981-1989.
My overal verdict for the album so far would be 6.5/10 but this may change over the next few weeks.