* The Metal Thread *

Thats one of their more "balls to the wall" (sorry rubbish terminology) songs. Usually they sound a lot more ambient, so to call them the best metal band is a bit wrong imo as they don't sound very metal most of the time.

They're a very dynamic band, calling them metal discredits them imo.

Best metal band of the last 20 years? Meshuggah.
Yeah the tempo of that song is more traditional in comparison to many other tracks where they play around with various instruments and vocal ranges.

I think metal maybe does do them an injustice but I'm not sure where else you would put them. Most songs have a very heavy element, even the more folk and ambient based ones.

I never could get into Meshuggah. They just seemed to sound like so many other bands. Maybe I should give them another go.

I guess you'd have to throw these guys hat into the ring as well:


Looking forward to their new album quite a lot. And also this . . .

Then theres new releases from Converge, IllDisposed, Enslaved and Devin Townsend. Looks like the year will finish a lot stronger than it started with regards to metal releases.
A track from Ihsahn's latest album "Eremita"

"March To The Sea" from Baroness' latest "Yellow & Green"

Tragedy's latest album "Darker Days Ahead" in full
Was anyone else disappointed that there wasn't even a mention of hard rock/metal at the opening ceremony?
We did kind of invent the genre
Paradise Lost is exceptional, one of those albums that has the best songs piled at the start of the album...and the quality steadily dips towards the end. But still great obviously.

Its also a bit of a overly long album but I guess thats what Symphony X fans want.
Nah Meshuggah is massively overrated and something of a one trick poney. I wouldn't stress about it, there is vastly better metal out there IMO.
Meshuggah makes most metal bands sound lame in comparison, if you don't get them just have some of their music playing in the background while you do something. If you are compatible with meshuggah the music will burrow into your subconscious and soon you will become addicted.

They mock other bands by sometimes sounding deceptively simple, but ofc they are fiendishly clever and while their music does sound repetetive to the uninitiated those of us who are fans of the band love the delicious complexity.

You may not be compatible with Meshuggah, they're not something that can be forced on everybody and everyone will like it. A lot of people just don't like the fact that they can't easily nod their head to the music.
Enjoying the new Grand Magus album at the moment, pretty much a traditional sounding Metal album, nothing here that's particularly original but it's chock full of nice riffing and soaring melodies, really enjoyable listen and worth checking out if you like gimmick & bull-**** free, old school sounding metal.

yes same here, never heard of them before but enjoying it. obvious judas priest/maiden/manowar etc infuences, but a good listen \m/

out of interest how do you pronounce Magus?
mag-us? or mages? or
yes same here, never heard of them before but enjoying it. obvious judas priest/maiden/manowar etc infuences, but a good listen \m/

out of interest how do you pronounce Magus?
mag-us? or mages? or

I've always pronounced it may-gus. I assume it's right, not 100% sure though.

Yeah, plenty of old school influences in their music, you should checkout their other stuff if you already haven't, they've recorded 6 albums dating back to 2001, originally their sound was much doomier with a heavy Sabbath influence, they developed a more commercial edge from 'Iron Will' onwards.

From LP 'Wolf's Return' (2005)

From LP 'Iron Will' (2008)

From LP 'Hammer Of The North' (2010)

Meshuggah makes most metal bands sound lame in comparison, if you don't get them just have some of their music playing in the background while you do something. If you are compatible with meshuggah the music will burrow into your subconscious and soon you will become addicted.

They mock other bands by sometimes sounding deceptively simple, but ofc they are fiendishly clever and while their music does sound repetetive to the uninitiated those of us who are fans of the band love the delicious complexity.

You may not be compatible with Meshuggah, they're not something that can be forced on everybody and everyone will like it. A lot of people just don't like the fact that they can't easily nod their head to the music.

For sure - each to their own, but to me Meshuggah doesn't have the scope nor the musicianship to extend beyond their signature sound. What they do they do very well but they haven't grown or developed beyond that sound let alone within that sound. There is too much of a need to adhere to an overly textured and distorted sound. Don't get me wrong, there are some absolute gems in their repertoire, but like many other bands their albums decend into sameness and drudge. They have one or two great tracks and then fall back into their standard one trick of mixing 4/4 with 3/4 polymeter rhythms. It all ends up blending in TBH. Ironically it's their instrumentals that do the most for me. What they could do with a decent singer would be something though.

Just started listening to Koloss and it's pretty listen-able so far (3 tracks in) and I might venture to say that it's showing a bit more awareness of allowing instruments to 'breathe' a bit and tell more of a story but I'll hold a final opinion till a few more listens - my initial feel is that they're letting the music stand a bit more, production is vastly better than anything they've done previously including obZen. Of course this is just my opinion. I'm not saying they're bad, just not the grand old reverent masters that everyone paints them to be.
Testament's new album out sometime soon, this week I believe. This one is off their last album. The Formation Of Damnation (2008).

I never could get into Meshuggah. They just seemed to sound like so many other bands. Maybe I should give them another go.

Are you joking? :eek: There are absolutely no bands which sound anything like Meshuggah, they are one of a kind. Lots of bands have tried to replicate their sound but none have succeeded. Can you name one? I've been searching for a long time :p

Nah Meshuggah is massively overrated and something of a one trick poney. I wouldn't stress about it, there is vastly better metal out there IMO.

They're not overrated in the slightest, in my opinion they deserve even more praise than they receive. The simple fact is that a lot of people can't (or won't, because they don't have an open mind) get into them because of their extreme style. It's easy to listen to them for 1 min and say "what is this 'random noise'". It took me at least 2 years to get into them but now they are my favorite band by a LONG way.

Meshuggah makes most metal bands sound lame in comparison, if you don't get them just have some of their music playing in the background while you do something. If you are compatible with meshuggah the music will burrow into your subconscious and soon you will become addicted.

They mock other bands by sometimes sounding deceptively simple, but ofc they are fiendishly clever and while their music does sound repetetive to the uninitiated those of us who are fans of the band love the delicious complexity.

You may not be compatible with Meshuggah, they're not something that can be forced on everybody and everyone will like it. A lot of people just don't like the fact that they can't easily nod their head to the music.

I agree completely, while I do love other metal bands, Meshuggah makes everything else sound bland in comparison.
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