The nervous wait to exchange....

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Post man arrived about 2pm today

Contract signed
Stamp Duty form signed
Transfer Deed signed

I took the forms back to my solictors today, so hopefully they will exchange on Monday!
The whole process was a nightmare for me, mainly do to my buyers being an absolute nightmare. Got there in the end, it was 7 months from viewing to keys for me

Jesus.. And I thought mine was long enough, from viewing it in July, offer accepted mid August to finally completing this week!
Heart break again :(

Turn's out the house has structral issues on it's gable wall, damp in the the two

Oh and to top it off - the roof has several leaks :(

So looks like I'm almost back to square one :(

looks like I'll be stuck renting a room again if I can find one and having to pay storage on the stuff I have :(

Two weeks into new place and we have learnt some interesting things.

1. Insurance is now 50% cheaper :-)
2. Council tax has dropped several bands :-)
3. Water Rates are lower :-)
4. Previous owners DIY skills were at the low end of useless :-(
5. As a result I have an almost infinite list of silly job to do.
well the exchange of contracts didnt happen today for me, my solictor didnt get satisfactory answers to some queries from the sellers solictors.

The roof to the property I'm buying was replaced/repaired 2 years ago and new tiles were fitted and the roof to the garage was refitted with new coverings too (seperate building to the house it's not connected)

Well my solictor said she needed either a copy of the planning permission for the work or evidence to show that no planning permission was required. The sellers solictor's reply was "the seller believes no planning permission was required"

My solictor cannot accept that as an answer so has had to chase for better info today.

Everything else is in place, including my buildings insurance policy on the property in order for the exchange to happen.

Hoping for tomorrow now.
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Well still haven't exchanged at the end of week 8, think their solicitor has been on holiday for two weeks and came back with yet more pointless queries that a) could and should have been asked two weeks ago, and b) they'd know the answers to if they actually read the title documents. This is such a frustrating process :mad: . At least my solicitor has been very good.

OTOH the non-legal side of things is going OK - the sales office held a get together for the people who were buying on the development, they all seem OK. I'm having a house demonstration next week which will be the first time I'll have gone inside the house. They're talking about completion on the 21st of Dec - a bit close to Christmas for my liking but I'll take it. Do not fancy moving in on Christmas Eve though.

Still haven't exchanged. The developer is having trouble getting a CML certificate which they claim is just because the drive and garage aren't finished yet. Today the sales office rang me up and proposed that I sign a disclaimer that grants the CML certificate without the drive and garage but mandates that they must be completed by the 23rd Dec, which would be my moving date. LOL. Logically it's a no brainer to wait until they've finished the job but emotionally I'd really like to move ASAP. Timing isn't ideal - gonna have a whole load of house worries over Christmas whether I move in on the 23rd or not.
I'm hoping to not move on the 23rd and 24th also, but I'm expecting the worst now.

I'd rather get completion by Friday so I can move on Sat/Sunday.

The good thing is I'm only working till the 22nd, so I can pickup the hire van on the 22nd and start on the evening of the 22nd and all day on the 23rd. Busy Busy!
Ok so it seem's that every cloud has a silver linning :)

If you look back here you'll remember I was interested in a house that I had to (again) walk away from, but this time because what I use as my full name for all details wasn't correct - and as such I couldn't get a mortgage.

1 Deed poll name change later and I now have a approved mortgage and no property to put it against

However this house is 16k more then the other one - but it's already got the father / brother / survey ok.

And it's newer, more energy efficent, and has a fitted out kitchen (cost saving)

So now waiting to hear back from the mortgage brooker if I can increase the approved mortgage to 71k - they have said I am approved for 55k but allowed up 82k lending on a mortgage with the Mortgage provider, so hopefully it's a simple re do of paper work - new house details on there and I'm still in the game with a quick completion

So currently looking a fool at work with my legs crossed and typing with crossed fingers - though crossed eyes is a step to far even for me
Finally completed on our purchase on Friday and spent the weekend and yesterday (agreed moving day) moving everything. A little manic but we are all in and in time for Christmas.

Good luck to all those waiting to exchange before Christmas also.
Well, after nearly everything falling through due to Welsh Water not turning up to connect the drains and therefore the NHBC not being signed off and my mortgage valid until the 26th, the NHBC was signed off yesterday so instructed my solicitor to get the money from HtB and also Nationwide on Friday to aim for a Monday completion!

On the downside I have just transferred all the funds (incl. the rest of the deposit) to my solicitor and my account looks empty.

Looks like we'll be in before Christmas! :D
I'm getting really really annoyed now. My solictor is saying they haven't received any answers to the final enquiries from the sellers solictors and the sellers estate agent is confirming that the sellers solictors have sent the information at least twice now.

Couldn't organise a **** up in a brewery. What a joke!!!!!!

What a joke considering the contracts were all drawn up last Wednesday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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They probably just use cheap conveyancers and have 100's of houses on the go at the same time. All of the Solicitors I've used in the past have been useless. Though Countrywide deserve a special mention for being absolutely the worst Solicitors I've ever dealt with (they were the sellers Solicitors) and it turns out every other Solicitor and Estate Agent hates them.

Get there solicitors to email you and then forward it on to your own Solicitors and then ring them up 5 minutes later to see if they have it. I ended up doing this a lot. While I know they got annoyed at me constantly hassling them for updates, etc. it actually got things moving - well until completion date and the hassle I had there but that's another story.

Does this email read ok?

Hi Nick

I’m sorry if this email is blunt and to the point, but I really want to get this whole process completed for Friday. I know you have personally only taken over the case today from your colleague who is away until Friday.

I’ve been advised by my mortgage advisor you keep claiming no email has been received in relation to the single enquiry that is not yet resolved regarding the roof, however the sellers solicitor keeps claiming emails HAVE been sent to you and on more than one occasion. I want the exchange to happen by the close of business on Wednesday the 15th December. I need you to ensure that you chase the sellers solicitor and remain on the telephone with them until you have the emails and they are satisfactory so the exchange can happen by lunchtime. I feel that this process is taking an unnecessary amount of time to get simple answers to something as simple as getting information on replacement/repair work for the roof.

I really need the contracts exchanging by noon tomorrow and I want the completion done by 1pm on Friday.

I also have an outstanding balance total to pay Poole Alcock of £xxxxx please also confirm ASAP, so I can arrange the transfer of the funds quickly tomorrow in order to complete by Friday lunctime.

Please confirm by 10am tomorrow, MY CONTACT TEL IS xxxxxxxxxxx. I will give you a call at 10am to verifty the details.

I will be pursuing the sellers agents at 9am tomorrow as well.

Thank you.

Does this email read ok?

that central section doesn't quite work:

I’ve been advised by my mortgage advisor you keep claiming no email has been received in relation to the single enquiry that is not yet resolved regarding the roof, however the sellers solicitor keeps claiming emails HAVE been sent to you and on more than one occasion.

I'd go with:

You are still claiming not to have received any email in relation to the single outstanding enquiry with regards to the the roof, however the sellers solicitor claims emails HAVE been sent to you on more than one occasion.

I'd almost be inclined to get the seller's solicitors to send another e-mail with you in copy then phone up, or demand that they cc in on everything perhaps?
I'd almost be inclined to get the seller's solicitors to send another e-mail with you in copy then phone up, or demand that they cc in on everything perhaps?

Thats the plan. I have'nt been told who their solictor is, but I will call the sellers estate agent today at 9am and ask for this information for sure.
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Phoned the sellers solictors, they were really informative and explained things to me, my own solictor has not done this once. I now know exactly what the issue is, and it 100% is my solictor being useless.

I have just called my solictor - and guess what? nobody is available so the receptionist has said she will pass a message on for a call back. I warned her if I haven't had a call back by 10:30 I will be calling back today.

Also for completion to happen on Friday my solictor needs to request the mortgage moneyf rom natioinwide today - so thats something I will be asking too, if I ever get throiugh to somebody. If I don't get any answer by lunch time I may even drive to the solictor's office.

Fed up isn't the half of it.
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think we've been lucky with our solicitors - we have one person who, while she can be a little hard to get hold of, phones back as soon as she can. Apparently the biggest issue she has is just the number of estate agents phoning to chase :(

Always worth getting a personal recommendation over taking an EA's or random one - and from personal experience i'd always go with a smaller firm out of preference!

Our seller's one has been pretty useless - we've been waiting for the HETAS certificate for ages, they had been trying to get it from the installer for weeks but with one phone call we managed to get it in 10 min :( easier to fire an e-mail and forget about it than picking up the phone!
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