The nervous wait to exchange....

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Did you not view the property before you purchased it?

When I viewed the house I'm buying (4 views) I checked all these things. So I know exactly what I'm buying.
I did view it, but you cannot physically go around checking all the wiring and taking spotlights down to inspect etc, the door they opened and closed for us so it's hard to check it all when on a viewing, they seemed nice people as well, I suspect they just let it go as soon as the sale was confirmed, and then couldn't be bothered to do anything to the house, literally.

We were first time buyers, so definitely made mistakes, all part of the (expensive) learning process I guess!
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Maybe on that front I was lucky with my brother and dad being both from a construction / building / QA back grounds combined with the last house I was looking at and almost completed on.

would have been saddled with huge ammounts of work to make it liveable etc.

The one I am just waitting on approval for has already been viewed by my brother so I know it's all good - though it needs dad sign off aswell to be home and dry so to speak

GL Ace, hope you get your responses back totday /tomorrow for your completion
Thanks tcfreer, my solictor has confirmed the funds haven't arrived to complete just yet.

I've asked my mortgage advisor to chase up nationwide to check the transfer has been done.
My completion and exchange seems to be happening the same time I believe. Hoping for tomorrow still.

So much evasion and lack of confirmations here from my solictor though.

It's doing my nut in.
Thanks tcfreer, my solictor has confirmed the funds haven't arrived to complete just yet.

I've asked my mortgage advisor to chase up nationwide to check the transfer has been done.

Weren't funds only requested yesterday? If so, Nationwide's standard notice period is 5 working days unless under special circumstances which requires a serious amount of hassling and 'escalation to superiors' when phoning them..

Well interestingly I just got this email from my mortgage advisor, less than 15mins ago.

Hi Lee,
Have spoken to Nationwide and they said they have not received the request for the funds yet- I have just tried to call Nick but apparently he is on his lunch so I have sent him an email to get him to double check. Not sure if he faxed or emailed it but I have given him an email address to send it to.
Ill let you know when I hear back from him


I'm so angry, I just called my solictor to find out what the hell is going on, and he said it has been requested twice. 2 days ago and again this morning. He said completion should still happen tomorrow and he expects he will receive the money either later today or tomorrow morning.

I'm really ****ed off now.
What the actual?! So nationwide haven't received any fund request, yet solicitor still thinks he will have funds this afternoon. There is either some communication mistake, or the solicitor is having a joke!
I'm fuming, and after I spoke to him I just got a text saying my solictor just requested the funuds now. But they may take up to 2 days to process..

ARGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! I've asked my mortgage advisor to see if there is a way to can pay for a faster transfer of the funds for today.

Hopefully she gets a positive answer for me.
ah my mortgage advisor told me the funds should arrive today with the solictors, its usually much larger sums that have a 1-2 day delay, nationwide do two payment runs a day 10am and 3pm, so the funds should go at 3pm and will be a same day payment.

Cutting it fine is an understatement though.
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In the space of a 10 minute phone call this afternoon I've gone from "the seller will be withdrawing the property from the market unless we complete next week" to "we'll exchange today" lol. Sat here at work shaking and checking my email every few minutes. House buying is such a PITA :mad: I'm going to be a nervous wreck at the end of this.
ah my mortgage advisor told me the funds should arrive today with the solictors, its usually much larger sums that have a 1-2 day delay, nationwide do two payment runs a day 10am and 3pm, so the funds should go at 3pm and will be a same day payment.

Cutting it fine is an understatement though.

What's the verdict? :o

For what it's worth, I've never had an experience of a mortgage advisor being able to help in the slightest, or give any more credible information than a bank directly so my advice would be to take their optimism with a pinch of salt as it seems their job role is to provide short term happiness even if it results in more misery later on!

Hate being such a gloomer in this thread but there isn't really a whole lot of positives to speak about!!
Well I didnt get chance to check this afternoon if the if the funds arrived (was busy with work), but if not they should hopefully arrive in the morning, then completion can be done and fingers crossed keys for lunch time.

But 1 day before and still not sure, its pretty urine-poor.

My mortgage advisor is really good too, she replies to emails ALWAYS within 15mins other than 1 day where she was out of the office, but she warned me in advance of this so I knew anyway.
Well good luck to you all, hope those who want to be in before Christmas are in, just keep some money aside spare... Since completing in the middle of last month I have had to;

1) Replace front door (they had wedged a piece of cardboard in to hold the lock/ in place), £860 for a composite front door

2) Have fusebox upgraded to latest version, it had the original fusebox (1970's) in there and awful wiring.

3) Fix several bodge-jobs both electrically and plumbing related by the previous owners being DIY fans, but DIY idiots more like.

4) Replace a toilet upstairs that they left with a broken flusher

5) Empty a freezer full of frozen food that they left inexplicably.

6) Have the oven cleaned as they left it in a right state, even though they sold it to me!

7) Fix some of the internal doors as they had either broken hinges or just wouldn't shut at all.

8) Fix the integrated fridge freezer, along with a new set of brackets as they had just removed them, drilled bigger holes so the original brackets didn't fit anymore (plus they didn't leave the originals anyway!)

9) Replace carpets / paint the house, as it hadn't been painted for about 10 years - although this is kinda standard 'move-in' stuff.

Plenty more, that I have forgotten in the stress of it all!

They were not council tenants or renting that property either, ridiculous really.

...But other than that, enjoy your new houses/flats :D

That sounds exactly the same as the house we just got the keys for! We knew about some of the things that needed doing but not the extent of them. The vendors followed us round like hawks on the viewings we had so felt we couldn't investigate everything properly. We did negotiate £20k off the asking price though because of a lot of the problems we saw.

I've had carpet people round for quotes today as all the carpets are shocking, door people round to quote for two new composite doors as a child could kick through the existing frames. If I push the back door at the top from the outside, I can flex it an inch away from the frame, it's a proper old door with no multi point locks.

The fuse box is an old style one, but that can wait for now. The tap in the kitchen leaks like anything and the upstairs toilet flush is iffy. All the walls are wallpapered in some horrific old fashioned paper so that all needs to come off and be painted.

Today I stripped out all the ancient fitted wardrobes and ripped the carpet up. Need to get a load of plasterboard in and board up a lot of places now.
Well I've been bouncing around the room for two hours

I have been approved for it

So now the sign off from the folks and completion first week of Jan looks on the cards
Well we have been in since end of September and so far we have done.

1. £1500 - Had the whole house rewired lots of new sockets put in new consumer unit with a couple of spare mcb's.
2. £1200 - New composite front door, composite garage back door, and window.
3. £300 - Ridge tiles removed and re-bedded, plus two new tiles, chimney re-pointed and capped.
4. £250 new hot water cylinder, two new header/expansion tanks and re-piping to account for primatic to vented indirect system.

Started a load of DIY jobs as well,
Insulating the central heating pipes under the floor boards.
Finishing off where the electrician left, chases and what not.
Installing Cat6 throughout the house.
Decorating the main bedroom first but its slow going lots of plastering and skirting boards to fit.
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