Wow I like it. a lot. Excellent setup. Well done. I might replace my 800D for this. The thing is I must be suffering from OCD because I find when case windows get dusty, no matter how careful you are blowing the dust off with cans of air or using miicro fibre cloths, you always end up with micro marring/scratches. I suppose it's a hang up from my car detailing days. Still I like this case a lot. Are the 2 bays above the HD bay ready for SSD's ?
Here is my setup. All stock fans replaced with noisblocker pro pk2 1200rpm jobs, and rear fan reversed so it's an intake, plus sidepanel has 2 intakes. So 5 intakes in total. Top fans are all Akasa Apache PWM fans and set to exhaust. They are run from the motherboard cpu header using a couple of pwm adaptors. Generally positive airflow and good temps. But I prefer your case.
the haf x makes your mobo look like an matx
Lol, was thinking the same thing , so is that for these new xl-atx motherboards.
Clean & tidy looking rig cub1061
Lol, was thinking the same thing , so is that for these new xl-atx motherboards.
Clean & tidy looking rig cub1061