Check out Kevin Mullins guide to setting up Fuji X-Pro1 and some hints and tips.
Also be sure to check out Kia Piper's brilliant blog (not suitable for viewing in office or with family), it has ton of good useful info.
and be sure not to miss tomorrow's CES 2014, hopefully Fuji will introduce 56mm f/1.2 (85mm equivalent) and the lens road map for 2014/2015.
Check out Kevin Mullins guide to setting up Fuji X-Pro1 and some hints and tips.
Also be sure to check out Kia Piper's brilliant blog (not suitable for viewing in office or with family), it has ton of good useful info.
and be sure not to miss tomorrow's CES 2014, hopefully Fuji will introduce 56mm f/1.2 (85mm equivalent) and the lens road map for 2014/2015.
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