The new Orange Android phone (San Francisco) £99...but a Question??

Been using the phone more and more( I currently have a wildfire)

I use latitude a lot and it's got a serious issue with location often being miles out compared to any other android phone I've owned

Also ran Neo core and got a score of 35 I had a galaxy s to hand at the time as well which scored 55.
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If people order it online, and go through topcashback they get 12.00 back..... So under total 98.00 for the phone.

I might get one and erm....sell my hero.

If anyone is a student/or not (NUS: 000000000000000) you get 10% online discount ;) Takes it to £99.00 inc top up ..... :D
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Well sorted My signal issues out, however I now have sync issues. It wont sync to my google account any more even thought it had done friday. I've gone into applications and selected a few to clear cache but it has not worked.

Any one have any advice on this?

= Edit after a few attempts and several reboots it's all working swell!!
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In case anyone else is having any problems on Vodafone, here are the APN settings I'm using:


Name: internet
APN: internet
Username: web
Password: web


Name: MMS
Username: wap
Password: wap
MMS proxy:
MMS port: 8799
MCC: 234
MNC: 15
APN type: MMS

You'll need a reboot for the MMS APN to actually start working.

EDIT: The above only works for receiving MMS. The following works for sending and receiving, taken from

Name: Vodafone UK
Username: wap
Password: wap
MMS Proxy:
MMS Port: 8799
MCC: 234
MNC: 15
APN Type: *
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Latest on Modaco is that they're likely to get hold of the Kernel source code - this will hold the key to overclocking the SF; Apparently in the HTC Legend the MSM7227 was good up to 800MHz (bit excessive, but even a little boost will be nice!) They are also trying to get hold of a 2.2 ROM or Kernel from the same source to see if they can progress at all down that route as well...

Add onto that the fact that the guy from VillainROM has bought himself one of these and this phone is turning into even more of a bargain!
Yep, supports exchange! thanks. Possibly might pick one of these up tomorro at some point during work...
By that I mean the default email app on the Modaco Custom ROM - I didn't leave the Orange software on there long enough to notice what that had!

Anyone tried this tweak? It's all about changing the Java VM size from 24 to 32 mb in order to improve performance and stability. Just changed it to 32 myself but not really done any experimentation to see if it is better.
I've done it but not noticed anything groundbreaking and I was quite happy with how it was running at 24. I think the major leaps we'll see are when the community gets their hands on the Kernel and/or someone shoehorns 2.2 in.
can i ask is this phone faster then a htc hero or are they about the same?
Depends on how you describe 'faster' - in the home screen arena using LauncherPro (vs. the same on FroydVillain Hero 2.2) it is marginally quicker but not much in it. When you get to app usage it is much more clear cut. Angry Birds, and my new favourite Fruit Ninja, are both absolute joys to play! On my Hero running 2.2 Angry Birds was glitchy and very laggy, on this device it is amazing and on par with the iPhone experience. Haven't tried many other games but other things like App Installation and the like are all much snappier than on the Hero.

That all said I think the screen justifies the price on its own, especially if you're talking about coming from a Hero.

edit: Oh and live wallpapers run smoothly. Although they 'worked' on FroydVillain the 3d ones mostly didn't launch and the 2d ones were dead laggy.
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