After stumbling onto this thread, you lot made a decision for me. I bought the SanFran the other day. First thing I did was to UnLock it. (successfull) next i chose Tesco Pay monthly Sim as they had a better deal than orange.
(1) Should I now plug my Sf into my Windows 7 PC and let the Windows drivers install to it ??
(2) I would then appreciated it if someone could explain in good easy english dufffer terms on how to install "Launcher Pro" & "Astro File Manager" and tell me of any other apps I should install. I do have a lot of Apps in a folder on my PC. (not unzipped yet but some with a .apk at end.
(3) Not doing the Clockwork or anything yet as I don't want to Brick me phone. I do not understand it all as some parts get me confused. Must try to learn a bit more first or find someone to do it for me.
Sorry for long thread.