The new Orange Android phone (San Francisco) £99...but a Question??

Just put on the JapJelly 2.2 Lite on and the overclocking thing but i'm only getting a score of 897 in Quadrant.

Basically installed the ROM as normal, re-booted and installed the overclock zip which should have me above a 1,000. Have I done something wrong here?
Installed the JapJelly 2.2 Rom also, not installed the overclocking one yet can someone explain how to do it, is it like installing a ROM i.e using clockwork recovery etc?
I installed the Lite ROM 1st, re-booted and did the basic set up. Turned the phone off again and booted into Clockwork and installed the overclock, that's the way I did it and i'm getting 897 in Quadrant.

Brummies, can you do us a quick favour and download Quadrant, run the bench and post your score on here? I ran it with no background tasks open too, hopefully we'll be able to compare if the overclock I installed did owt (probably not though lol).
Looks like i've not done the overclocking thing properly then. No idea how you do it with this release. I asked on the Modaco forums but haven't got a reply yet.
Got one of these phones for Christmas, been looking into putting a custom rom on there, but there seams to be so many out there. How do i know which is the best one to put on?

I just want one for everyday use & to get away from all the orange crap on my phone.

Plus i see people keep changing the roms they have on there phone is there really a need for this & how often do you do it?

Do all custom rom's let you install direct on to the memory card?

Also what size memory cards have you got in yours? Been reading that some phones will work with 16GB memory card buts others wont
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Got one of these phones for Christmas, been looking into putting a custom rom on there, but there seams to be so many out there. How do i know which is the best one to put on?
Check out this link to modaco where there is a nice comparison table of most of the current ROMs :

I just want one for everyday use & to get away from all the orange crap on my phone.
In which case you will want to stick with an android 2.1 ROM, as the 2.2 ROMs are all based off beta and leaked builds that have some issues.
The de-orangeated r7 ROM by Sebastian404 would be a good place to start :

Plus i see people keep changing the roms they have on there phone is there really a need for this & how often do you do it?
If you want to use your phone as a day-to-day device, then there is no need to constantly change the ROM, especially as changing from a 2.1 build to a 2.2 build will require a factory reset.
Due to the price, the phone has been picked up by a large number of people as a development device. Hence the large number of custom builds and the number of people regularly changing builds.

Do all custom rom's let you install direct on to the memory card?
Once you have installed ClockworkMod Recovery, then you install each ROM from the SD card. There are other ways to install ROMs, but ClockworkMod is the de-facto standard method.

Also what size memory cards have you got in yours? Been reading that some phones will work with 16GB memory card buts others wont
It's more a case of which 16GB memory cards work with the phone, there is a thread on modaco where people are giving their results with specific cards :
I just want one for everyday use & to get away from all the orange crap on my phone.

Then either uninstall the Orange crap, delete the icons or put them all on the last page.
Some people talk as though all this Orange crap runs in the background all the time but looking at Task Manager shows this not to be so.
My wife's SF runs brilliantly and the battery lasts ages.

Plus i see people keep changing the roms they have on there phone is there any need

I'm going to be unpopular here but if you use your phone for phoning, texting, emailing, GPS, music, videos, taking pictures, taking videos, playing games and a host of other normal stuff then the only thing you need to change is maybe some of the standard apps.
I've tried different roms on both my SGS and wife's SF and eventually gone back to stock because I don't see the point.
Then either uninstall the Orange crap, delete the icons or put them all on the last page.
Some people talk as though all this Orange crap runs in the background all the time but looking at Task Manager shows this not to be so.
My wife's SF runs brilliantly and the battery lasts ages.

I'm going to be unpopular here but if you use your phone for phoning, texting, emailing, GPS, music, videos, taking pictures, taking videos, playing games and a host of other normal stuff then the only thing you need to change is maybe some of the standard apps.
I've tried different roms on both my SGS and wife's SF and eventually gone back to stock because I don't see the point.

+1 I,m back at stock after trying all the Rom,s available. It seems to give the best performance and battery life. I will continue to try any new Rom,s as i love the fiddle factor and trying something new but so far the stock Orange Rom has been the best for me.
Right, it has been a while since I posted in here but after running Sebastian's R3 rom for the last 3 months, (since I got the phone) as I found it the most stable, I have upgrad to Android 2.2 Jellyfish RLS3b today.

Very smooth and quick although the battery life seems to go down quite rapidly at the moment. Will give it a couple of charges and days to settle and check if any apps are causing issues.

Well worth the upgrade.

Took about 4-5mins to load into the phone once installed and reebooted.
Just run Quadrant and scored 922. This is without installing the HW overclock part of the rom.

Everything just feels a lot faster including the internet & market place which seems to cache quicker.

Love the new gingerbread keyboard.
Loaded Sebastians de-orangeated r7 ROM a week ago. Getting much better battery life, it feels snappier in places and there is a lot more available space to play with. The snappyness may just be in my head but the space and battery have definitly a lot better since the swipe. Have had absolutely no issues with it aswell, everything works perfectly.
Very smooth and quick although the battery life seems to go down quite rapidly at the moment. Will give it a couple of charges and days to settle and check if any apps are causing issues.
Im on Jap Jellyfish RLS3 and took my phone off charge about 24 hours ago and still have 93% left in my battery, for me Jap Jelly RLS 3 has by far the best battery life of any rom out there:confused:
Im on Jap Jellyfish RLS3 and took my phone off charge about 24 hours ago and still have 93% left in my battery, for me Jap Jelly RLS 3 has by far the best battery life of any rom out there:confused:

It depends what battery draining apps you have running, I have the Wifi always on and GPS comes on and off randomly and I get a day at most. If i turn everything off i can easily get a couple of days use.

Just running this Jap Jellyfish rom and so far i,m quite immpressed. It seems to be a bit more snappy. Angry Birds is far less juddery. I have not bothered with the overclocking and i,m getting 1027 on the benchmark thing. Not sure if this means anything really as i have read it can be quite random..
Im on Jap Jellyfish RLS3 and took my phone off charge about 24 hours ago and still have 93% left in my battery, for me Jap Jelly RLS 3 has by far the best battery life of any rom out there:confused:

Will give it a full charge and reset the battery meter later then see how it goes. Only topped charge up earlier to make sure I had enough to install the rom.
Will give it a full charge and reset the battery meter later then see how it goes. Only topped charge up earlier to make sure I had enough to install the rom.
leave your phone for 10-15 minutes to goto sleep then try and wake it with the home button, if it comes back on you phone isnt going to sleep properly which might be why your battery is draining.
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