The new Orange Android phone (San Francisco) £99...but a Question??

Loving this ROM so far, probably the best one i've used. Deleted all the junk from the app folder like all the Google related crap and all the other useless apps that come with it, increased the VM from 40 to 48 and it's running like a dream, no slow downs whatsoever. Scored 1058 (average) in 3 Quadrant runs so i'm happy.

Just a heads up on how to install this with the overclock mod and the general best way to install ROMs. I know many people have their own ways which work but doing it this way made the phone feel even more snappier.

1) Boot into Clockwork and then do a wipe data/factory reset followed by wipe cache partition.

2) Install your ROM, one that's done install the overclock.

3) Go back to the Clockwork menu and do another wipe data/factory reset and wipe cache partition.

4) Go back to the menu again and reboot your phone.

Seems to run even faster and smoother doing it this way, was playing around with all the different installation 'procedures' last night and this seems to work the best/fastest.

Seen loads of people whinging about the supposed battery drain with this ROM, all fine and dandy here only lost 1% battery over a 10 hour period in standby (or there abouts).
Im on Jap Jellyfish RLS3 and took my phone off charge about 24 hours ago and still have 93% left in my battery, for me Jap Jelly RLS 3 has by far the best battery life of any rom out there:confused:

It depends what battery draining apps you have running, I have the Wifi always on and GPS comes on and off randomly and I get a day at most. If i turn everything off i can easily get a couple of days use.

Just running this Jap Jellyfish rom and so far i,m quite immpressed. It seems to be a bit more snappy. Angry Birds is far less juddery. I have not bothered with the overclocking and i,m getting 1027 on the benchmark thing. Not sure if this means anything really as i have read it can be quite random..

Will give it a full charge and reset the battery meter later then see how it goes. Only topped charge up earlier to make sure I had enough to install the rom.

To confirm, I never had a problem with standby battery life, when not using the phone, it will last for ages. This is the same with any of the roms I have tried.

My real problem with this phone (on any of the roms) has been battery life under use. Worst offenders are 3G data connection, internet, downloading and installing apps and gaming. Then add sync, GPS + wifi on top and it goes down fast.

To the point I now keep a spare dumb phone with me in the car.

Most of the time I would get a woprk day out of the phone when on Seb's r3 with pretty heavy use before charging.
To confirm, I never had a problem with standby battery life, when not using the phone, it will last for ages. This is the same with any of the roms I have tried.

My real problem with this phone (on any of the roms) has been battery life under use. Worst offenders are 3G data connection, internet, downloading and installing apps and gaming. Then add sync, GPS + wifi on top and it goes down fast.

To the point I now keep a spare dumb phone with me in the car.

Most of the time I would get a woprk day out of the phone when on Seb's r3 with pretty heavy use before charging.

I can get the battery from charged fully to telling me it needs charging in under 3 hours if using apps and playing games. Its a shame there is no larger capacity battery option for the phone.
Is the Galaxy S really that bad?


It was that bad on the release firmware, not it gets about 1200~ on stock firmware.
Loving this ROM so far, .....................

Is this the latest Jellyfish ?
If so I agree completely.

Although wish a lite (bare) version was hosted, its not easy to know what the additional apk files are as some names are a not obvious. Took my ages with google.
Unless none of it is needed ?
Is this the latest Jellyfish ?
If so I agree completely.

Although wish a lite (bare) version was hosted, its not easy to know what the additional apk files are as some names are a not obvious. Took my ages with google.
Unless none of it is needed ?

3B, latest one!

I basically kept re-doing it myself. Installed the full version and checked at what crap there was that I wasn't going to use (pretty much everything), opened up the ZIP and deleted all the crap I didn't want, everything still works fine and dandy. Oh, and edited the 'build' file and added another 8MB of VM.

I'd call this the 'Anorexic' version as the i've literally stripped everything from it apart from YouTube, media player/picture viewer and news and weather. Whatever else I want I can easily download off the app marketplace. Just downloaded TaskKiller and that's it. :)

Edit: If you want, I could upload my version of it somewhere if you fancy giving it a go.
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Is it me or is USB rubbish for charging the battery?

From 2% to 100% with the phone off still takes about 4 hours and a lot more if it's turned on.

My Nokia charged in about 2 hours with a 1200mah battery.

In fact if you use the phone while connected to USB it won't even charge. Got wifi on, bluetooth and USB mass storage and the phone has been at 68% for the past hour. It seems like USB just can't supply enough power.

Anyone else experiencing similar?
3B, latest one!

I basically kept re-doing it myself. Installed the full version and checked at what crap there was that I wasn't going to use (pretty much everything), opened up the ZIP and deleted all the crap I didn't want, everything still works fine and dandy. Oh, and edited the 'build' file and added another 8MB of VM.

I'd call this the 'Anorexic' version as the i've literally stripped everything from it apart from YouTube, media player/picture viewer and news and weather. Whatever else I want I can easily download off the app marketplace. Just downloaded TaskKiller and that's it. :)

Edit: If you want, I could upload my version of it somewhere if you fancy giving it a go.
Thanks, but this is how i ended up with the same version as you, good job flashing is easy/quick :)
im using orange as i was with them anyway all i need to do now i think is find out how to clean up the menu and can i get any apps for free at all?
how do i get the android market?

should i plug my san francisco into my pc for doing all this?

also is there a clearer guide to flashing it? and what is a good one that just basically takes away everything that isnt needed

*yawn* Also can i get the 2.2 or what ever it is lol?

Ok really i should just ask whats a good Custom ROM to get that doesnt have all the crap you don't need and how do i get the android market?

And anything else i should think about doing, im with orange so don't need to unlock it.
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You should have a link on your phone to google market.

Click that and it will ask for a google login. Login and it will let you search for and dowload and install apps. It's all done on the phone. You don't need the PC.

Best think though is to first unlock your phone. It's free. Then select the ROM you want to install (all 2.2 are alpha, but stable). Then once oyu've installed the ROM then go about getting the apps you want and setting up your phone.

See the open post in this thread for links and howtos.

EDIT: The reason i say unlock it now, is because if you go for a ROM that doesn't check the sim lock, you then will not be able to unlock it in the future while that ROM is installed. You'd have to revert back to a different ROM
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