anyone know when it restarts.
1x11 is scheduled for Friday 2nd April
anyone know when it restarts.
At least we'll have Caprica prior to it then.
US mid-season break truely had turned into utter randomness now.
Im thinking (and hoping) that now that the first half of the season is out of the way, allot of the dull episodes like finding food, water etc. Looking at the plot summaries/snippets for the next few episodes they definitely looks allot more interesting and eventful.
Looks ace can't wait
The second half of the season had better pick up and this certainly seems to suggest that - alien races / space battles etc!!
I strongly doubt it.
The tempo and storylines are now set for this series and if you enjoyed the first half of the season, then you will almost certainly like the 2nd half. If you hated the first half then you will probably continue to hate the show.
Bit of an assumption to make, ill reserve judgement til the episodes have aired tbh
Unless there is a change in story-writers, I can't see why/how the storylines are suddenly going to change direction, dramatically, which is what, I think, you want.
Not really i enjoyed the first half of the season. As ive only watched the first half again ill reserve judgement until the latter half has aired, and speaking of writers several new writer/producers have been hired for the second season
In fairness, if you want an all-action stargate series, then SG1 and Atlantis would've been your thing.
Already watched all of SG1 and SGA and loved bothNever said i wanted SGU to be an action show, just more eventful in regards to the ship/exploration which seems to be the case with a few of the episode summaries ive seen
For whatever reason, those 2 shows were cancelled in favour of a show which has a slower in pace and concentrates more on the characters as opposed to the space battles and the cliched baddies.
SG1 ended long before SGU even went into production, and its never been oficially stated that atlantis was cancelled to make way for sgu, it's all just speculationRecession/Ratings were a more likely cause for the cancellation with SGA. Also, the fact that MGM who own the various Stargate series and are in quite a bit of debt most definitely affected that decision to
If they wanted to continue along the lines of an all action show, they probably would never had cancelled SG1 or Atlantis.
See my last point
But who knows these things for sure...
I also spotted an old friend in there.![]()
What's this Stargate Universe, is it a new show? I remember seeing something about it on the tv ages ago but can't remember it now
I must say though that the trailer does make the second half look interesting.