The New Stargate Universe Thread

I give it one more episode before I give up on this waste of an hour tbh. After god knows how many episodes I still don't know most of the character names, and virtually all of them are just dull as hell personality wise.

The show just seems to want to be a BSG clone in every area. Just feature lots of sodding talking, sex and very little in the way of action scenes, which the SG franchise is renowned for.

Edit: Given up after the latest eps. Another one full of yet more talk and sod all else.
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Every week something interesting happens or is suggested but nothing comes of it or it takes weeks to happen, too long for today's audience.

I hate the music, when they do a montage and there is some folk rock emo troubadour singing a heartfelt ballad about anything i want them to all die. It just reminds me of 90210 or some other American drivel.

It would be nice if they just met some friendly people for a change or focused on the ship and repaired it a bit accessing some cool stuff. I really just don't know how they can make this interesting enough but bleak enough at the same time but not turn it into SG Highscool90210glee.
It's getting better but i really want see more of the ship explored, though it looks like thats starting to happen anyway, i just hope they have more interesting areas because it's all a bit dark and boring.
I do think the second part of the series is a distinct improvment. I love the possibilities offered by the robot but not by TJ's preganacy. That looks to be a real show-killer for me.

The main distraction for me is the shear size of the brunette marine's breasts. They truly take over the screen whenever she is on.
What robot? Are you discussing stuff that has yet to air in the UK yet?

Nope, there was a what looked to be a robot in the latest UK episode that they discovered in storage.

They are exploring the ship, every episode exploring the ship and opening doors would get boring tbh. That part is definitely picking up and will pick up in the next few episodes looking at the press releases for upcoming episodes.
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Cant wait till tuesday till the next episode :) need some naked scenes which will make it perfect! kidding :P its good the way it is :)
It was a good episode, but i think they could have done a lot more. It's not really a sci-fi, they should have made a double and actually shown them exploring both the planet and the ship.
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