The New Stargate Universe Thread

It was complete cack from the outset tbh. I got as far as when those daft aliens appeared and I gave up. It was just a poor BSG clone from the outset.

Too much yapping, shagging, fondling the stones of 'fail', and just too much walking around the ship doing FA. The intro was my favourite bit of SG episodes but where was it in this? Earth, Wind, Fire, Water, BBQ - nice, imaginative episode titles guys.

None of the character's bar that British scientist like bloke were of any real interest at all. It just reminded me of BSG, lots of talking and little else. From my pov - a longtime SG1, SGA fan, SGU was just an insult to the stargate franchise.
I think its sad to see it canceled so early, Stargate has been quite lucky in the past though so i guess it shouldn't be surprising this would happen at some point, it doesn't help that the show was not interesting enough, that's not to say it didn't have its moments, it had a lot of potential and i enjoyed it overall but the shocking lack of planet visitation and interesting stuff happening this season was just poor indeed.

If Stargate ever returns in some form i just hope they get a few new writers in, these guys have been doing it for years and it seems they weren't capable of doing anything that's both new and interesting with SGU.

Oh yeah, some might be interested to know you can watch the whole first season of Atlantis on sky anytime+ at the moment, hopefully they add the rest at some point. :)
Ohh dear.

Was getting rather good, the second series showed it had a decent path ahead... no different than the first couple of series of both sg1 and atlantis.

All it tells me realy, is mainstream genre tv finished? They crash and burn more than they ever did it seems these days, if the defining factor is ratings, is people watching the shows at broadcast... is there a future in them pumping out big budget niche tv.

In the wash of a world of differing lifestyles, and questionable social acceptances, they need to adapt the marketing to match the accord.. Tie in crap like the social media, tap the world of the people that talk.. the easy to fleece, grab the funding in dribs and drabs... look at the way a company like Valve draws up the spiel about it's games and services like 'portal' and translate it to tv, it would be so ******* easy to play out the depth and backstories of the characters in SGU in the social medium.... guessing/mind games reveals... all of that can be tied in to monetization when/if it grows big enough within a couple of seasons.... Then advertising goes where the people are.

Rant off anyway... just a shame stargate died today.. doubt they'll be back with anything new.
S:U was beocming so much better, developing slowly but well, shame I had enjoyed S2 lots more than S1.
Wonder will they cram it to finish it, or leav it hanging hoping to get a revivial at some point (thus end with big fight and bang, not knowing who has won and who has lived, so they can reemploy anyone they like at any point in the future)
oh well.

It may have been a bit crap some weeks but it will be missed. Should have sexed it up more and gone for less gritty (boring as hell) characters that i wished would die every week.

Will be easy to wrap up, they all get home except rush and blue girl who stay behind. Rush will probably join with the ship or something gay.

Probably someone will make the ultimate sacrifice, tbh if they all died wouldn't mind either lol
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Damn.. Will be sad to see this go, was quite enjoying it! Even the missus liked watching it! :)

Are they going to finish it off properly or just kill it with no more episodes?
I'm sure we'll hear the gritty details and/or any plans on Mallozzi's blog when he returns from Japan and the big wigs have had a chance to talk.

Thanks to everyone who has offered up their thoughts, comments, and words of support re: SGU. If this truly is the end, here’s hoping that you – the best fans in fandom – join me on my next adventure/project/mangosteen-selling venture. I know you have a slew of questions, but I won’t be able to field them until I’ve returned to Vancouver and had a chance to speak with Brad and Robert who are presently also more or less incommunicado (Rob somewhere tropical, Brad somewhere military – an aircraft carrier I think it was).
Aye, tell you the truth I was more gutted when Atlantis finished than when Universe has.

Still, I would have liked to see how the story progressed over six seasons. Its not as bad as everyone makes out I think, its just going for a different direction from the writers. And after 300 episodes of Atlantis and SG1 you can understand why they'd want to try something different.

If it was up to me SG1 would still have Jack in, and Atlantis would still be going :cool:
rodney will use the stones to get on board destiny and find the super fast untested hyperdrive and get them to the destination in a few minutes.

The worm hole drive, that had no mention at all until the end, then magically, untested worked just fine, that the drive you mean. :rolleyes:
what i dont get is this quote, "Syfy will end its original action-adventure series Stargate Universe". it wasnt original, it was just stargate under different circumstances.

anyway, ill watch the last of whats to come like i have watched and mostly enjoyed what has come, but i cant really say ill miss it.
what i dont get is this quote, "Syfy will end its original action-adventure series Stargate Universe". it wasnt original, it was just stargate under different circumstances.

It's an origianal SyFY show because it was brand new, i.e. SGU, not the stargate franchise as a whole and first appeared on SyFy. They do it with all of their programs that they air first, and isn't a repeat, same with most other networks. It's a way of saying 'look at us, we have a brand new show and it's airing first/live on our channel, come watch!'.
it's a shame but not unexpected tbh, i appreciate they had a 5 year plan, but having said that so did B5 back in the day, and they had the good sense to hook there audience right at the very start of the story arc, SU's writers have seemed content to amble along putting time & effort into making there characters "gritty & interesting" as opposed to grabbing the audience, & you just cannot do that these days.

i'm sorry to see it go but not entirely surprised, it has been rather pedestrian at times.
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