That shop I always go on about tried to sell me a chocolate porter the other day, I don't think that they'll be making that mistake again.
That shop I always go on about tried to sell me a chocolate porter the other day, I don't think that they'll be making that mistake again.
Ooh Mr.It'sgoodtotrynewthings
I've had plenty of chocolate/coffee stout/porters to know that it isn't my thing.
Booo hiss terrible example
You know we should have had a Stout round in OBOTW compo...
I've had plenty of chocolate/coffee stout/porters to know that it isn't my thing.
And it actually tastes really strong compared to my last drink - nice though
Just trying some Badger Poacher's Choice.
I could get used to this. It's got a damson and liquorice taste. Hard to believe it's 5.7% as it doesn't seem strong.
Also trying some Badger Tanglefoot. It's OK.
After many others on here mentioned this I thought I'd try some:
And it actually tastes really strong compared to my last drink - nice though
Yay everyone is going to get addicted to it
I have one of the hardcore versions saved for the weekend... (it's looking at me)
It's not that it tastes strong... it's strong in flavour Don;t get me wrong matey I don't mind a Smithy John too but once you try a few new beers like the one you have you will see what ou have been missing