Last night I enjoyed a bottle of Toffee Apple cider:
It's very sweet so you definitely have to be in the right mood for it, but it's very tasty!
For the ginger-beer lovers, have you tried Tesco's own brand "Simply Alcoholic Ginger Beer". It has a good ginger kick to it and pretty cheap at £1.50 / bottle.
This had a really weird thing securing the cork, it wasn't the cage like normal but a big staple that clipped in under the bulge. Used the knife in the Waiters Friend to unclip it. First time I've ever seen it. Weird!
See the champagne that I had, it had a big staple over the cork rather than the typical cage that you see. Have you ever seen anything like that before? First for me! I prised it off with the blade in the waiters friend. I imagine if anyone knows anything about it on here it'd be you!
Thursday is my only day off, so I like to have a bit of a drink! Though, got a Rioja for tonight and no doubt have a few beers also. Drinking problem? Aye, go on then!
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