It's not overblown at all, there's facts showing how easy it Is to transmit this virus around! I just think the no contact thing is overly blown out of proportion but I get why the pizza chains would implement it I suppose.
I do get that, but the circumstances that could lead to me getting Corvid via either contact or no contact methods are still the same. The cook for example could be showing signs of it as he preps my food, the driver's maybe in the same situation as he puts the food on my doorstep via the non-contact method. It doesn't change much IMO.It's not overblown at all, there's facts showing how easy it Is to transmit this virus around
so are the supply chains to restaurants fine , in comparison ? as well as offering home, or collection delivery, you could be selling some ingredients. ..Breakfast today:
so are the supply chains to restaurants fine , in comparison ? as well as offering home, or collection delivery, you could be selling some ingredients. ..
short on bread flour here.
Taking a leaf from @Merlin5 's book. The wife isn't feeling great and fancied some fruit loaf.
Sadly we didn't have much normal self raising flower so it's part white flour and part wholemeal flour. Hopefully it tastes ok!
That looks delicious, Marvt74, good job! How was it? Self raising flour has baking powder in it. If you use plain flour instead, normally you would need about 5% of that to be baking powder. Example, to make 250g self raising flour, you need 5% baking powder (12.5g) added to 237.5g plain flour, which totals 250g. But it doesn't look like you had any problem getting it to rise nicely.
Basically Twix but a softer caramel. Quite nice.
A poached egg making lesson from the chef at Scran. Need to get some ramekins.
He’s right about the whirlpool method. I’ve tried it and the egg white just goes everywhere and ruins the egg.
The GU deserts you can get are ideal for cheap ramekins.