The **Now Eating** Thread

Still waiting...

EDIT: Just spoken to manager, he said he will send it out ASAP - might have it before midnight at this rate as that's what the first person said when I rang!
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This was after spending nearly 15 minutes on the phone to them :mad:

I rang, one girl answered, put me on hold.

8 minutes later a man picked up and just went, "Hello?" I shouted (shouldn't have but was cross) that I wanted to speak to the first girl who had left me on hold so long,

about a minute later a different girl answered and asked me how she could help, I explained, turned out she was the first girl I spoke to at 7pm and she said she had told her manager about it then, he said he was going to send me a new one, she didn't know why he hadn't sent one and was very apologetic,

Then about 5 mins on hold waiting for manager. Fuming now! And starving!
poor mans Pizza

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my flat mate cooked up a mixed grill.. and did a good job :)
sirloin steak with peppercorn sauce and lamb chops ..

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BLECH!!! Just had a little packet of banana chips. They were absolutely vile! I've had dried banana chips before that were really nice...but these ones... *shudder*

Managed 3 chips and then tossed the rest into the bin :(
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