The **Now Eating** Thread

simple poached eggs on toast, love it :)

Very good poached eggs there, needs a slab of butter on the side though.:D

Just grazing today so far, cold pork, crackling and cheese. I should get something more substantial on but I just can't be bothered yet! It's surprising how just a bit of grazing kills the appetite. Must be all that pork fat!:eek:
Quick snack of : remainder of belly pork roast chopped up and mixed with olive oil, lemon juice, salt, black pepper, a couple of drops of Worcestershire sauce, meat seemed at bit too dry still so added a nob or 2 of melted butter.:p Added some diced red onion and vine tomato, chucked it on some sweet gem leaves with a grating of parmesan, more salt/black pepper and a glug or 2 of olive oil on top.

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