The **Now Eating** Thread

8 Mar 2005
I'm stuffed. Ended up having all 4 skewers with 3 pitta breads :o

Looks good. Have you thought about making your own peri peri sauce? It's really easy and you end up with something that tastes far less of vinegar :)
Nope not even crossed my mind before to be honest! I like the taste of nando sauce and it's fairly low in calories so not sure why I would want to try making my own :p
9 Jul 2009
Turned into this
The shoulder hasn't finished cooking yet.
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Man of Honour
9 Jan 2010
That looks very tasty. How are you doing with your take aways?

I haven't touched one for a month now. Just got to the point where I realised their cost far outweighed how much I actually enjoyed them.

i dont actually have that many takeaways, id have to take a strole back through the thread to see when i last ordered pizza, indian or chinese,
obviously i like a trip to Maccy D's a couple of times a week :D
i know my last PJ's was August last year from my order history :o

last Burger King: 11th Dec (big king xxl on its own)
last chinese: 2nd Dec (chicken curry & chips)
last take away Pizza: 26th Nov (Rocco's, 12" @ 1/2 price)
last indian 15th Nov (out for a m8's BD)
last KFC.. sometime before Nov, CBA to go back through the thread any more :p
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Man of Honour
11 Mar 2004
That looks very tasty. How are you doing with your take aways?

I haven't touched one for a month now. Just got to the point where I realised their cost far outweighed how much I actually enjoyed them.

I'm the same get massive craving for takeaway, then when it turns up it's absolutely rubbish. So why do I crave it. Should go to a pub or something at least the foods good.

I'm trying hard to keep to 4,000-4,200 cals a day in at the moment and all this food is making me wish I was on more cals! It's so easy to eat lots!

Cries, I wish I had that allowance.
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8 Mar 2005
I did umm and err for a while before deciding to buy smooth :o It's because I always end up using more on my toast with crunchy peanut butter. I can't spread the crunchy one as well and then it means I need to get more out of the jar to cover all bare patches of the toast meaning more calories... :D :o
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