The **Now Eating** Thread

22 Nov 2009
I'm the same get massive crabbing for takeaway, then when it turns up it's absolutely rubbish. So why do I crave it. Should go to a pub or something at least the foods good.

Normally whenever I go the chip shop I just get a small chips and fishcake or battered sausage. Every so often I'll go there and convince myself to have a fish and its just never as nice as I want it to be for over twice the price :(

Couple of sausage sandwiches for my lunch. 2 tiger rolls, 3 thick cracked black pepper pork sausages from the market, 2 egg omelette, 1 tomato. 900 calories but so good :D
Man of Honour
11 Mar 2004
Prawn and oyster sauce stir fry, I love how little calories a big bowl of stir fry has.

However I am craving takeaway, and will have to eat again today.
Man of Honour
9 Jan 2010

i didnt put the sausage in, didnt like the taste of it tbh so its just chicken & bacon





tasted pretty good, was loads there for 2 people
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Man of Honour
11 Mar 2004
Almost ordered a takeaway, instead went and got some breaded frozen fish and rolls from the shop,

How can breaded fish only be 51% fish, how much bread is there.
Man of Honour
16 May 2005

tasted pretty good, was loads there for 2 people

What was the sausage that you didn't like, out of interest? Looks good though - I approve of the pepper :p

Cheers. I'll check it out when I get some time. I've been meaning to make banana bread for a while based on the recipe I saw on (spam time) Serious Eats but it's good to get a few different recipes/views.

Singapore noodles and a spring roll. I think I'm gonna scrap this calorie deficit diet soon... I've hit the wall again with my weight loss :(

It does seem like quite a tough diet to stay with based on your kcal limits (not unhealthily low but still, tough).

Have you read up on the concept of re-feeds? Basically taking a week or two off from your diet (but still eating at maintenance). It's supposedly helps your hormone/etc levels and metabolism recover so that when you resume the diet you start to see some benefits again.
8 Mar 2005
It does seem like quite a tough diet to stay with based on your kcal limits (not unhealthily low but still, tough).

Have you read up on the concept of re-feeds? Basically taking a week or two off from your diet (but still eating at maintenance). It's supposedly helps your hormone/etc levels and metabolism recover so that when you resume the diet you start to see some benefits again.
It's tough in terms of not being able to eat whatever I want, like chocolate and desserts. But the quantity of food I'm consuming is fine - I don't ever feel hungry or anything.

I might just calorie count on weekdays and eat like normal on weekends. I need to throw in some exercise as well.
Man of Honour
16 May 2005
you know that smell pork gets to it when its out of date, it tasted like that :/ my flat mate though it was allright and ate it though lol

Ah, yeah. I probably wouldn't have eaten it either. I don't care about sell-by/use-by dates but if it stinks it ain't going near my mouth :p

It's tough in terms of not being able to eat whatever I want, like chocolate and desserts. But the quantity of food I'm consuming is fine - I don't ever feel hungry or anything.

I might just calorie count on weekdays and eat like normal on weekends. I need to throw in some exercise as well.

Yeah. I wasn't suggesting that it wasn't an appropriate amount of kcal (is it like 1.2k or something?) for a woman to consume :)

I tend to do what you've suggested you might move to. My weekends I eat what I want most of the time but I try to make sure I do enough exercise that it doesn't matter too much. Obviously it's a lot easier to do more exercise on the days you're not in work/etc.

Almost ordered a takeaway, instead went and got some breaded frozen fish and rolls from the shop,

How can breaded fish only be 51% fish, how much bread is there.

Breaded fish is an odd one. Did you see the post by permabanned in SA yesterday where the protein content of a breaded fillet was ridiculously low? I'm sure it was nice but still, quite shocking compared to just breading one yourself (though I guess often that will be a bit more expensive).
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Man of Honour
11 Mar 2004
Breaded fish is an odd one. Did you see the post by permabanned in SA yesterday where the protein content of a breaded fillet was ridiculously low? I'm sure it was nice but still, quite shocking compared to just breading one yourself (though I guess often that will be a bit more expensive).

I think this is what i'll do. Get some Coley or other cheapo white fish and some mackerel filets, egg and bread it and freeze it. I'm sure they would pan fry from frozen.
Need to make some more aubergine parmigiana and ratatouille got the last one out the freezer for tomorrow.

And yeah that banana bread looks amazing.
Turn it in to pudding, make French toast, caramel sauce and a scoop of vanilla ice cream.
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