The **Now Eating** Thread

First attempt at a #beltsanderbrownie that I stumbled upon on instagram.


77p/11c/4f macros including the yoggie.

Two scoops of whey, half a teaspoon on baking powder, teaspoon of cocoa and 50ml of almond milk. Mix it up and microwave it all for 30-60 seconds. Bit overdone this one and was a bit dry, will do it for nearer 30 seconds next time.
A name like that and you didn't use a belt sander to cook it? :(

Impressive amount of protein though I'd probably count that as excessive amounts if I'm honest. It's almost your entire protein requirements for a day, when on a cut.
Bit overdone this one and was a bit dry, will do it for nearer 30 seconds next time.

Because you're using double the amount of whey required.

Impressive amount of protein though I'd probably count that as excessive amounts if I'm honest. It's almost your entire protein requirements for a day, when on a cut.

Agreed, yogurt, particularly fat free, has a high protein content as it is so when combined with protein baking it's very easy for it to become excessive.
After loosing 12lbs in a week due to flu my mother in law has taken pity on me.

She's sent over Shepherds Pie, followed by Rhubarb crumble!!! At the same time, took away all the washing and ironing! I have the best MIL in the world!
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