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Ti's dominating the R9 295X2 in 1440P. Happy as this is the res I use (:





This is the fastest 780TI SLI 1440P Tomb Raider result

The 780TI runs at 928Mhz

1. vsg28 - 780Ti @1254/1825, ???. 106.3

vsg28 has a 35% overclock and got 106 FPS

The review has 76 FPS with stock 780TIs, 76 + 35% = 103 FPS, a 3% margin or error.

Next one down at the same sort of Clock speed.

2. chaparral - 780Ti @1253/3791, 331.82. 100.2


Benchmarks from an older game version and drastically older driver version than in the benchmarks you tried to pass off on us. Pull the other one mate as you are fooling no one. Utter troll.
Just ignore the denials of the AMD proponents in this thread, they are clearly worried and running scared ;)

Those results posted by tommybhoy are nonsense, just looking at the first game (BF4) I can see that it's a load of baloney - I get higher than 91 fps with my 2 780s with the game maxed out on a 64-player map. And all the other results for the other games are clearly nonsense too.
Benchmarks from an older game version and drastically older driver version than in the benchmarks you tried to pass off on us. Pull the other one mate as you are fooling no one. Utter troll.

Agree. He does it all the time. It does my head in.

Just ignore the denials of the AMD proponents in this thread, they are clearly worried and running scared ;)

Those results posted by tommybhoy are nonsense, just looking at the first game (BF4) I can see that it's a load of baloney - I get higher than 91 fps with my 2 780s with the game maxed out on a 64-player map. And all the other results for the other games are clearly nonsense too.

I know it's the saddest thing I've read in weeks. There poor mantle is being ripped to shreds. and it's been out a while now.. lol
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I tried these new drivers and although i noticed a decent performance gain on BF4...On certain multiplayer maps my fps dropped into the 30's! this has never happened before on the previous drivers.

Also the temperature of my GPU went up aswell when i was playing multiplayer on BF4? about 4-5c

Reverted back to the previous ones...dissapointed :(
I tried these new drivers and although i noticed a decent performance gain on BF4...On certain multiplayer maps my fps dropped into the 30's! this has never happened before on the previous drivers.

Also the temperature of my GPU went up aswell when i was playing multiplayer on BF4? about 4-5c

Reverted back to the previous ones...dissapointed :(

Maybe it's your 690? My temps went down. Very happy so far
Using Nvidia's new drivers


Its good. but its not Mantle

Also have a look at this. are Nvidia sacrificing Smoothness for RAW FPS? not that 780TI SLI are faster, there slower.

This is using Nvidia's own FCAT system.

Our first set of results with Battlefield 4 at 2560x1440 indicate that the new R9 295X2 is faster than the GeForce GTX 780 Ti cards in SLI not only in terms of average performance (84 FPS vs 79 FPS) but also in smoothness! The Frame Times graph shows that for the first time in a long time, the Radeon multi-GPU experience is a bit better than that provided by SLI in our testing. You can see that in another form if you look at the Frame Variance graph - after the 90th percentile of frames rendered the R9 295X2 has about half the frame time variance as the GTX 780 Ti cards in SLI.

At 4K the SLI configuration suffers a bit more from a lack of consistent frame rates - surprising based on how dominant NVIDIA had been in this area for the past two years. Even though the average frame rate of the Radeon R9 295X2 and two GTX 780 Ti cards are evenly matched, the R9 295X2 only has the frame time variance of a single GTX 780 Ti or a single R9 290X. That is impressive!
Just ignore the denials of the AMD proponents in this thread, they are clearly worried and running scared ;)

In only a couple of cases did the pair of NVIDIA GeForce GTX 780 Ti cards running in SLI outperform the R9 295X2 at 2560x1440 (GRID 2 and Skyrim) and only once did it happen when running at the ultimate flagship resolution, 3840x2160 (Skyrim).

Everywhere else, the Radeon R9 295X2 presented a dominant performance with gaming frame rates that were both fast and surprisingly consistent!

Ryan's clearly impressed.;)


Frame times have taken a hit on the new driver on SLI by the looks of things.:eek:


You feel free to do what you like. I said how I got the BF4 results and surely it is clear that a single Titan with ultra details at 1080P couldn't get over 170 fps but you want to accuse me of doctoring and even though I said what I did, you want to act up.

I have posted official results as accurate as I can and with honesty and integrity and you can add as much salt as you like :D I am not doing it for you but doing it for those who are interested.

Honesty and integrity is exactly that when you are upfront about something, not after being caught out, each to their own at the end of the day and I'll leave it at that unless I get trolled about it.
Ryan's clearly impressed.;)


Frame times have taken a hit on the new driver on SLI by the looks of things.:eek:

Honesty and integrity is exactly that when you are upfront about something, not after being caught out, each to their own at the end of the day and I'll leave it at that unless I get trolled about it.

Reminds me of the Nvidia are smoother debate last year, clearly now AMD are smoother, its a complete turn around.

The question has to be asked, what happened? what have Nvidia done to these drivers?
Again clueless humbug cannot grasp this is the very 1st Beta driver against how many mantle builds (I have asked 3x now)?

Added to a Mod has had to clean up 2 threads with off topic posts and he and tommy are still at it.
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Reminds me of the Nvidia are smoother debate last year, clearly now AMD are smoother, its a complete turn around.

The question has to be asked, what happened? what have Nvidia done to these drivers?

IIRC, Nvidia got smoothness and reduced any microstutter by inserting delays between frames, so all the frames became evenly spaced. Maybe they've removed those delays in order to get a higher framerate for the benchmarks, but in doing so they've thrown away their frame smoothing?
You have me, Neil and PGI posting proper tested results and people are still posting paid sites results and claiming them as fact. Convenient ignorance and wishful thinking or genuine corcerns that their favourite brand is shown to be losing? :p
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