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Either ms helped them (new DX dev kit?) Or nvidia have replaced certain items in DX with their own implementation. It was never going to show the kinds of results mantle shows as mantle was built from the ground up with low overhead in mind, 337 is merely a patch for an existing api in DX. Regardless its showing some very healthy gains, long may it continue.

I'd say it's down to them removing support for all their old GPUs.
Now the drivers don't have to consider hardware 10 years old they can iron out a lot of the old slow tech.
You should report it to nVidia on the official nVidia forums Mart. They may not know about it.

I will try.
I suspect they will say - please update to the latest product version Power Director 12.

It's not great software but it is a deal breaker for me.

Drivers look really good though and worked well in games.

Problem is Cyberlink more than nVidia I think.
Those Ti results are bogus. I mean hello, have you looked at half the game threads on here?

Silly man children some of you in all honesty :p

Look at the Sleeping Dog results as an example, 97 FPS? What is that, a max? I average that with one card overclocked at 1080p
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Did they under clock the ti cards or something? I game at that res and my ti cards are far quicker than that lol. Talk about dodgy benchmarking.

Looking at the tomb raider bench thread and 337.50 thread AMD have 780ti Sli scoring the same as we have single 780/ti/Titan cards, lol
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Great to know that my Dinoasaur Titans are faster than a pair of 780Ti's and the brand new 295X2 at 4k resolutions :cool:



tomb Raider Average of 59.1 at 4K with everything at stock for me and a 295x2 gets 57 :cool: And the poor ol 780Ti's only getting 51 fps lol

So my Titans are 16% faster than a pair of 780Ti's in Tomb Raider :cool:

And in Bioshock, they got 77 on the 295x2 and I got 88 with everything at stock again, which is a massive 14% faster than the 295x2.

Save some money fellas and grab a couple of Titans for ultimate gaming :D

Of course I am joking and no way should my Titans beat a pair of 780Ti's, let alone a 295x2 but you can clearly see how wrong those charts are.
Wow apparently a pair of ti's are only 8 fps faster in tr then a pair of 7950's over 1440. Dear oh dear :p

Gotta love the post first check later mentality here lately.
I expect we will see a few of these reviews and I have looked at thechpowerup's results and Anandtech's and they are massively out. Anand give the 295x2 59 fps at ultra detail in bioshock and compare that to my 88.21, that is a shockingly poor run.
I take it you haven't looked at the bench threads then Tommy ;)

I get more at 4K than either of those do at 1440P on my Titans in Bioshock.

Yes I have, but after the doctored BF4 comparison last week or whenever, and the lenghts(honesty) folks go for results, I now take results with a mountain of salt, not to mention everyone is running overclocked in BM threads too.

I'm not calling out anyones specific results btw, just very aware these days.

Yeah, we are worried.:p

Fantastic gains all the same, nothing wrong with everyone getting a free boost.

Good to see no one noticed the humour and the compliment at the end.
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Yes I have, but after the doctored BF4 comparison last week or whenever, and the lenghts(honesty) folks go for results, I now take results with a mountain of salt.

I'm not calling out anyones specific results btw, just very aware these days.


You feel free to do what you like. I said how I got the BF4 results and surely it is clear that a single Titan with ultra details at 1080P couldn't get over 170 fps but you want to accuse me of doctoring and even though I said what I did, you want to act up.

I have posted official results as accurate as I can and with honesty and integrity and you can add as much salt as you like :D I am not doing it for you but doing it for those who are interested.
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