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So Nvidia mention there bring out driver updates for DX 11 (which has been with us for awhile) and suddenly Nvidia's and MS are the bad guys fragmenting the industry?
Yet AMD make a whole new API and thats fantastic to some as its moving forwards and pushing us forwards?
Really i buy what side has the tech i need at the cheapest price on the day m i dont try to favour one over the other, Personally i think all advancements mantle and dx12, and dx11 driver updates are great for us pc users.
Especially anything which improves gaming for older hardware which surely a improved driver for DX11 capable GPU's is
NVIDIA doesn’t deny that a lower level API is beneficial or needed for PC gaming. It does, however, think that the methodology of AMD’s Mantle is the wrong way to go. Fragmenting the market into additional segments with a proprietary API does not maintain the benefits of hardware abstractions or “cross vendor support”. I realize that many readers will see some irony in this statement considering many in the industry would point to CUDA, PhysX, 3D Vision and others as NVIDIA’s own proprietary feature sets.


If DX11 is improved then AMD will also improve on those charts.

What makes you say that? Those 2 games are already at their peak performance with Mantle.

DX11 + AMD = improvement
Mantle + AMD = improvement

I cant see how DX 11 improvements will help AMD while its running on mantle...
We need a newer mantle driver for that :), any idea on a non beta driver release for mantle yet LT?
How do you know that?

No they don't. There's still overhead even when using mantle AMD never once claimed mantle would allow 'to the metal' levels of efficency.

Sorry if you have misread my post but what is the point of improving DX performance when they are already Mantle ready? That was my point and I have absolutely no idea if Mantle will give more performance than what already is out.
Oh the irony !!

To be fair, the irony is blatant, the hypocrisy is laughable, but the statement is completely correct, it's not the way to do it. If Nvidia had created/launched Mantle then AMD fanboys would be ranting about how terrible it is for the industry/consumer until their keyboards broke and their fingers bled. I have said since the start, it was a bad idea when 3DFX did it, and it's a bad idea now AMD have copied it.


Those charts do look a bit odd, are those numbers accurate for a reference R290X? the 3930K will score a bit lower than a 3770K/4770K in gaming so should be pleanty of people who have run those tests with those CPUs and a reference clocked 290X.
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So Nvidia mention there bring out driver updates for DX 11 (which has been with us for awhile) and suddenly Nvidia's and MS are the bad guys fragmenting the industry?
Yet AMD make a whole new API and thats fantastic to some as its moving forwards and pushing us forwards?
Really i buy what side has the tech i need at the cheapest price on the day m i dont try to favour one over the other, Personally i think all advancements mantle and dx12, and dx11 driver updates are great for us pc users.
Especially anything which improves gaming for older hardware which surely a improved driver for DX11 capable GPU's is

If these performance gains are anywhere near the levels that are being reported then I am truly excited for these upcoming Nvidia drivers! It is a very good time to be Green :cool:

Let the good times roll.... Bring it on.

Sorry if you have misread my post but what is the point of improving DX performance when they are already Mantle ready? That was my point and I have absolutely no idea if Mantle will give more performance than what already is out.

They will add DX Performance because many games use it still.

They wont allow Nvidia to go at it alone :/
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