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I don't get what the fuss is about to be honest, NVidia bringing out an enhanced driver which improves their cards, that's great for Nvidia card owners, don't Amd do the same for their cards, what was that great driver a while back that gave great performance boosts to 7970/50 cards. As far as dx goes erm what game currently takes advantage of dx 11.2 features. DX12 is a long way away, cant get too excited about that yet to be honest given Ms record with dx. As for Mantle, well I have a 290 still on 13.12, don't play BF4, currently playing Thief but meh, not impressed. So all in all, great news for Nvidia cards if the Dx 11 boost is right, Dx12 meh, mantle meh, whats all the fuss about. :D
Lets see if they deliver as I have seen these figures before from both sides and only in certain circumstances did they ever mature. Nvidia along with Amd love hype and very rarily do they provide. Lol at the usual suspects taking offence to the Nvidia crew and no offence meant. Little Sunday boozing with mates is all that was. Anyhow Nvidia wont and cant match mantle apart from fps. Mantle seems to be more than raw fps. After all dx12 is mantle dx style .copied or not. Without going to far amd just about have dx12. Best feature any of the cards have is dx mantle lol.

This is a disclaimer. This guy is whooped take notice but not to much :D
Ah, the stick AMD got for releasing performance on 79 series 6 months after release with the 12.7's, 24 months later from Kepler release Nvidia heralded with the announcement of a performance driver inbound...


Enjoy the boost folks, you have certainly waited long enough.:D

I have beaten Nvidia's best efforts on their best GPU and Intel's best CPU.

So i'm sure you will excuse me for feeling completely unimpressed with Nvidia's best, its rubbish, in fact its a laughing stock. :p

Did Nvidia only manage 70 FPS in Star Swarm with a 3960K and a 780TI?

here is 102 FPS with a Phenom II and a 7870XT. oh dear, not much good Nvidia. give me that 12 thread CPU and i will show you 150 FPS on a 7870XT, give me a 290X with it and i will show you 400 FPS.

Oxide Games
Star Swarm Stress Test - ©2013
C:\Users\####\Documents\Star Swarm\Output_14_03_23_1643.txt
Version 1.10
03/23/2014 16:43

== Hardware Configuration =================================
GPU: AMD Radeon HD 7800 Series
CPU: AuthenticAMD
AMD Phenom(tm) II X6 1090T Processor
Physical Cores: 6
Logical Cores: 6
Physical Memory: 8549396480
Allocatable Memory: 140737488224256

== Configuration ==========================================
API: Mantle
Scenario: ScenarioFollow.csv
User Input: Disabled
Resolution: 1920x1080
Fullscreen: True
GameCore Update: 16.6 ms
Bloom Quality: High
PointLight Quality: High
ToneCurve Quality: High
Glare Overdraw: 0
Shading Samples: 8
Shade Quality: Mid
Deferred Contexts: Disabled
Temporal AA Duration: 16
Temporal AA Time Slice: 8
Detailed Frame Info: Off

== Results ================================================
Test Duration: 360 Seconds
Total Frames: 36821

Average FPS: 102.28
Average Unit Count: 4963
Maximum Unit Count: 6037
Average Batches/MS: 548.86
Maximum Batches/MS: 2670.86
Average Batch Count: 5720
Maximum Batch Count: 30759
The point, I think you missed it.

I ran Star Swarm in Mantle on a low setting, that leaves me completely (CPU bound) My GPU is much much weaker than a 780TI and yet with a 4 year old AMD CPU i was able to get 102 FPS. If the much more powerful 780TI is only getting 70 FPS then it must be because its bottlenecked by that 3960K in DX, despite it being so much more powerful than my CPU the performance is 30% less than what i get in Mantle.

With an infentially powerful CPU like the 3960K i would get about 140 FPS in Mantle. add a 290X into the mix i would get about 300 or 350.
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Umm if yours is at lowest setting and theres highest its a bit like saying for EG you are top of the tomb raider bench BUT everyone else is at max setting and your at lowest thats why you see the bench normaly has standised settings for it
Its the same reason your fps is higher then the 290 fps they list or are you suggesting your 7870XT is more powerful than a 290 :O
Am I really the only one seeing the shocking, entire, massive 4fps gain they are claiming in Thief? while comparing to numbers that basically everyone in the Thief benchmarking thread suggests are laughably low for the 290x, which get a huge boost in minimums from Mantle.

4fps gain for Nvidia from the new drivers.... which just beats what are absurd and unrealistic numbers from the AMD card.... what a win.

Looking in the Thief thread, 60fps dx 68-70fps Mantle is pretty standard with plenty of 290p's reaching that let alone 290x's. 60 to 68fps with Mantle is using a 2500k as well.

Nvidia with completely BS numbers shocker, AMD stock Thief performance from the benchmarking thread is at or above these new Nvidia improvement numbers, while Mantle is a massive step further ahead than that with massively improved minimums and far smoother experience.
Umm if yours is at lowest setting and theres highest its a bit like saying for EG you are top of the tomb raider bench BUT everyone else is at max setting and your at lowest thats why you see the bench normaly has standised settings for it
Its the same reason your fps is higher then the 290 fps they list or are you suggesting your 7870XT is more powerful than a 290 :O

I don't know whats going on with their The 290X, 60 FPS is incredibly low for even the highest possible settings.

Even on the highest possible settings i get ~50 FPS and am 100% GPU bound, Gregsters Star Swarm Thread has a 280X or two getting ~60 FPS on the highest settings.

Whatever is going on with that 290X its much more powerful than a 280X, certainly a 7870XT.

My 102 FPS proves they are GPU bound, with all the extra grunt the 780TI has its still much slower than my 7870? even if i am on lower settings, i could run it in medium or high see if i fall back.

At the end of the day Nvidia used that slide to say "look how CPU efficient we are in that compared to Mantle"

I'm saying 70 FPS is the best they could manage, i don't know what settings they used as they didn't say, but you can bet your life they spent a lot of time setting it up to make it looks like what they are trying to have you believe is true.

I would challenge then to set the 290X to a Mantle CPU bound setting, same with the 780TI. i'd bet the 290X ends up 3x faster that the 780TI.
I don't know whats going on with their The 290X
I'm saying 70 FPS is the best they could manage, i don't know what settings they used as they didn't say,
Exactly so how can you claim your 7870 beats a TI that performing to a similar level to 290X that you admit you dont know whats going on with. Same logic has you beating a 290X since you seem to of convinced yourself your beating a TI
We have no idea if they have modified the test to be a higher grade or not and if u want to challenge them i suggest u ask them direct to do what you want
Fact of life is most graphs/situations for PR is set up for a scenario of what you want to sell does well and others dont.
Exactly so how can you claim your 7870 beats a TI that performing to a similar level to 290X that you admit you dont know whats going on with. Same logic has you beating a 290X since you seem to of convinced yourself your beating a TI
We have no idea if they have modified the test to be a higher grade or not and if u want to challenge them i suggest u ask them direct to do what you want
Fact of life is most graphs/situations for PR is set up for a scenario of what you want to sell does well and others dont.

Do you really thin Nvidia will give me an answer?

I'm always suspicious of something that claims a result, but don't tell you how they got to said result.

I don't disagree with you that, well, its just PR and PR is what it is, but with that in mind it should also be treated as such, company trying to sell its self.
Which is open to be questioned, especially if the result looks suspect and has no transparency.

Didn't you question the BF4 Mantle result from PC Games Hardware?

You said that looks suspect, well, this is suspect. i find it hard to believe a 290X is only 20% faster than a 7870XT, in fact its obviously not.
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Do you really thin Nvidia will give me an answer?

I'm always suspicious of something that claims a result, but don't tell you how they got to said result.

I don't disagree with you that, well, its just PR and PR is what it is, but with that in mind it should also be treated as such, company trying to sell its self.
Which is open to be questioned, especially if the result looks suspect and has no transparency.

Didn't you question the BF4 Mantle result from PC Games Hardware?

You said that looks suspect, well, this is suspect. i find it hard to believe a 290X is only 20% faster than a 7870XT, in fact its obviously not.

Could you show me the bit they said a 7870XT at what ever settings they used was only 20%?

Did i question the mantle result? pass i dont rember i might of and might not of and i'm too lazy to look .so lets say i did.
All i'm saying if we cant look at one side eg the TI results and say your 7870XT is much superior and lets not worry how your also beating a 290x in there configuration of PC and Settings used, If you think one side is suspect of the graph no reason why the other isnt tbh.
It would be nice of all reviews etc like this had settings used published so others like yourself could try the same settings and compare to try and establish if a report is accurate or not
Could you show me the bit they said a 7870XT at what ever settings they used was only 20%?

Did i question the mantle result? pass i dont rember i might of and might not of and i'm too lazy to look .so lets say i did.
All i'm saying if we cant look at one side eg the TI results and say your 7870XT is much superior and lets not worry how your also beating a 290x in there configuration of PC and Settings used, If you think one side is suspect of the graph no reason why the other isnt tbh.
It would be nice of all reviews etc like this had settings used published so others like yourself could try the same settings and compare to try and establish if a report is accurate or not

On your first point. thats not what i said, i said my 7870XT results are only 20% less than thiers if i use the highest possible settings.

On the second point, as i said using the highest settings i get about ~50 FPS in Mantle, according to them they got ~60 FPS with a 290X, whatever settings they used. they can't go any higher than the settings i used.

whats more i'm 100% GPU bound in those settings with a Phenom II, so they must also be with a 3960K
AH so what your saying is your results to theres is 20% even though you have admitted you dont know what settings they used right?

Can you start to see how your results dont really come into it now.

Without know what settings they used and what AA etc they have forced you simply cant compare yours and theirs i'm afraid, this isnt a go at you no one could compare without knowing the settings .
They could be on a launch driver for the 290x or latest we dont know as they havent said. Star warm is also a demo no two runs are the same for most people aswell. I'd guarantee they took the lowest run for the 290x
AH so what your saying is your results to theres is 20% even though you have admitted you dont know what settings they used right?

Can you start to see how your results dont really come into it now.

Without know what settings they used and what AA etc they have forced you simply cant compare yours and theirs i'm afraid, this isnt a go at you no one could compare without knowing the settings .
They could be on a launch driver for the 290x or latest we dont know as they havent said. Star warm is also a demo no two runs are the same for most people aswell. I'd guarantee they took the lowest run for the 290x

No he's saying he used the highest quality settings, reducing settings increases performance, either Nvidia used the highest settings, in which case the performance is very questionably poor or Nvidia used lower than higher settings making the performance even more questionable.

You're missing the point of as humbug knows his settings and you can't go higher than his settings that is the reference point.

If humbug was using medium settings lets say, then the highest settings may reduce performance so much the numbers could/should be that low, but he used the highest settings. Nvidia's numbers are BS if they used the highest settings, if they used anything lower the numbers are simply BS to a larger degree.
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