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nVidia working alongside Microsoft does give me a semi :D

I also believe AMD have been working closely on the Development of DX12.

“AMD has always been an essential partner in the development of DirectX®,” said Anuj Gosalia, Development Manager, Windows Graphics, Microsoft®. “As we start the next chapter for our historic API, we look forward to continued great collaboration with AMD to bring gamers the best possible performance on AMD hardware.”
A DirectX® 12 support schedule for AMD Radeon™ GPUs will be published at a later date.

It's mental Rusty, I am starting to think you have to take a blood oath to purchase an AMD card. Never seen so much but hurt over something they have already a version of already. Its like the need to trash it before it is released just incase.

Are we even reading the same thread? :p

To be fair this happens on both sides though, regardless of which gpu you own.


I also believe AMD have been working closely on the Development of DX12.

“AMD has always been an essential partner in the development of DirectX®,” said Anuj Gosalia, Development Manager, Windows Graphics, Microsoft®. “As we start the next chapter for our historic API, we look forward to continued great collaboration with AMD to bring gamers the best possible performance on AMD hardware.”
A DirectX® 12 support schedule for AMD Radeon™ GPUs will be published at a later date.


I expect that AMD have also but read Humbugs posts and you would think nVidia have got on their knees in the Microsoft offices and this is the end for gaming on PC :D

Back on topic though, DX11 will be where I compare the then and now (when it has the nVidia frame boosting enhancements of course) and as I am waiting on a 4K monitor to be delivered, the more fps the better.
Times have changed. With the Nvidia optimisation tool (forgot the name now!) it will detect and download drivers for you. I also get emails from Nvidia when a new driver is released, albeit a few days later. At some point I must have requested the email.

During the old days this all wasn't possible, you had to go looking for them, and I'm not sure drivers changed as often as they do today, and/or are not as optimised?

Gefore Experience and it actually automatically installs drivers/updates and pulls from the Nvidia site thier own settings for games based on each graphics card. So if you have like me an uncle with a 770 and zero knowledge of games it can esentially babysit him and automatically have him running BF4 on Ultra without him touching or knowing.

It seems pretty cool for bringing in newbies steambox take note.
I expect that AMD have also but read Humbugs posts and you would think nVidia have got on their knees in the Microsoft offices and this is the end for gaming on PC :D

Back on topic though, DX11 will be where I compare the then and now (when it has the nVidia frame boosting enhancements of course) and as I am waiting on a 4K monitor to be delivered, the more fps the better.

Yeah going to be interesting if now AMD do anything to there DX11 after seeing this? not sure
I would also like to know if Mantle has more to offer in say like BF4 or have we hit the max to what the API is going to give for this game.

Good times ahead for all us PC users.
I expect that AMD have also but read Humbugs posts and you would think nVidia have got on their knees in the Microsoft offices and this is the end for gaming on PC :D

Back on topic though, DX11 will be where I compare the then and now (when it has the nVidia frame boosting enhancements of course) and as I am waiting on a 4K monitor to be delivered, the more fps the better.

yep, basically, a few days ago when Humbug thought that DX12=Mantle and that all nvidia cards wouldn't be supported and would need hardware updates and licencing of GCN he was whiteknighting for them... now he finds out DX12 will be supported by everything back to a GTX480 and suddenly MS become the devil
AMD came up with an API that breaks the chains of Microsoft DX dependency and left the door open for Nvidia to join them.

Nvidia's response was to bolster the Microsoft Monopoly by getting into bed with them and fragmenting DX to brand specifics, IE locking AMD out of some of its features.

That is thie sure way to kill our independent GPU choice.

Nvidia for some games.
AMD for others.

Humbug, I said what you said in a few posts earlier, before this dx11 news, only this way nvidia users get a boost to games fps also, Unless amd make mantle compatible with nvidia cards i am right behind this dx11 driver.

You have voiced your findings / opinions on using mantle to show mantle being fantastic, even though nvidia cards could not use it.

Some maybe good news for nvidia owners and you state its a bad thing.
At GDC 2014, NVIDIA talked about the new DirectX 12 API and the current state of DIrectX 11 in gaming. During the event, NVIDIA presented several benchmark slides which show how the company has improved efficiency of their graphics cards in several DirectX 11 titles and still aiming to deliver more improvements through driver updates. While showing the driver to driver improvement, these benchmarks also show something very very interesting. They show AMD’s Mantle API faring worse than NVIDIA counterparts, on DX11. That’s right, not DX12 but DX11 through driver updates.

Upcoming NVIDIA Driver to Deliver Faster Performance Than Mantle API in Thief and More
Before we begin, the obligatory preliminaries. There are three drivers mentioned in this article. The first one is the R331 Driver, the second is the R334 Driver and the last is an upcoming Driver. We see a clear speed increase going from the R331 drivers to the R334 Drivers but it is with the new upcoming Driver that performance of the Nvidia cards overtake those of their counterparts with Mantle API. Now according to the slides the Test Rig was running Windows 7 on an i7-3930K and 8GB worth of RAM. The first relevant slide shows two applications being tested. One is the Star Swarm demo, which you may remember showed a massive increase in performance with Mantle as compared to Direct3D. The Second is the recently released Thief, which once again showed a significant performance increase with Mantle API.
Now the first benchmark Star Swarm has a normal axis ranging from 0 till 80 and we see continuously increasing performance with the Nvidia Counterparts. We see that the R9 290X gets a massive bump in performance with Mantle API but that performance is neared by the R334 Driver enabled GTX 780 Ti and overtaken by the up coming Driver enabled GTX 780 Ti.
The performance gap is pretty significant seeing that this is just a Soft update of the same card. Now the Thief benchmark have a skewed axis starting from 48 fps till 60 fps, so the performance increase is lower (percent wise) than star swarm. However we can see that the GTX 780 Ti overtakes the Mantle Equipped R9 290X once again in terms of performance, with this mysterious new update. This second slide shows some impressive improvements of API features that once again come in this new upcoming driver update.
DirectX 11 API EnhancementsThis is undeniably one of the most impressive charts i have ever seen. The Benchmark pits Mantle Equipped R9 290X against all three drivers. The new driver is very impressive, increasing performance by orders all around. We see an increase of an order of magnitude in DirectDraw.
If these benchmarks are true, and it looks like they are, it reveals why Nvidia didn’t bother creating a rival API to Mantle but instead increased optimized their graphics card for the DirectX 11 API in a way that performance can be obtained from a simple driver update. Now the golden question that comes to my mind is this: If Nvidia could do all this with a Soft update, why didn’t it do it before. The obvious answer to that question is slightly alarming.

Read more: http://wccftech.com/nvidias-directx-11-driver-better-mantle-api-benchmark/#ixzz2wp5DEhJO

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