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Lol mantle is supposed to be every bit as good as dx12 and maybe better. Yet the Nvidia crew are hoping that dx11 can pull it off. Great publicity for AMD right there. Goes to show if Nvidia had mantle the crew would love it. 1 or 2 guys coding mantle into a game has caused all this uproar. Imagine the whole team creating the game on mantle and i reckon there would be a few Nvidia convert's. This reaction to a performance driver update just shows how the Nvidia team are worried. There's not been an amd performance driver in quit a while so i wonder what the response will be.


Jesus I thought we'd moved on from that.
The reaction by the forums AMD fanboys is the one that speaks volumes, given the choice now between DirectX which is GPU neutral and will offer low level features on both brands versus Mantle, which will realistically only ever be AMD exclusive and you lot are still banging the Mantle drum praying for it to prevail. Admit it, you all only really want to get one up on NVidia because it doesn't happen that often.

Mantle is here and the performance gains have been proven. (even if only in one game.. how many games using Mantle do we need to prove its perf? I'm sure one is enough atm)

Huge performance boost in DX11 with Nvidia drivers.. DX12 being faster etc etc. < All talk right now.

We all know who is worried. And in the back of their minds they are thinking "you had better deliver.. you had better deliver". ;)
I don't think there is a lot to worry about. Give it a couple of years with DX12 well established and everyone will be using that.

Game devs are not going to waste their time or money writing games that are compatable with three difference systems when they can get the performance from DX12.

Exactly the point I made. ;)
Mantle is here and the performance gains have been proven. (even if only in one game.. how many games using Mantle do we need to prove its perf? I'm sure one is enough atm)

Huge performance boost in DX11 with Nvidia drivers.. DX12 being faster etc etc. < All talk right now.

We all know who is worried. And in the back of their minds they are thinking "you had better deliver.. you had better deliver". ;)

I am not worried in the slightest by Mantle. In my opinion I think it'll be pretty much dead in the water a couple of years down the line - DX12 looks to be quite an improvement, I cannot see game devs mass migrating from DX to Mantle (why leave a development environment you know so well?)
I don't think there is a lot to worry about. Give it a couple of years with DX12 well established and everyone will be using that.

Game devs are not going to waste their time or money writing games that are compatable with three difference systems when they can get the performance from DX12.

With a bit of luck.

The only saving grace of MS previous lack of DX development was that not one could use it as a marketing tool against the other, given that it is the primary API its that which would cause fragmentation.

The worried thing is now that AMD have given MS a bloody nose the DX neutrality is at an end, with Nvidia on it to take advantage its that which will lead to that fragmentation and the continuation of the Microsoft monopoly that Game Developers also don't like.

They in the end will be the deciders in all this, this new battleground may not even get started.
I doubt it. End of the day its AMD hardware in the consoles and MS want to get DX12 on the consoles. DX12 is going to be a more bloated, slower version of Mantle. If anything id rather be in AMD's shoes and have 12-24 months to work with Mantle unopposed as well as code their drivers. DX12 will be similar, so im sure that gives them a headstart. It will also give (mantle game) devs a head start as Mantle and DX12 will be very similar.
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With a bit of luck.

The only saving grace of MS previous lack of DX development was that not one could use it as a marketing tool against the other, given that it is the primary API its that which would cause fragmentation.

The worried thing is now that AMD have given MS a bloody nose the DX neutrality is at an end, with Nvidia on it to take advantage its that which will lead to that fragmentation and the continuation of the Microsoft monopoly that Game Developers also don't like.

They in the end will be the deciders in all this, this new battleground may not even get started.

If only NVidia and AMD could work together on an API it would save them both a lot of money and give microsoft a kick up the backside, but we all know this is not going to happen.

Churchill and Stalin managed to work together but NVidia and AMD is a bridge too far.:D
I see what you did there ^^^ funny :p

I doubt it. End of the day its AMD hardware in the consoles and MS want to get DX12 on the consoles. DX12 is going to be a more bloated, slower version of Mantle. If anything id rather be in AMD's shoes have have 12-24 months to work with Mantle unopposed as well as code their drivers. DX12 will be similar, so im sure that gives them a headstart. It will also give (mantle game) devs a head start as Mantle and DX12 will be very similar.

Mantle is still in early stages, with 100X the optimisation still to come, as you may remember in the presentation?

And it has a huge headstart on DX12, whats more DX12 is yet to be endorsed by any PC Developer, with Mantle still getting big endorsements despite all the MS / Nvidia DX noise.

I think that speaks volumes as to developer confidence in DX12.
I wonder what percentage of people actually update their gfx card drivers. When i was younger i hardly ever did, only when formatting my pc would i even bother to d/l new drivers.

Anyway, i'm glad to see there's some improvements coming nvidia's way. Hopefully it might make AMD pull their fingers out and try to catch up, any free performance for either brand is good as it makes thing competitive.
When? I want it in time for the summer and a Maxwell card. And i guess i can hold on to my 4770K now as well without going for that Devils Canyon upgrade.

Looks good folks with DX 12 coming and the PC community moving to 4K we are going to hopefully see that CPU bottleneck fade away and everyone will hopefully be GPU limited again. That is how i want it anyways there is not a lot happening in the CPU department but Maxwell is going to be white hot. The longer people can hold on to a CPU and pop in a new graphics card is better for everyone but Greg as he is the only person who can afford to pull out CPU's all the time ;)

And Intel are the losers and will be naturally punished by failing to offer major yearly improvements to its customers. Nvidia and AMD will gain money from my above expectations and Microsoft will gain also by making it exclusive to Windows Nein. Yes i fully expect us all to have to bend over and pay another £100 for Windows nein nein nein nein nein oh see what i did there? :D
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I wonder what percentage of people actually update their gfx card drivers. When i was younger i hardly ever did, only when formatting my pc would i even bother to d/l new drivers.

Times have changed. With the Nvidia optimisation tool (forgot the name now!) it will detect and download drivers for you. I also get emails from Nvidia when a new driver is released, albeit a few days later. At some point I must have requested the email.

During the old days this all wasn't possible, you had to go looking for them, and I'm not sure drivers changed as often as they do today, and/or are not as optimised?

Jesus I thought we'd moved on from that.

It's mental Rusty, I am starting to think you have to take a blood oath to purchase an AMD card. Never seen so much but hurt over something they have a version of already. Its like the need to trash it before it is released just incase.

AMD owners have mantle. Meanwhile Nvidia owners may get something.

Everyones should be happy instead of pre emptive trashing.
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