Again, the miracle performance increase that people seem to be talking about here is, 4 fps more in Thief. Also again this seems to be apparently taking it to Thief/Mantle beating performance..... by Nvidia lying about the average performance of a 290x in Thief. So where is the magical performance increase precisely?
One game has been shown to raise performance by under 10%, and it CAN'T beat AMD under DX11 by all the 290p/290x results I've seen. Mantle is raising average fps for some people, for others not, it's drastically increasing minimums and making the game much more smooth for everyone though.... is smoothness or minimums on any of these graphs?
So ultimately the only thing Nvidia is claiming that matters, is a sub 10% gain in Thief, where anyone can look in the Thief thread and see that Nvidia are flat out lying about the 290x performance. With this 10% improvement and 58fps, a 780ti will still fail to beat "real" (as in, not run by Nvidia) 290x DX results, and will almost certainly not match the 25-40% minimums increase people are seeing from Mantle and for most people a 10-20% increase in average as well.
Since when is 10-20% fps gains in newish titles via a driver update unheard of or even unexpected? Nice graphs of 400% more performance under some DX call..... but it's 4fps more in a game in which they have to lie about 290x performance to make it seem like a massive deal.