The Oblivion 360 Thread

orange and red seems to be effects from hdr, well so it seems on the pc version, when its on some people have a dale whinton look to them lol.
~J~ said:

Gotta agree, that looks 6loody awful!!


I'm wondering if that's a caching issue y'know. I mean look at the grey 'smear' in the water. It's as if the texture hasn't loaded fully yet.

Does it really look that bad? :( , because there was a guy on the offical forums with both the 360 verson and a monster Pc amd fx 1900xt-x etc and said side by side he said the only differnce was the PC had better draw distance on objects in the back ground ( but thats only because you can edit the .ini files) without any editing the only differnce was load times been twice has fast on the PC.

I was going to go and buy the 360 verson tomorrow but after seen those screens I'm not to sure now anyone else playing on a HDTV want to post some on 720p or 1080i? please.
Jabbs said:
I goto say am starting to wonder if some of these outside images we have seen were doctored slightly, as said the scenery in the distance is rather dissapointing, really low quality textures.

The only difference is that they slighly changed the LOD bias so that the scenery don't show quite so much in the distance. They made this change for performance reasons.

On the PC version you can edit the .ini file and extend the grass/object/tree cut off back to a level similar to that of the early screenshots. Unfortunately you cannot do this on the 360 version. I would imagine performance would be abysmal if you did anyway.
Waho! Re-ordered mine last night, and its being picked, so should be dispatched tonight and will reach me on Sat morning prolly - shame I'm off to France that morning for a booze expedition :/
Blimey, be careful what you press in this game! I mearly climbed onto a horse that didn't belong to me and all hell broke loose!
wyrdo said:
Blimey, be careful what you press in this game! I mearly climbed onto a horse that didn't belong to me and all hell broke loose!
Yer :p There was a massive podcast on a while ago. One of them said that they were playing the game (they got it early) and while in a tavern they pressed a button to get up, but instead grabbed an apple by mistake and all hell broke loose lol
well just played it till i got outside, i was banished to the extension on a 32" CRT TV as my dad was watching a movie on the 40" HDTV Sony :(:(

It seems ok so far, just having a bash

im a red something, chose my starsign as the 60secs invis one, and a mix between thief/heavy armour for skills.

Just wandering about atm - but ill give it my full attention on monday when i get a day off.

So far tho i liked it, only got into RPG's since KoToR and although im not a fan of oldy stuff this seems cool
After my horse stealing incident and the ensuing chase I happened to kill a city guard and one of the stablemen. It said something along the lines of 'unseen forces witness the kill....'

What does this mean? Is there an alignment system in this and I've just taken some large steps towards evil?

Edit: The good side is I now have a nice suit of armour, a good sword and a nice bow too :p
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Someone posted these pictures on IGN and it looks amazing....... I don't get how it can look so bad on there screens posted here you sure you have the switch on HD and not SD on the back of your cable? :p .


Okay how the hell do I level? lol Ive got the full level but im abit stumped as to how I actually get to the level screen oO
The graphics are a bit of a shock as the screenies we had were beuatiful, so my question is should I get this game and will it still take over my life (as expected)
Opinions please!
Goto say the performance when you get out in the wild parts is rather poor tbh, jerking all the time bit dissapointing tbh i would have expected smoother play.
James J said:
Okay how the hell do I level? lol Ive got the full level but im abit stumped as to how I actually get to the level screen oO

You need to sleep , sleeping for one hour should be anuff to level you!.
James J said:
Okay how the hell do I level? lol Ive got the full level but im abit stumped as to how I actually get to the level screen oO

You need to go somewhere with a bed and rest in it. Then you'll be taken to the levelling screen :)

Make sure you go into a bed you've either paid for or is in a house you're welcome - i.e. your guild or house etc.
i almost forgot, my copy could have easily been stolen

it was left outside my door all day :O in a box!!!!

got home at 5pm and it was just sat there, i dont have a front wall or gate, so was in clear sight!

(my parents were right about the deliver note, was for something else though they didnt see the box outside)
IceBus said:
You need to go somewhere with a bed and rest in it. Then you'll be taken to the levelling screen :)

Make sure you go into a bed you've either paid for or is in a house you're welcome - i.e. your guild or house etc.

ahhh I was sleeping in the dungeon at the start so didnt trigger it lol. Bed it is then ^^

Im very impressed so far. I dont see what people are talking about with it having poor graphics as so far its morrowind with FAR better combat, graphics, sound, interaction and diversity. Theres also finally a reason to be a mage or whatever without finding it far harder than say a warrior due to the effectiveness of the spells and the ease of the spell system to quickly switch between them etc

As with morrowind though its VERY unforgiving when you walk into a higher level place unprepared and dont realise it until its far too late. I dont wanna give any spoilers but I walked to an oblivion gate at level 1 and got OWNED lol. Great game though and a huge time sink
I wouldn't say the gfx are poor i just think we were lead to be belived they were better than they actually are, but the games fantastic so its something thats not so major.
My god how long does this character creation lark take??? So many options took me about an hour just to get my character the way I wanted him, I'm much to picky :p
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