The Oblivion 360 Thread

Right just got back from tescos with my copy, hope I made the right choice they had both the pc and 360 version but seeing as the wife was paying I went for the dearest=360 version;) I was gonna wait till tomorrow but worried about this framerate issue, I hope its not as slow as GRAW,,, im off to try now :)
turtle3 said:
Right just got back from tescos with my copy, hope I made the right choice they had both the pc and 360 version but seeing as the wife was paying I went for the dearest=360 version;) I was gonna wait till tomorrow but worried about this framerate issue, I hope its not as slow as GRAW,,, im off to try now :)

It's a completely different game to G.R.A.W, take it easy and you won't hardly notice a thing. Your first horse ride is a bit jerky like(because of the speed of the horse), but by job does this game make up for that in other areas... everything is amazing, graphics(vast majority of the time), sound, gameplay, depth and so far the acting is class and the story has even got potential!

I'm playing it on a tosh 32wlt58 lcd on 1080i HD.
realised i had £40 knocking around in my paypal account, so ordered oblivion off ebay, should have it monday :D
Just seen on another forum that there's several confirmed reports of a number of stores from a Nationwide chain are selling Oblivion for the 360 for £32.99! I'm off to my local branch tomorrow morning to confirm, will post back with findings tomorrow!
Taken from another forum....

I couldn't take to it in the slightest. Move, hit something, examine it, collect things. Move, hit something. Listen to diabolical script. Punch another rat. Examine rat. Wonder why theres some lettuce in the dungeon. And so on...

Not my kinda game at all.

O well, horses for courses!
Right, I'm not going to read the last 3 pages that I've missed, as I've been too busy playing the game for around 9-10 hours today. As far as I know, I've barely scratched the surface of the game so far (closed one gate, explorer 2 dungeons, done a few quests, nothing major), yet I'm really loving it. Morrowind was very hard to get into, but this just screams "play me!" from the very start. I've not found anything about the game I dislike so far (except dying a few times, but that's just because I was crap). Got myself a horse now legally, so I'm off for a ride to explore the countryside and see what other wonders I can find :)
~J~ said:
Just encounted my first one! Oooooooo :eek:

Its disturbing the way the illuminate the area they are in so you can really see where they are (distance from you) until they either rush at you or start using frost thingers :(

Plus sound effects = nappy time
Quick Q about this caching issue.

Has anyone else had to do this a few times? Seem to have a good solid few hours of speedy gameplay and then the loading times seem to take a bit longer. Doing the 'A' at startup speeds it up again, but a tad annoying.
Ultra_Extreme said:
nooooo. powercuts are now my mortal nemesis. :mad: ya see my elf has great healing i dont sleep much.....then i have a powercut....figure it out for yourselves :(

I'm an elf too with 65 Agility - didn't know that sneak multiplied by 3x though :D I've got a Frost bow now which has taken archery to the next level :)

bruce said:
Can sleep be initialised, if so how? - can't find anything in the manual on how to take a nap

Go to a bed, press A :)

~J~ said:
Quick Q about this caching issue.

Has anyone else had to do this a few times? Seem to have a good solid few hours of speedy gameplay and then the loading times seem to take a bit longer. Doing the 'A' at startup speeds it up again, but a tad annoying.

Got this badly tonight after playing 4hrs straight. Loading for going in and out of doors was about 8 seconds and it took about 2mins to load cities etc. Going to clear the cache before every time I play now.


Also, how do you recharge magical items? I can't get my head around these soul stone things - can you pay someone to do it or learn to do it yourself?
Davey_Pitch said:
Right, I'm not going to read the last 3 pages that I've missed, as I've been too busy playing the game for around 9-10 hours today. As far as I know, I've barely scratched the surface of the game so far (closed one gate, explorer 2 dungeons, done a few quests, nothing major), yet I'm really loving it. Morrowind was very hard to get into, but this just screams "play me!" from the very start. I've not found anything about the game I dislike so far (except dying a few times, but that's just because I was crap). Got myself a horse now legally, so I'm off for a ride to explore the countryside and see what other wonders I can find :)

ive just finished 4hours of play and its great(and i hated the previous Morrowind). This game is huge, if this was any other game it would have been over in less than 10 hours and you would be looking for a new game to replace it. :)

Great value for money this.
I'm afraid to say I can't get that excited about this game at the moment.

I'm not really used to the open endedness and I'm doing a lot of aimless wandering which is very boring and I just can't get excited about it.

Glad you're all enjoying it though and I shall keep persevering.
PuncH said:
I'm afraid to say I can't get that excited about this game at the moment.

I'm not really used to the open endedness and I'm doing a lot of aimless wandering which is very boring and I just can't get excited about it.

Glad you're all enjoying it though and I shall keep persevering.

If thats the case try to follow the current active quest which probably will be the main one. I also was abit overwhelmed at the start and didnt know what to do but im following the main quest and joined fighters and mage guilds and im loving it :)
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