The Oblivion 360 Thread

GordyR said:
It's funny how much peoples tastes vary. I found Far Cry incredibly dull and boring. In fact I don't think I have enjoyed any recent FPS's with the exception of Half Life 2. Oblivion on the other hand has completely blown me away. I have no hesitation it naming it my favourite game of all time. :)

One mans meat is another mans poison and all that... :p

Too true. But I'm with Boogle on this one though. I really can't see what all the fuss is about.

Yeah it looks quite nice and all that. But the combat is a joke and it's just...well, dull! This is where games like WoW come into their own as you have people to talk to and interact with, which if I'm honest is what I'm missing in Oblivion. It doesn't help that the so called towns and cities are almost devoid of life!

I shall persevere with it though and see if it bites after a few more sessions.
GordyR said:
It's funny how much peoples tastes vary. I found Far Cry incredibly dull and boring. In fact I don't think I have enjoyed any recent FPS's with the exception of Half Life 2. Oblivion on the other hand has completely blown me away. I have no hesitation it naming it my favourite game of all time. :)

One mans meat is another mans poison and all that... :p

Everything you said here I completely agree with =)
It's interesting to see how different types of players react to Oblivion. It really seems to be a game people either 'get', or don't. I think it's often determined by what frame of mind you enter the game with.
There's a much higher chance of enjoying the experience if you at least thought of giving Morrowind a try - if you could find the magic in that game (pun not intended) then this is a wonderful step forward. If someone had no interest in these sort of immense single-player RPG's before Oblivion came out, there's certainly a much smaller chance of it clicking. Hence all these "I don't get it?" posts.

Personally, i've played and loved games like Icewind Dale and Baldurs Gate in the past, so i'm pretty certain that this game will strongly appeal to me. I'm a super fan of immersion, and the fact that some people are negatively comparing this game with an MMOG like WoW perhaps speaks for the difference in mindsets, and how this can affect your enjoyment.

To be honest, you may aswell compare staying in and reading a book to going out for a walk in the park - they are entirely different, and most people have a predisposition towards one or the other.
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GordyR said:
It's funny how much peoples tastes vary. I found Far Cry incredibly dull and boring. In fact I don't think I have enjoyed any recent FPS's with the exception of Half Life 2. Oblivion on the other hand has completely blown me away. I have no hesitation it naming it my favourite game of all time. :)

One mans meat is another mans poison and all that... :p

Indeed, its like Full Auto vs. Burnout. I much prefer Full Auto, whereas most people prefer Burnout. I think I must have very special tastes :D I found Far Cry to be great with multiple approaches to every engagement, nice modern weapons, with the enemy flanking. I can see how people would find it somewhat dull, especially since outside of the combat its very, very linear.

Fair play to the people who like Oblivion though. Its absolutely massive and if you like it, easily worth every penny.

PuncH: I'm thinking same as you - would rather play an MMO. I'll try one or two more sessions, but after that I'll probably leave it.
I'm a fps fan with much regard for Farcry & Deux Ex Inv War.
What better compliment than to say I play graw on my pc monitor with my tower sitting idly beside. The joypad is a big pain & I can't wait for the PC version though.
Chads said:
Personally, i've played and loved games like Icewind Dale and Baldurs Gate in the past, so i'm pretty certain that this game will strongly appeal to me. I'm a super fan of immersion, and the fact that some people are negatively comparing this game with an MMOG like WoW perhaps speaks for the difference in mindsets, and how this can affect your enjoyment.

To be honest, you may aswell compare staying in and reading a book to going out for a walk in the park - they are entirely different, and most people have a predisposition towards one or the other.

I thought Neverwinter Nights was special, this just blows away all single player rpg's imo, by some margin... I wouldn't sign up to any current mmorpg when I can see what these games should be capable of offering.

Everything, bar some framerate issues and the odd technical hiccup is brilliant, be it the acting, combat(for a rpg) right through to the believablity that you actually are in another world.

Best game I've played nad I've been playing them for well over 15 years.
juno_first said:

Theres gotta be somthing wrong with your settings there! That looks awful!

Ive got it on the box and find it very good! There is definately some framerate issues with it though. Especially when


Your taking back the castle in Kvatch
PuncH said:
Too true. But I'm with Boogle on this one though. I really can't see what all the fuss is about.

Yeah it looks quite nice and all that. But the combat is a joke and it's just...well, dull! This is where games like WoW come into their own as you have people to talk to and interact with, which if I'm honest is what I'm missing in Oblivion. It doesn't help that the so called towns and cities are almost devoid of life!

I shall persevere with it though and see if it bites after a few more sessions.

The only thing this doesn't do better then WoW is the ability to join human run guilds(and PvP if you like that sort of thing), and personally I don't miss them :)
This game is still rocking. Anyone who doesnt like it is missing out, but then each to his own as they say, maybe it still is something of a marmite game. Then again some people really only like some games, i mean FIFA RTWC one of the worst games on 360, still commands upward of £30 on the bay because some people just LOVE fifa, yet myself and most others find it utterly terrible when opposed to the best of PES or just about any other game.
This game gets better as you go along. Exploring is so rewarding and I've still hardly touched the main quest, not even seen an oblivion gate yet! I just cleared out some ruins (won't say which) and decided I'd have a sleep there, next thing I know I'm bitten by a vampire and am now a dark elf who's inherited vampire abilites. Great!
RoB- said:
This game gets better as you go along. Exploring is so rewarding and I've still hardly touched the main quest, not even seen an oblivion gate yet! I just cleared out some ruins (won't say which) and decided I'd have a sleep there, next thing I know I'm bitten by a vampire and am now a dark elf who's inherited vampire abilites. Great!

True, I'm finding things all the time which from a backseat point of view, I think it's a shame that a LOT of stuff in this game which has been created by artists and programmers will remain unseen!

The only thing I HATE about the game is...

The horse-riding. It's RUBBISH! Kameo has it spot on, sorry devout fans but this is absolute tosh.
Finally managed to rid myself of the vampire curse. Found it ok to live with but a pita at times too.

Such a relief.

Stunning game. So much immersion. Done very little of the main quest and am 25 hours in.

This game is waaay to addictive :(. I can definatelty say this is the best game I've ever played bar none (well, maybe Zelda: OoT).

I've got a playtime of about 26hours and for the past 16ish of them I've not even left the town gates, just been quick travelling between towns and getting thieves guild quests done.

I haven't even closed the first Oblivion gate yet but still there's HUGE amounts to do and I'm enjoying every minute.
Right decided to make a new character, so just done the prison\sewers section again, am standing at the exit of the sewers. What do you recomend, deliver the amulett of kings to the monk or go and explore? :D
0gami said:
Right decided to make a new character, so just done the prison\sewers section again, am standing at the exit of the sewers. What do you recomend, deliver the amulett of kings to the monk or go and explore? :D

Point your character in the direction of the monk, and walk it instead. You'll probably hit at least 3-4 ruins/dungeons/mines along the way until you get so bogged down with carry weight you'll want to fast travel to the nearest city so you can sell it all.
Davey_Pitch said:
Point your character in the direction of the monk, and walk it instead. You'll probably hit at least 3-4 ruins/dungeons/mines along the way until you get so bogged down with carry weight you'll want to fast travel to the nearest city so you can sell it all.

What I might do then is go to the nearest city first (got all sorts of bumpf from the sewers section I could do with selling) sell all that and then go for the big walk.

Where do you sell stuff? and how do you join guilds? (especially the thief guild)
0gami said:
What I might do then is go to the nearest city first (got all sorts of bumpf from the sewers section I could do with selling) sell all that and then go for the big walk.

Where do you sell stuff? and how do you join guilds? (especially the thief guild)

i got an invite to the thief guild when i stole something then got put in Jail, join the Mage guild by going to one of the Mage buildings in a city, join the Arena by going to arena and signing up
0gami said:
Where do you sell stuff? and how do you join guilds? (especially the thief guild)

The best place to sell stuff I've found is the Market District in the Imperial City. Plenty of shops there, so if you've after something, especially early on in the game, there's a very good chance they'll have it there for you. It's also the closest city to the exit from the prison sewers.
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