The Oblivion 360 Thread

What character\class are you?

I've restarted as a Wood Elf Born under Theif - with a custom class of all the stealth\speed atributes similar to a theif\assassin.

Didn't like my original character. - Also made a save game just before I left the sewer's so that I can change it should I feel the need but doubt I will.
Well I got my copy on Thursday last week but I hadn't had any chance to play it until Friday evening. Me and the Mrs played it, we created a character for her and I to play together, but I also created my own which I played on Sunday. My character has already advanced to level 5, and is a member of 4 of the games factions so far (Thieves Guild being one of them :D). My character is an Agent.

This game more than lives up to all the expectation and hype surrounding it. There is just so much to do. It truly is a follow-on from Morrowind in many ways.

The graphics are absolutely stunning. Running it in 1080i on my LG 32LX2R LCD, the scenery is breathtaking. There are a few glitches here and there, but all things considered, that's very forgiveable given the large scale of the game. Framerate does drop a bit in populated areas, but it is most noticeable in the outside areas (forests etc) but tbh I expected that just simply going by how good the game looks. Framerate is never a factor in RPG games, they just don't need to move fast like an FPS. Draw distance is fine, I don't see why people whine about stuff like that, tbh it doesn't detract from the gameplay at all. You can't expect for a hugely dynamic world to be rendered in 3D and stay there constantly, no matter where you go. That's expecting far too much from the hardware we have currently.

Radiant AI is fairly cool, although I have a few gripes with it. Like last night I snuck into someone's house, he woke up, just stared at me and walked around his room when I shouldn't even have been in his house. He didn't even flinch when I pulled out my bow and planted an arrow in his face. That to me is a little wrong but anyhow :D Immersiveness is spot-on, just as I would expect from an ES game. You pick the pad up to start playing, and honest to god, you just can't put the pad down unless you really try hard. It's that good to play. There is also never a dull moment. Whether you just spend ages following the same person to find out what he / she gets up to, or you're off doing quests, or exploring, the possibilities are endless. And the options for your character development are so vast, you truly can become whatever you want to be.

I found the tutorial a great tool for telling you exactly what kind of character you want to be. Play it the way you want to play the game and it'll suggest your development. You can of course choose something else at the end of it.

After my limited playtime so far, I would suggest that anyone even remotely interested in Oblivion that hasn't got it so far to get it. You will NOT be disappointed with the way this game looks, sounds and plays :)
Typical isn't it. I rent the game out, play for about an hour and a half, leave it as i'm not enjoying it. Pick it up at 8 last night, play for a few more hours, really get into it....then come back to uni :(
Got this on Friday. I'm a Dark Elf Battle Mage or something or other. Good mix of magic and weapons. Not doing too great yet, only Level 2. Haven't played it much really though (lots of exploring).

Fought in the Arena and won, that was ok, need to level up a bit first I think though. Bought and sold some items. Joined the Fighters Guild, on mission 3. Tried the first gate, got owned when I got inside the main tower. Think I'll leave that for a bit.

I need to walk between places though, not done any dungeon/cave exploring yet (except the first one near the exit of the sewers).

In fact, I've done more than I thought!!! :D
I love this game, have only just got out of the sewers and started making my way to the priory before realising it would take me ages so just before bed I teleported there and jumped on a horse. That's as far as i've got, didn't go into the Imperial city, haven't slept, haven't done anyhing...4 hours til I can escape and get back to the couch! :D
Unfortunately, I've had to stay 4 more hours than expected at University which sucks, then I have someone around to look at our house (we're selling) so I have to tidy up.

Atleast I'm not at work tonight!
I'm sat unable to play atm like the rest of you and wondered whether any of you are 'power' gaming so that when you level you get to increase 3 attributes by 5 rather than just playing it normally and getting lower increases.

When I played Morrowind I used put to put quite a lot of work into my minor skills to get the maximum reward when leveling and I think it ruined the game for me in the end. The very high attributes along with the top gear I had meant that I became almost god like too early along the main story line and the challenge and desire to finish ended up leaving me.

This time I plan to just play it; I like that my Wood Elf Agent has a low personality and Speechcraft as a major skill; it gives him a 'flaw' and fits with the roleplay aspect. I'm going to get my 2 and 3s for attribute increases when leveling and not sweat it.

I wonder what others are doing?
I never even considered power playing to get better stat increases, but I certainly won't be changing the way I play. I use pretty much all of my major skills evenly (especially in combat: bow and destruction magic when they're at a distance, switch to blade when they're up close and personal), and I do like the fact that my character is fairly rounded.
Balders said:
Have we actually listed what kind of characters we are all playing anywhere?


Maybe a new thread for that? What do the mods think?
Davey_Pitch said:
Best to keep it in here, we have enough Oblivion threads already I think :)

Its cause its such a huge game with so many aspects - Still counting down the hours to get home and play :D

Anyway i'm:

Name: Itto
Race: Wood Elf
Birthsign: Theif
Class: Custom (Athletics, Mercantile, Security, Sneak, Marksman, Acrobatics and Light Armor)
I am going to start playing tonight when I get home. Wanted some advice on character creation.

I was thinking a wood elf, who I basically want to be a ranger/theif/assassin type. So want to get really good with the bow.

Also want to be able to make potions in the deepest woods, and to maybe have a pet.

What about something like;

Light Armour

With race of Wood Elf and Class of Thief? Any suggestions for sign...Shadow?
Hopefully gonna get a few good hours on this tonight. Currently not enjoying it as much as morrowind, mainly because on morrowind i knew all the pwnage things to do straight away because i'd watched my uncle play it (Enchanted daedric dai-katana and full glass armour by level 3 anyone?)

Only level 2 atm.

Name: Errm, cant remember!
Race: Dark Elf
Class: Leet Crew (self made obviously!)
Light Armour
Errm Something else!!
Birthsign: Warrior

I figure I'll just go kill some stuff tonight, plenty of money after discovering the dorian trick!
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