The OCUK Guitar Warriors Competition

skinnyl said:
I've been loving the ReWiring, makes life so much easier. esp when you can get a whole orchestra behind you :D.


Yeah, I did a track using strings, piano and bells... was quite good result I feel. Needs to be tidied up a little but will be good in the end - I will stick it on a website about myself soon once I have recorded one last song
Never tried ReWire - still using the basic Reason 1.x that I bought years ago.

May give it a try...Want a newer PC first though...

1) Thankyou. What were you expecting?

2) The past tense of 'stand' is 'stood'

i expected a lot more tbh, no offense guys, but i have been doing music all my life and 12 years of it.. since from when i was like 6, but i just dont feel any of them apart from gordys. i liked penskis take on the metal/hip-hop beats but again i was waiting for the kick in, and it just never came.
Neon said:
i expected a lot more tbh, no offense guys, but i have been doing music all my life and 12 years of it.. since from when i was like 6, but i just dont feel any of them apart from gordys. i liked penskis take on the metal/hip-hop beats but again i was waiting for the kick in, and it just never came.

Hehe, dmpoole is gonna be all over you! ;) :D
Neon said:
i expected a lot more tbh, no offense guys, but i have been doing music all my life and 12 years of it.. since from when i was like 6, but i just dont feel any of them apart from gordys. i liked penskis take on the metal/hip-hop beats but again i was waiting for the kick in, and it just never came.

I see. So you're great, and we're not yet you don't deem to have an entry.

Can you play an instrument? Do you have any understanding of the rhythmic and tonal variations of KPeh's entry? Understand the off-timing I used in mine, perhaps you are also able to cite my influences or tell me what I was trying to achieve (without looking at my previous posts) or is your behaviour restricted to explaining how experienced and good you are at music while simultaneously criticising everyone else?
Can you play an instrument? Do you have any understanding of the rhythmic and tonal variations of KPeh's entry? Understand the off-timing I used in mine, perhaps you are also able to cite my influences or tell me what I was trying to achieve (without looking at my previous posts) or is your behaviour restricted to explaining how experienced and good you are at music while simultaneously criticising everyone else?

So you think i dont play? right sure. i dont play guitar nope, but i do play percussion ( drumkit being the main ) and have been playing since i was 5/6 years old, studying audio at college, more bands than i can remember more gigs than i can count, industry contacts... right i dont know much obviously.
dont get me wrong i think there all good, and you all have talent, but but none of them stand out to me as much as gordy... GordyR, played things exceptionally well, he chose music that has already been played or is well known, a very good way of showing talent and skill, also variating.
Neon said:
dont get me wrong i think there all good, and you all have talent, but but none of them stand out to me as much as gordy... GordyR, played things exceptionally well, he chose music that has already been played or is well known, a very good way of showing talent and skill, also variating.

Gordy is also a professional musician and songwriter, you must take into account that a lot of players who have joined in with this will be hobbyists and don't desire or simply cannot affort to spend the amount of time required to reach a high standard of playing.

Let's hear you doing your stuff.
Gordy is also a professional musician and songwriter, you must take into account that a lot of players who have joined in with this will be hobbyists and don't desire or simply cannot affort to spend the amount of time required to reach a high standard of playing.

Let's hear you doing your stuff.

i appreciate that, and as i say your all very good, if i could sort out an actualy studio for me to record in, at right now its not possible with the size of my kit, and my time.

passed all my grades when i was 14 if that helps. can play any type of music you throw at me. within reason ;)
Tax Evader said:
Hehe, dmpoole is gonna be all over you! ;) :D

Not really.
He's not a guitarist claiming he can do better or that such and such is easy.
If he doesn't like our audition/compo tapes then thats fine with me.

However, if he claimed he was better than Neil Peart I'd be all over him.
dmpoole said:
Not really.
He's not a guitarist claiming he can do better or that such and such is easy.
If he doesn't like our audition/compo tapes then thats fine with me.

However, if he claimed he was better than Neil Peart I'd be all over him.

Yeah.. I made my jokey comment before he announced he was a drumist, not a stringist :D
Neon said:
yeh well.. i think there good.

but not exceptionally good :P

Let CBS explain what happened. The first thought you had was that you could demonstrate how 'uber' you were by suggesting that you were coming from a position of superiority, the quickest way to do was to criticise the entries for not being up to a standard you would approve of. When callenged on this, you reversed yourself because you realised that your first actions were impolite.

You have still not given one shred of suggestion that you have any critical appreciation of any of the entries, except the two most accesable which you have labelled in various conflicting ways. I think all of these are pretty good, some are more appealing to me becasue they come from certain angles. End of.
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CBS - leave him alone, he's a drummer.
Drummers sit at the back hitting things and are dead jealous of the guitarists and singers.
They hit things hard and can't hear the talents of those in front of them.
I've played in bands since 1970 and its always the drummer who I fall out with or are the weirdest in the band.
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