The OcUK Summer BBQ Meet-Details

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Hrmm, my car only has 2 seats and no boot, so do I ditch the beer or the tent :confused:

I just can't decided!

I'll be in a red MR2 roadster with the roof down, coming from London and wearing a sombrero, toot if ya see me. :cool:
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Right, you should be able to see the Pigmobile on the motorway as I've now got 1 x A2, 2 x A3 and 2 x A4 posters :D
Von Smallhausen said:
Might I recommend pointing 30 fans at it and having 10 hoses at it to simulate bad weather.

Von does not accept any responsibility for knacked carpets and such. ;)
LOL I'll get kicked out the house for that :p

Weather wise, I'm going to pray to the rain God and ensure the BBC weather is correct :cool:
Mr Huddy said:
Are thre bbc on the same planet as everyone else.. going by the other forecast it's gunna be bad!
Actually, I'd turn that around. The weather channel forecaset is based on US weather data (which is optimised for US weather forecasts, obviously). The BBC use UK Met Office data (optimised for the UK). The weather channel forecasts often go a bit screwy after 48 hours (I know this from experience). Of course, both are predictions, and both could be wrong.

By optimised, I mean using models and interpretation techniques designed for the country (e.g. the Met Office model has a higher resolution over the UK than over the ROW).

I'll take the BBC forecast, thanks. :)
Desmo said:
We'll be so drunk we won't care about the rain :p
Well, I guarantee me and Gilly wont be bothered by it, but it would probably confine some people to their tents, which would be a bit of a shame given that its a meet :p
The weather shouldn't bother me too much as long as it's not torrential rain :) Don't mind a bit of rain as long as it doesn't result in me being in mud up to my waist :D

BTW is milk fine to bring? Probably a silly question but I'm trying to think of all the silly questions I can ask before I realise a mistake :o
I don't mind a little drizzle/light rain - in fact, I'd prefer that to hot sunny weather. Like Gilly, I don't do heat.

However, no heavy downpours a la Glastonbury please. I'd rather not wake up floating on my airbed atop three feet of water thanks. :eek:

Haly said:
BTW is milk fine to bring? Probably a silly question but I'm trying to think of all the silly questions I can ask before I realise a mistake :o
Only if someone's got a fridge. Well, that's my view anyway. :)
Yup. Just a steady/fine drizzle will do me fine :cool:

Would like a day of a little sun though. Footy day :D
Piggymon said:
Girls and Guys with Long Hair !!

I had two and a half inches cut off from the front of mine, and similar length chopped off around the rest of my head too.. I've actually got what is for me really short hair, though it'll still be longer than the majority of the guys at the meet I suspect.
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